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Ugh. Today was one of the worst days ever. Okay, maybe it's not the worst, but it falls into the disappointment stage for sure.


I'm in a class called Jazz History and Development and one of our assignments is to go to tonights jazz concert, watch it, take notes and then write a concert report on it that's due the following Monday.


Well the Thursday before, I made a plan with a friend of mine that is in the same class with me to meet me there and then after we would hang out. Saturday arrives and I try calling her and her phone is off. I tried calling her all day and there was no reply; her phone is still off.


Once I got there by having my dad drop me off, she wasn't there and I thought that maybe she would be running late like usual. I go through one song and immediately knew that she was not coming. And she was my ride to hang out and drop me off where I needed to be dropped off. After the first band out of two I decided to leave. I called my dad and he said he couldn't pick me up at all. So now I'm stuck in the downtown of my city close to the evening. Not fun and extremely dangerous for a female.


I couldn't take it anymore and I took a trolley to my dads work and that surely didn't end up smoothly. I have extreme anxiety that I nearly broke down into tears to myself- especially after being hit on by random strangers over and over again. And then one stranger asked me where I was going and he could help lead me there.


UGH, it was just horrible. I tried calling it quits on friendship with this girl before and I forgave her. *sigh* That must have been the stupidest thing I've ever done.


wow, that's an awful day for sure

I personally don't think what you did was stupid though, forgiveness is good


Yeah, and that's what I thought. I mean forgiveness is something that not a lot of people have. But shouldn't there be a limit to it? It's like the sixth time she's done this. Thankfully the other five times I was with a friend who had transportation handy. So it's not like we were stranded like I was today.




That's definitely not fun. I've been stranded a couple of times in a small city but still equally scary. I was at work and my bf was supposed to pick me up and instead of picking me up he fell asleep after a long day. So I had to walk home. and the only way to get from my work to home safely (relatively anyway) was to go by the ravine which there is no lights and there's a mini forest on one side. I had my cell with me and made it home alright. I was still scared though.


As for your friend that didn't show up and ended up leaving you stranded. Friends have a way of disappointing us. Just last night my best friend sent me a text saying our friendship was over and that she loves her bf and he's all she wants. It kind of irritated me but I just told her if that's what you want than so be it. And if for some reason she comes back and wants to be friends I'll forgive her too. I'm the type of person who can't hold a grudge well I can but you'd have to do something really really terrible for me to never forgive you.


I'm glad your ok though! :)


I can't hold a grudge either. And sometimes it's a good thing to have that, but it's also a bad thing. I had a friend of mine lie to me for 2 weeks straight, and I was mad at him but only for like three hours then I was fine and I see him all the time and whatnot. *sigh* It was horrible.


I'll just see what Monday brings when I see her again. Most likely, she'll be having an F on the assignment because she had to go to this Jazz Concert in order to write her Report. So it will be interesting to see what happens.


And by the way, I'm glad that you are okay. To be honest, I wouldn't have gone anywhere and would have asked the services for a ride. Like a policeman who was around, etc. xDD


Ahh you poor soul! I understand what you mean about being scared like that though. I'm a native New Yorker and now that I've experienced the "dangerous" areas alone I'm better about it but at first, and at night, it's scary being alone like that! Especially when you add the stress of one of your "girls" (I believe I read that it was a girl, so we're just going to stick with that for now :yes: ) blowing you off like that - especially since she was supposed to be your ride.


It's good that you gave her another chance but I'd say I'd be a little careful with that relationship and just keep a heads up about her and not put to much faith in her - mostly because she didn't have the decency to even at least call you so you weren't alone! In my opinion a true friend wouldn't do that. When ever I have plans with my girls and I can't make it, I for sure give them a ring just to make sure they're not going to be alone/waiting around outside alone for me/etc. But that's just me :rolleyes_anim:


Omg that sounds so scary! Wow that was so mean of your friend. I would have forgiven too though. I cant hold a grudge against my friends, but against my enemies is a different story...:shiftyeyes_anim: Haha.


I have never been stuck downtown ALONE but with my friends yes. Well, that was kindaish on purpose. We were hanging out down there and they we found out that we didnt have a ride...so...yeah. :yes:


I'm sorry to hear that but glad to hear that you were safe :). However, I agree with Princess_Megan about watching your friendship with that girl, until she proves herself more reliable.



I can imagine how scary that would have been-I live in this city where, even when I'm with my friends, walking outside at night is pretty dangerous. Once we didn't have a ride and nobody knew the way to the bus stop-we ended up walking through some very shady areas for an hour to find it -_-


Princess_Megan - I'm giving her another chance, although I'm not going to let it go. I mean I know that is holding a grudge, but if I am planning something that involves her, I'd want her to know what she did beforehand. I mean if I was in her position, I would hear that and make sure to go. Granted, if she does blow up and give me another excuse in her book then it would give me a reason to blow up against her. Yup. -.- *sigh* Friends.


Tiny_Octopody - See, that is scary. D: An hour in the dark. I don't think I could ever do that to be honest. I'd just stay where I am and whatnot.


Divya - I'm the same way sometimes too. Forgive friends but never really the enemies. Not much of happy memories. xDD


If I were alone I would also stay where I was.


Sorry, I meant to say sketchy not shady-on our way to the bus stop we passed this street with many, um, places to drink, and people asking us if we wanted to work there :S. I hope I don't make that kind of impression!

  • 3 weeks later...

:guiltysmiley: That's horrible. :/

I try to avoid walking alone in sketchy places like that.

I get anxiety as well walking alone in the dark and such.

It's happened to me before and it's awful.


And actually I have to walk somewhere soon that passes by a sort of sketchy area. At least it will be during the day :laughingsmiley:


(I'm a girl, by the way xD so I know how you feel. My gender just says male cos that's what it says on neo but yeah, I'm not haha)


Wish me luck ~

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