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Lenny Conundrum failure...


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(I think this should be the right spot for this thread, as I don't think it belongs in neopets help or debate.)


I've been trying to get the lenny conundrum av for a while, and today I saw it was a projectile/free falling physics question. I found the answer pretty fast (and even though I know I can't share it, a simple googling of something like physics projectile problem will probably uncover an identical question with different numbers :yes: so you should probably try it. It's pretty much a typical plug-in the numbers type question).


I was so excited! I put in my answer and thought, just wait a couple of days for the avatar or the trophy.


And then after I clicked ok, I realized they asked for the answer in cms and I put in the answer in meters :crying: I feel so stupid. I am 99% sure my answer was correct (well, just the wrong unit). I am super frustrated right now, and when I tried to explain this to someone who doesn't play neopets, all I got was o_O huh?


Has someone else made this kind of foolish errors before? :sad02: It's pretty much the kind of errors I would do in my science exams back in the day :grrr: except back then you'd only lose like half a point out of 5 or something for something minor like this, and here this mistake can mean the difference between getting the avatar/trophy and getting zilch.


But let this be a lesson. :graduated:

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Aww, don't feel too bad over it. I used to do the same thing on my physics exams back in the day :laughingsmiley: it happens to the best of us.


All you can do is try to be more careful next time ^_^

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I did the exact same thing! I submitted the answer in meters without thinking, and two seconds later, I was like, "Nooooooo!!"


Ironically, in my science classes, I always put the answer in the right units. But put me on Neopets, and look what happens.

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A couple weeks ago there was an elaborate sequencing one involving using the Fibonacci sequence and what not and I thought I had done all my math right but when the answer came out I was 1 number off :sad01_anim: I'm still pretty sure they were wrong and not me but I was too lazy to figure it out/prove it. But I hope I got this week's right since I did submit the right units.

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A couple weeks ago there was an elaborate sequencing one involving using the Fibonacci sequence and what not and I thought I had done all my math right but when the answer came out I was 1 number off :sad01_anim: I'm still pretty sure they were wrong and not me but I was too lazy to figure it out/prove it. But I hope I got this week's right since I did submit the right units.


you too huh? :{

well this conundrum is going to kill me as i hated physics in high school and barely passed the class...good luck me :S

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I make silly errors fairly often when I enter the Lenny Conundrum. My math answers often end up being off by 1. Don't feel bad. It happens to everyone.

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...I've never taken physics before o3o


I can't ever do the math problems on the conundrum...so I try doing all the others like the one with who will win the Staff Tourny for the AC5, funny how I was one of the first 250 just cause I was a Mystery Island fanatic :P


At least you knew what you were doing! Good luck on the next one! =D

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A couple weeks ago there was an elaborate sequencing one involving using the Fibonacci sequence and what not and I thought I had done all my math right but when the answer came out I was 1 number off :sad01_anim: I'm still pretty sure they were wrong and not me but I was too lazy to figure it out/prove it. But I hope I got this week's right since I did submit the right units.


Wow, that really sucks. I don't understand why they don't always the reveal the reasoning behind each answer. I notice for some past rounds, there is an explanation along with the answer, and in many other cases, only the answer. :angry:

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...I've never taken physics before o3o


I can't ever do the math problems on the conundrum...so I try doing all the others like the one with who will win the Staff Tourny for the AC5, funny how I was one of the first 250 just cause I was a Mystery Island fanatic :P


At least you knew what you were doing! Good luck on the next one! =D


I misread the staff tourney one and guessed for the actual cup. :S Otherwise, I would have guess for Mystery Island as well!

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