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I'm Elly and have been a member of Neopets for 3 years and a lurker to this site for more than a year. I was excited to experience the Faerie Festival for the first time, was intrigued by the sudden hubbub, and learned about it here and then couldn't help but join up to talk about it and everything else that catches my fancy.

Nice to meet you!

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Hiya, Elly! Excellent reason to join us, and I'm certain the TDN staff and members will keep you well-informed. :yes: (At least, they'd better, because I'm not a very well-informed person myself, so I need that information. :laughingsmiley: ) Anywho, my name is Livvy. If you've been lurking for a year, I'm sure there's no need to direct you to our rules, but just in case, there they are. Hope you enjoy your time here, and stick around!


Oh, the snack table is to your left. Dig in.


EDIT: Oh my gosh, there's a giant post at the top directing you to the rules page. I so didn't notice that.

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Thanks for the great welcome. Oh, you live in South Carolina? So do I!


It's really the main site I've been lurking in, except for the Dailies page, which I've actually been making heavy use of for a long time. Okay, I can't exactly call that part "lurking"... but whatever... ahem. :S Can you believe it's only recently that I found out the site even had a forum?

I'm officially dumb.


Yum, snacks. *chomps*

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Welcome to the forums Elly. :) I'm Spritzie.


I did the same thing you did. I used only the dailies page (and the avatar checklist) then I discovered the forums during the Atlas of the Ancients plot, so I started reading. When the Moltara Worms Quest was released, I joined. And I'm glad I did.


I'm sure you'll love it here. :)

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Welcome to TDN. I'm CAV.


I found TDN during AC IV. I would use it for coverage, and for the dailies. I noticed there was a forum.


14 months, 4,401 posts, and a lot of controversy later, and here I am.

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Hey Elly. I'm Fable, or Richard.


Yeah, I also didn't know about the forums for quite some time before I stumbled upon it.


Well, since you're here for the petrified Faerie Festival, I'm sure you'll slip into the discussions no prob!

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