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Hey, please could somebody recommend a good guide for the stamps? I can't seem to find one on TDN :/ maybe I'm not looking in the right place...

Anyways I've only got a few stamps on each page so I'd be looking for a general rather than specific one, any help would be much appreciated thanks :)

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I almost bought the Healing Springs Stamp earlier today, for 26k, but I decided to wait. I just got one from the Post Office, for 708NP. :D I'm so glad I decided to wait. The next time I'm able to grab one, I'm totally selling it.


And Lola, try here.

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Spritzie's suggestion is a good one. I use that, along with two other guides. I like Jelly Neo's also at http://www.jellyneo.net/?go=stamps. Another good one is HerRoyalHighness's petpage here, although it doesn't get updated, as far as I can tell.

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I would love to fill my stamp album, but you're right, they're way overpriced. I really think that stamps and avatar items alike should be priced at least semi-reasonably to give everyone a fair chance. I like that there's competition, but the candy chan stamp for example - come on.

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I almost bought the Healing Springs Stamp earlier today, for 26k, but I decided to wait. I just got one from the Post Office, for 708NP. :D I'm so glad I decided to wait. The next time I'm able to grab one, I'm totally selling it.


And Lola, try here.


Whoa, congrats! That's awesome that you got one from the post office. :D



I would love to fill my stamp album, but you're right, they're way overpriced. I really think that stamps and avatar items alike should be priced at least semi-reasonably to give everyone a fair chance. I like that there's competition, but the candy chan stamp for example - come on.


Seconded! That's what irks me so much about it. A lot of those seem impossible.

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I almost bought the Healing Springs Stamp earlier today, for 26k, but I decided to wait. I just got one from the Post Office, for 708NP. :D I'm so glad I decided to wait. The next time I'm able to grab one, I'm totally selling it.


And Lola, try here.



Lucky, I stink at getting stamps I need in the post office. And that site is the one I use the most. I find it very helpful.

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Whoa, congrats! That's awesome that you got one from the post office. :D


Seconded! That's what irks me so much about it. A lot of those seem impossible.


Thank you. I was shocked when it posted. (I saw a Fountain Faerie Stamp post, for just over 7k, but there was only 1 and it was gone quickly.) I was very excited. :laughingsmiley:


And I agree. My most completed page is the Mystery Island. (48%) Of the stamps I'm missing, only one is priced below 100k.


Lucky, I stink at getting stamps I need in the post office. And that site is the one I use the most. I find it very helpful.


When I started looking there yesterday, I only had 60 stamps, so there was plenty stocking that I didn't have. The trick was being quick enough.

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A challenge is nice though. I do have plans to spend a bit every time I make it to 11m, 21m, and 31m. After that, who knows. I just keep piling it up in the bank. Now if only the things in my trades would sell and my stocks would get back into the green...


Yeah! Me too, if my stocks were going up and I could get rid of some of the things I have in my trades, i might be okay too :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

They released 2 new Faerieland stamps today. A Dark Faerie one, and a Snow Faerie one. (It looks like the Snowglobe.)




Oh neat! I wonder what their names are, so I can look for them!

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I'm not sure what the names will be. Probably pretty close to Dark Faerie Stamp, and Snow Faerie. But who knows.


I think you're right. When I put Dark Faerie Stamp into the SW, it came up as an item, although I couldn't find one so I don't know for sure. Snow Faerie Stamp is one of the stamps from the Snowy Valley page, so that's not it. I tried "Taelia Stamp" too, but it didn't work.

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It might have Snowglobe in the name, since it looks identical to the Snow Faerie Snowglobe.


And these won't make it onto the SW for awhile, since they're brand new. They'll be really expensive for now. I think the Healing Springs stamp is the only Faerie stamp to be priced low enough to be on the SW so far.

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I, too, like collecting stamps. I was super excited when all the new faerieland stamps were released even though I hardly have any np and I'm trying to save for a faerie queen doll. Several of the avatar stamp pages are unattainable no matter how many np you have, though. It seems like some of the stamps never show up on the trading post, so no one is probably selling them at all.

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I think it comes and goes. Like the last few times I checked for a Jhudora's Cloud Stamp, there weren't any on the TP. But a week ago, there was 3. If there's few enough of the item, they won't be constant on the TP, unfortunately.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have you noticed that the Faerieland stamps are all really expensive? There's only 1 that's under 100k right now. Crazy, huh? I wonder why it is. Maybe because lots of people want to collect the stamps as the come out? But I've never noticed that before. Any thoughts?

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I just checked prices tonight. I only have the Wheel of Excitement and the Healing Springs right now. I might get the Faerie City one soon, since it's only about 150k.


I know the Jhudoras Cloud Stamp is supposed to be one of the more rare ones, in the bottom spots, so that's probably why that one is so expensive. But I'm still hoping prices will go down further.

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I just checked prices tonight. I only have the Wheel of Excitement and the Healing Springs right now. I might get the Faerie City one soon, since it's only about 150k.


I know the Jhudoras Cloud Stamp is supposed to be one of the more rare ones, in the bottom spots, so that's probably why that one is so expensive. But I'm still hoping prices will go down further.


Yes, me too. Those are the two I have now, and I'm expecting the others to go down, even Jhudoras Cloud. The only price on the TP is 8m.

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I haven't had any luck with the Wishing Well yet. I had a friend start using it at the same time (using the same method as I do) and she's won a Bag of Peanuts, and Snorkle Snout. But after I get the Snorkle Snout, I'm definitely trying for the stamp.

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Does the wishing well even GIVE out retired items? *is confused*


Oh, and anyone here selling the retired stamps for Happy Valley, Lost Desert and the other avvie groups? Want the avvies...

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Does the wishing well even GIVE out retired items? *is confused*


Oh, and anyone here selling the retired stamps for Happy Valley, Lost Desert and the other avvie groups? Want the avvies...


I'm pretty sure the Fountain Faerie Stamp isn't retired. It was just released a few weeks ago.


The Wishing Well doesn't give out items over a certain rarity, which I think is 85 or 90, so you can't get most of the expensive stamps that way.

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