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I noticed that too...that's why my Faerie pteri hardly ever wears clothing except for cute accessories! Draiks at least can pull off a lot :laughingsmiley:


By the way Spritzie, for the first page that show our draiks, can you put the link that would always replace the picture of the draiks every time we update their look and such? It would be way easier without have to change it all the time and it stays updated whenever we change clothes =D

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I remember doing it for one of my userlookups that would show all my pets and would update itself without me having to do it ^^


It should be something like this: http://pets.neopets.com/cp/PETNAME/1/2.png


It's the same everytime, just replace the PETNAME with the name of the pet! :laughingsmiley:

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Mainly because I put PETNAME so you can know what to replace ^^


Aitvara: http://pets.neopets.com/cp/9qd8glhf/1/2.png


I remember having to add the "n" after "cp" and then put the pet's name and it changes itself into numbers and stuff, but it works! (Read it on Sunnyneo)


I have no idea O.o

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Whoa wait what all did I miss? *a page and a half?* XD


I'm most likely getting the Droid X 2 that's coming out next month! Woo! Neopets on the road! XD


I only got like 25k yesterday, and none so far today. I've only got four hours. Ahh! *blasts lady gaga* Must keep energy up... :woot:



I was playing Pokerface, and the ghosts made the "WOO!" sound on the advent. perfect. timing.

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Whoa wait what all did I miss? *a page and a half?* XD


You missed a lot of Eevee helping me figure out the small pictures of the Draiks for the main post. They weren't updating then someone customized their Draik, so she helped me make it so they did update.

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You missed a lot of Eevee helping me figure out the small pictures of the Draiks for the main post. They weren't updating then someone customized their Draik, so she helped me make it so they did update.


Haha, that's bad gone good! I'm glad they're working out now :D


I figured out a system for NP earning. I have to finish re-watching two and a half seasons of Secret Life before January 6th, so I watch two episodes for 40 minutes (skimming through pointless parts xD) on average, then I play games for the houri n between xD

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I hadn't realized you could use a link that would update automatically. I thought you had to do it manually. So anything we change on our Draiks, will automatically show up. I could even do it with the image in my signature.

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Noice! And hopefully in a few months.. Mine! :D


I'm home sick again today (on and off migrane, however you spell it), but moving my eyes and stuff helps, so I'll try playing some games to earn more!

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Work has been rather demanding so far today, so I haven't done a whole lot. (Well, then again, I do have about 20k so far.) But hopefully I'll be getting some more done soon.


But hey, that could be a good thing? xD

20k isn't too bad, it's early yet! I've gotten 18k so far, and I still need to do all my dailies..


THERE's a good TDN idea! A daily to do list that you can fill out on the main TDN site every day, including a list of games that you can check off, and dailies, and everything. Just like the avatar list, but just with links to games maybe, or even just you being able to add in game titles and stuff.

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I dont know if that dailies thing is such a good idea. I mean, we already have the dailies page! :laughingsmiley:


Spritzie, about the Snow stuff, I really hoped they would come out with better stuff in that Super Pack. I loved the hat, but I was kind of disappointed with the BG. <_<


If you have your setting on the default posts per page, we are at our 100th page! :D

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