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New Game Challenge: Hannah and the Kreludor Caves


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You can up your score by redoing levels. Just hit the back button when you get to a new level and choose which level you want to redo. I did level 3 about thirty times to beat AAA. Now I'm playing the game all the way through to beat it. stuck on level 14, but with help of map i know I can do it. Good luck!

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I don't think dying takes all your points, I believe that each round tallies a new score that is kept cumulatively. I had no idea what my score was until I died which was odd. Each round said I was starting with 0 but when I got game over, I had 17000, strange.


But overall, I like the game. I will probably now spend entirely too much time messing around with it today, and plus side, it actually works for me! The other Hannah and the blah blah caves and such were awkward laggy or not loading most of the time for me.




It's the round score that's shown, and I like it too.

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