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Fake Login Pages


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Hi guys, I rarely post, but I thought this might be important.


I was just on the HC and i saw this person trolling the boards. I checked their lookup (now regretting it)and saw that the info on that page was written quite well with correct spelling/grammar etc.


After a while, the OP revealed that they had sniped the account from a girl who had tried to buy a codestone for 1NP. It took her to a fake login page... and yeah :( . Well I don't know why the OP was even telling people this, but another user mentioned that the issue had been going around for a few days. People have been trying to shop wiz snipe, and seeing extremely cheap items, they have fallen into a scam.


So I'm sorry if I'm wrong or something, but I just wanted to warn people to check the URLs of their login pages and of the links they are about to click and to make sure that it's safe.


Sorry if I'm giving out incorrect info, just thought I'd bring it up just in case.

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Thanks for the reminder! :yes:


I am a moderator on a very large forum-based website and Fake Login Pages (FLPs) are the bane of my existence. With any website it is always a good idea to carefully check links you click on and never enter your password into any suspicious places. Generally, if an offer sounds too good to be true then it is.


Also, having a strong password helps! A strong password is one that is not used on any other website, is not a dictionary word, and has a combination of upper and lower case letters, number, and symbols.

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It's fine; I just feel really sorry for the girl whose account was sniped :(

The scammer mentioned that 'they' (referring to a group) had done it a few times and that the account they were using to post with wasn't that good, and that other sniped accounts had 'lots of money' :sad01_anim:


I'm still not even sure if this is true. One of the mods deleted the board where all of this was posted.. but yeah :(

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Thanks for the reminder, Jewelyanna. I'm ultra-paranoid about fake login pages and cookie-grabbers. I always feel bad when I hear about people getting their accounts sniped.


Why do people snipe accounts? I just don't understand. Is it for the NP that they can then send to their main accounts? Do they want the pets, if they're limited edition/painted a rare color?

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Thanks for the heads up! *runs and changes all passwords AGAIN* I am so paranoid that someone will come and steal my beloved account. :worried: They better not, otherwise I will eat them! :evil: Haha

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Oh wow. I'll definetly have to be on the lookout for that one...I usually am pretty good about checking the address bar periodically to make sure I'm still on the same site. *nods*

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Recently I found a fake login page at webs.com, which I reported to webs.com as it is against the rules. It was removed a day later.


Remember that if you ever find a page that is hosted on another page (webs.com, geocities.com etc) ALWAYS report it to the hosting site so they can deal with it! :)

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I've found one HERE at TDNF. I reported it all and the poerson was removed about 20 mins later. The way I knew it was all fake:


When I was logging in(i had clicked one of the person's links) it said I had no avtive pet. That's a lie- I only have one pet!

The URL was not just neopets.com

The person's username was FAKE, so I couldnt report them to Neopets.... :(


Ok, thats my addition to the heads-up!

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Reporting it to us on TDNF always works, we're usually around quickly to fix the issue.


Make sure you never log in to anything that does not start with www.neopets.com/login.phtml

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Be sure to always hover your cursor over the image of any item you are about to buy in a user's shop and make sure the URL begins with neopets.com before clicking the item. This is especially true if you are buying any kind of codestone. If the link is not a neopets link, write down the person's username and immediately report them for having a non-neopets link in their shop.

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Thanks for all your tips, guys, they're awesome :D


I really hope no one else loses their account because of snipers (I seriously just think they're doing it for fun :angry: ).


I hope TNT is aware of this and are trying to fix it.

They should post more often on their Board.

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