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Hey folks,


All rightie, the second Christmas event is a WINTER POEM CONTEST!



  • It doesn't need to rhyme, and even limmericks are allowed, in our Short Poem category.
  • It should be Christmas/Winter/Holiday themed. Extra points if you can manage that without any winter or Christmas words like "Christmas" or "snow", but still convey the holidays theme...be inventive!
  • All entries need to be sent to me by PM by 25 December. There is no maximum or minimum word limit, and when you submit, you agree for them to be reproduced elsewhere.
  • You need at least 50 posts to enter.
  • The winner will be announced on New Years Day.
  • Interestingly, poems that include multiculturalisms - such as comparison of religions, or whatever, or include another language (that can be translated) will add bonus points, for our Most Thought About category.
  • There WILL be prizes. One for the Best Poem, plus two runners up; one for best Short Poem/Limmerick; and one for Most Indepth and Deep - for all you deep writers out there :) In addition, there's the Most Thought About category.

Got that? Get writing!


Good luck folks :) We look forward to reading all your poetry...just try, even if you're not


We ask that you don't post your poems...people look and take a litle too much "inspiration"!


I actually think I might have a chance in the short peom catagory, and it doesn't have to rhyme, even better! Well to everyone that enters:


"Good Luck"

From, =)TJ


I use to love that show when I was little, but this is off topic, so I'll stop talking about it.


Ok everyone, I have officially decided to start writing a poem ;) it may stink, concider yourself warned!

There is no maximum or minimum word limit, and when you submit, you agree for them to be reproduced elsewhere.


Moderator Edit: Please post more than 4 words; quotes of another person don't contribute, although they help - just, post, hehe.


Yep, go for it, folks :D


Just take part. It's all for a laugh, so do it. It doesnt have to be long, or funny, it can be serious, short, silly, serene...whatever.


I love writing poems. This is a contest I will definately enter. :D


Oh, and you can enter as many poems as you like - you can only win a prize for one, however, the one we judge your best.


Staff will indeed vote :)


i'll probably enter. it'lll be great! *i hope*



i love writing! but im not that good at it xD

but heck ill give it a shot xD

ooo im gonna enter a lot :D


I'm gonna enter, hell yeah :D I'll enter just for the heck of it; I'm expecting that staff will be exempt from winning prizes (seeing as we're voting, hehe).


heres one it has snow so i think its good:

its called Snow

Mini, PM it...

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