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I'm doing the challenge on my old Crystal game for GBC, I don't wanna restart on my newer games xD The only person I'm VERY afraid of is Whitney from Goldenrod City...especially for this challenge!


I LOVE my SoulSilver game! I still don't have my dream team ready but when I do in the future, I'm so going to challenge hardcore people =K


]The downfall about the Igloo Sale is you can only buy 10 items from there a day and if you buy something and it restocks again the very next minute (it will often do that) you can't buy anything cause they say you need to give everyone else a chance! xD


Who knows, it might just happen you know! You never know when you actually get one of those birthday bags and sell them for easy nps! (still haven't sold mine yet but I'm trying!) or even better, a random event that gives you something expensive :laughingsmiley:


Yeah, I hated battling Whitney. Unless you've got like, a really uber uber high level Pokemon with good PP for it's attacks, you're going to have a few knock outs. :P


Soulsilver is awesome! I love how many legendaries you can catch, even if it is really hard (it took me a few tries to catch Suicune >.<). I'm still working on my dream team too! My friend gave me a level 100 Ho-Oh, but I can't use that to battle friends I don't think. I've got a level 50 Typhlosion and Vaporeon, but that's like, it. And I want to get them way higher up level-wise than 50, at least like 65 or 70.. Preferably 100 :P


Yeah. Does anyone know the minimum wait-time between purchases at the igloo? That'd be fun to test, but hard to as well :P


If that DID happen, whoo that'd be awesome. xD

What's special about the birthday bags? *noob question* xD

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My starter was Chikorita but I'm trying hard to get a very well trained Dragonite, Blissey, and Skarmory for now xD


Exactly! Remember the rules...if any of my team faints, I have to release them! Even if it's your starter D: I can't allow Whitney to take any of them! >.<


As for the time..I don't really know fer sure but I think maybe 2 minutes? Usually I just accept that I can't buy after I already bought something if it restocks right after that lolz.


As for the bags, sometimes they have some REALLY rare stuff that could probably be sold for now...but just like other bags, it's completely random and I don't wanna risk that! So I just sell the bags ^_^

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My starter was Chikorita but I'm trying hard to get a very well trained Dragonite, Blissey, and Skarmory for now xD


Exactly! Remember the rules...if any of my team faints, I have to release them! Even if it's your starter D: I can't allow Whitney to take any of them! >.<


As for the time..I don't really know fer sure but I think maybe 2 minutes? Usually I just accept that I can't buy after I already bought something if it restocks right after that lolz.


As for the bags, sometimes they have some REALLY rare stuff that could probably be sold for now...but just like other bags, it's completely random and I don't wanna risk that! So I just sell the bags ^_^


Chikorita's are so cute!! I always go for fire types, but I was torn between fire and grass. I almost went for water because then the Rival would have to pick either fire or grass, and neither of those are too bad against water, weakness wise :P


Holy cats. That's not fair D:

train like crazy first and use the EXP share and Vs Finder/recorder?


Haha, nice. Two mins isn't too bad, that'd only be a RS or two. :P


Selling the bags is prolly a good move lol!

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For the challenge though, I went with Cyndaquil (named Alejandro) cause he's so cute! Plus I know he'll make it far haha xD Yep, I'm going to GRIND TRAIN like crazy before I even THINK about challenging her...her Miltank won't faint my team D:<


True xD and usually I see them restock in 4 so there's at least a good chance you can get it..unless everyone else is there too and have a faster connection lolz! When you get a few things there, tell me how it went? ^_^ It takes practice before you instantly know which item is worth more in the bundle. But it's good experience!

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For the challenge though, I went with Cyndaquil (named Alejandro) cause he's so cute! Plus I know he'll make it far haha xD Yep, I'm going to GRIND TRAIN like crazy before I even THINK about challenging her...her Miltank won't faint my team D:<


True xD and usually I see them restock in 4 so there's at least a good chance you can get it..unless everyone else is there too and have a faster connection lolz! When you get a few things there, tell me how it went? ^_^ It takes practice before you instantly know which item is worth more in the bundle. But it's good experience!


Haha, aren't they? :D I love cyndaquil and his evolutions. Fire Spin and Fire Wheel both dish out loads of 1-hit KO's.

Grind train? lol


I know there's a bunch of really good guides that give ALL of the trainer's pokemon levels, abilities, attacks, items, etc. I found that really helpful, do you want me to PM you the link?


Haha! I bet the igloo's crazy, because everyone can access it xD

Sure :D I might try starting now, I've earned quite a bit today, 42k I think. Should that be enough to get a couple good things? :D

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Exactly! That's why I picked him xD


Current Challenge Team:

1. Alejandro/Cyndaquil

2. Hedwig/Hoothoot

3. Charlotte/Spinarak

4. Terra/Geodude

5. Shadow/Gastly

6. Mystery Egg (Topegi!)


And no worries! I always to go Serebii for all my pokemon needs so I won't go that easily ^_^


For that place, at least having 7k in hand is plenty :) The highest I've seen for sale was less than 3k...most of the stuff sell for LESS than 1k so you're doing just great!

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Exactly! That's why I picked him xD


Current Challenge Team:

1. Alejandro/Cyndaquil

2. Hedwig/Hoothoot

3. Charlotte/Spinarak

4. Terra/Geodude

5. Shadow/Gastly

6. Mystery Egg (Topegi!)


And no worries! I always to go Serebii for all my pokemon needs so I won't go that easily ^_^


For that place, at least having 7k in hand is plenty :) The highest I've seen for sale was less than 3k...most of the stuff sell for LESS than 1k so you're doing just great!


Good challenge team! Do you have a water pokemon you can switch out to just in case you go up against a fire type? Or are fire types not expected? lol


Haha, good taste. Serebii was one of my suggestions, lol. I go there a lot :P


Oh sweet, thanks :D

I restocked an Vaeolus Pull Along Toy and I've got it up for 700, which is 100 less than others on the SW :P

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Correction: I got my Geodude at Dark Cave and just entered the Union Cave and my FIRST encounter was a Wooper! Hooray for my first water type and thank goodness it was my first encounter so that I could catch it!


Alright! Gaining the experience >:3


Haha, nice. Woopers are so cute! They start off like, worthless, but with training they just get so epic. Then Quagsires are *amazing*


Yeyah :D

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Lolz, seriously all my first encounters in each area have been girls!


Nothing much here on my part ^^ almost to Azalea Town in my Challenge run and enjoying some music on my laptop ^_^


I got 40k on neopets and my daily 10 items from restocking so I'm all good here! Still looking for someone that will accept 10.5 million at the least for a Krawk Trans Potion cause that's all I got >.>

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Lolz, seriously all my first encounters in each area have been girls!


Nothing much here on my part ^^ almost to Azalea Town in my Challenge run and enjoying some music on my laptop ^_^


I got 40k on neopets and my daily 10 items from restocking so I'm all good here! Still looking for someone that will accept 10.5 million at the least for a Krawk Trans Potion cause that's all I got >.>


Lol!! Nice!


Woot! I love Azalea, it's so quaint.


Noice! Pretty good loot I bet! :D

HOLY bejeebers, you have 10.5mil!? How long have you been working on that? *jealous*

Want help looking for someone who would take that? :)

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Lol!! Nice!


Woot! I love Azalea, it's so quaint.


Noice! Pretty good loot I bet! :D

HOLY bejeebers, you have 10.5mil!? How long have you been working on that? *jealous*

Want help looking for someone who would take that? :)


*thinks* I've been working on it for a good long while I'll admit xD


Naw that's alright :whistle: Once I find someone that will let me buy their Krawk Potion, I'll be poor again xD

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*thinks* I've been working on it for a good long while I'll admit xD


Naw that's alright :whistle: Once I find someone that will let me buy their Krawk Potion, I'll be poor again xD


Haha, I bet!


Still, let me know! I'd be glad to help :)

I'm shuddering to think of what it'll feel like to spend that NP. I might actually record teh trading and hatching process because it'll be so expensive.. I'm such a dork lol

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*waves* Hey Divya :D


Haha, I totally understand. My parents are trying to get me offline a bit more, Psh.


Hey, could you possibly see if Anisha would make me a draik banner with a desert draik? :D


*skips off to play games like crazy as she wiggles her loose-ish tooth*

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I now have 10.7 million thanks to one of the bags getting sold (one more bag to go!) and someone said they'll accept 11 million pure if no one else offers so I might get lucky and only pay 11 million compared to the 11.6~13 million!


As for the Nuzlocke Challenge...my Wooper and Gastly are gone nuuu Dx




Farewell Aqua and Shadow T^T


The only good thing that I have now is my new Abra named Golbez and the original team left...still haven't challenged Whitney xD

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I now have 10.7 million thanks to one of the bags getting sold (one more bag to go!) and someone said they'll accept 11 million pure if no one else offers so I might get lucky and only pay 11 million compared to the 11.6~13 million!


As for the Nuzlocke Challenge...my Wooper and Gastly are gone nuuu Dx




Farewell Aqua and Shadow T^T


The only good thing that I have now is my new Abra named Golbez and the original team left...still haven't challenged Whitney xD


Suweeet! Congrats! Hey, if you have an extra bag ye don't want.. rofl! Kidding <3

I hope you can take up that offer :D


Aw, I'm sorry to hear! But at least they were sacrified for the greater good of the contest, ahha.


Abras are great pokes once you teach them some psy type attacks :D

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Once I buy the potion, I'll be as poor as I was when I first started neo haha xD Plus if TNT does pick me *still crosses fingers* I can maybe resell it ^_^ ONLY if they pick me!


Yeah...Just Golbez(Kadabra now), Alejandro(Quilava), Hedwig(Hoothoot), Terra(Geodue), and Angelo(Togepi) to back me up from Whitney now!

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Once I buy the potion, I'll be as poor as I was when I first started neo haha xD Plus if TNT does pick me *still crosses fingers* I can maybe resell it ^_^ ONLY if they pick me!


Yeah...Just Golbez(Kadabra now), Alejandro(Quilava), Hedwig(Hoothoot), Terra(Geodue), and Angelo(Togepi) to back me up from Whitney now!


Lol! Same here once I get my draik egg! XD

That'd be so cool if one of the Draik's Lair people won. Kinda sad because mI think most of us picked desert draik, but so exciting! :D


Still a great team, though. Of course I've gotta say that for the Quilava, soft spot for them haha, but that sounds like a superb team!

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Makes you wonder how many Draiks will be given out you know xD


I might continue on my journey tonight...train hardcore now that Shadow is gone against Whitney's normal types!


I know, right?

Prolly a good move. Make sure you use EXP share!

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