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Part Six Discussions and Hints

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Hey folks,


Well, we've stumped you there, haven't we?!


We're altering Part 6 massively; you now have until Wednesday. Between today and tomorrow, unannounced puzzles that will give hints on how to fight the Chia will be released around the forums and site.


Currently, there are two: one on the forums, one in the Ian area.


They're both easy to get, but oh well :)


In addition, because we forgot that there's a good 5000 ways of doing this (d'oh!), we will be starting two boards where you may discuss, in total free will and unmoderation (IE, without us crushing you for revealing hints) regarding Part 6: The Chia Fight only, and codes can't be swapped.


These will be opened up at 11am NST and 4pm NST, and hopefully if enough staff are online, again at around 9pm NST. They will last 90 minutes each; the staff will create the topic and outline the rules, and after 90 minutes, it will be hidden away. In these, you may talk exclusively about methods; post spreadsheets of things that dont work; work collaberatively on hints (and, yes, you may post the answers to the hints, in order to work out the correct combination), and moan as much as you like about the Chia part only.


Bear in mind, we won't be providing a hint for all of it; there are 9 actions needed, and we'll release hints for about 5 of these.


We suggest VERY MUCH SO that you get some pen and paper, and write down any details during these live chats; they will be hidden away.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reply here, citing them :)


Please can staff members contact me over MSN/WLM regarding times that you can be online?

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Mod Edit: LOL :D Post more than 4+ words in a message, please. In addition, it WILL be moderated, just in a different way. You can't go around shouting any old thing.


I'm still finding the clue in Ian area. *Where the heck is that?*


Hey, post more than 4 words!



Moderation Edit: Please do not backseat moderate.


I see it...but I have trouble understanding all those ****


It was kind of.....obivious


I found the hint in the forums, just not in the plot place. x_x


I'm still looking in the plot too...Is this another case of "waiting" and "being patient"? XD I've gone everywhere we've been and everywhere we haven't been, and looked at more source codes than I care to... =P


I found the first clue after following the hints everyone gave in the other thread, I had been on the right track from the beginning but hadn't been waiting long enough.


Yeah, in the other 17-18+ page thread there were a lot of hints given out by everyone (especially Anime) for the first clue when Samuel released it last night. =) They are useful. XD


can anyone tell me what time it is for the majority of you cause my clock must be WAY off, It says 5 in the forums but its 9 where I am


:mellow: Im very confused


*edit* You guys are 8 hours ahead of me. >_< I was sleeping when the hints happened, it was 3 in the morning!!



i dunno mine is about 5 minutes slow of my computer clock, but staying on topic


if there is 5 hints would it be 2 more tomorrow and then 1 on monday???


I thought they were going to be on Sat... but if theyre on Sunday thats MUCH better


I hope he hasn't forgotten. I haven't seen him around recently... (Oh noes. He's gone too! Ohemgee!...<_<)

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