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Draik Lair


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It will probably be easier to get the basic Draik Egg first, then paint it. Are you getting a Blue one no matter what? Or will you go for whatever is cheapest? I went with whatever was cheapest, since I was going to paint her immediately anyway.


I hope it hatches female for you. I thought I would get to pick, and I didn't and got worried. But thankfully, she was female.

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It will probably be easier to get the basic Draik Egg first, then paint it. Are you getting a Blue one no matter what? Or will you go for whatever is cheapest? I went with whatever was cheapest, since I was going to paint her immediately anyway.


I hope it hatches female for you. I thought I would get to pick, and I didn't and got worried. But thankfully, she was female.


I'll probably go for whatever's cheaper, but I'd rather be able to say "Hatched blue on [insert date I want to be soon here xD]" instead of "Hatched yellow" or something that I don't really like as much.. And if I have to wait a little bit to get the brush I'd rather have her something pretty than an eyesore like yellow (no offense to anyone with one, I just don't like the mustardy colour xD)


Aw, thanks! I hope she does too.. Although I still am hoping to get the rest of the lab map anyway. With my luck it'll hatch male, so I'm going to try and keep enough in my bank for the lab map to be able to battle the scientist. And of course I'm hoping to get Sytira as well, and I'll find out if I got him or not on christmas day (i'll probably stay off Neopets that day so I'm not in a sour mood if I don't get him).


I'll probably go for a blue draik egg (more common than LDDE too) so there's room to haggle on the egg/paint brush, and hopefully enough to allow NP to be spent on the map :P

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Same here! Remember back when they were worth over 20 million! :O I was so intimidated by that price back then...and on that one Draik Day when a few were actually released on the Create-A-Pet page and a few lucky people got Draiks for free >.<


I was in my chemistry class when it happened D:

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It is going to be so sad when people get free Draiks from the Christmas thing and then are snobby all over again.


About my 500k, I got it from 2 Lab Map pieces I won from KQ! :D

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Great job on the KQ win then Divya ^_^ I still can't play that game...but at least people are getting some great profit off them ;D


There's no telling which lucky people will get their free dream pet...I know the odds against me too but I can't help but hope x3 It would be even MORE incredible if it was mainly Draik Lair people! I would screenie it just for that xD

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Thanks Eevee! Congrats on your KRAWKKKK! AHH!


I totally agree with you guys! I would die if they gave it to one of us. :laughingsmiley: And they should have given it to more people. But I wont complain because at least they are doing it.

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I know right! 100 people getting their dream pet would not tremendously effect the economy for paint brushes and stuff! Make more people happy for Christmas TNT :P


EDIT: True they're doing it at all...it's just we really want it xD I would be a little upset if someone asked for like a red pet or something you know D:

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True. Is it 5 or 10 people they're doing it for?


I need help focusing on my Draik Fund. I think I need to set a goal for either, 750k with no spending over 20k in a week until I get it, or the goal of a Royal PB by January something.

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So many things to respond too...


10 people out of however many billion.. Yow...



Now THERE's a goal! To hatch my draik on November 11th, 2011!


And if I can manage to get 40k a day, on average, that'll get me 13mil in about 11 months, and that'll mean I could buy and hatch by mid-november next year. It'd be awesome if I could hatch it on my birthday in June, but no way could I earn that fast.. But if I do have some days where I earn more than 40k a day (breaks off of school; Christmas break next week, easter break, then of course summer break), it could shave off a couple weeks. Do you think I should go for a specific date, 11/11/11? I mean, how cool would that be? Or should I just go for as soon as possible? :P


*Edit: Just turned midnight, and I just hit 800k :P

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Personally, I wouldn't go for a specific date, unless it's a big deal to you, because only you will really know, especially once the pets get older. Not many people will work out the age, to see when it was hatched. (Though there is a calculator on Sunnyneo, that you enter it's age, and it tells you it's birthday and then you get a banner you could place on it's pet lookup.)

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Personally, I wouldn't go for a specific date, unless it's a big deal to you, because only you will really know, especially once the pets get older. Not many people will work out the age, to see when it was hatched. (Though there is a calculator on Sunnyneo, that you enter it's age, and it tells you it's birthday and then you get a banner you could place on it's pet lookup.)


Yeah. I might just go for as soon as possible to make it more unique. *shrug* I'll probably end up with it around November anyway, haha!


Today's going to be fun for gaming.. At noon to like, 2 ish I'll be decorating cookies with my cousin so I can't get on and play... Two hours of no income D:

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Meeeee too. I have 800k though, that's better than a weekish ago.. Two weeks? Meh. I just keep opening new tabs of games to play off the "You May Also Like..." box. It's so distracting because my puppy is trying to curl up with both my dad and I but we're in two separate ends of the room xD She's so confused...


Bah. Games. >.<

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