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I was going to be more than happy with one Draik, but I keep seeing all these cool colors. Faerie, Maraquan, Chocolate, and most likely, Maractite.


I can so understand that! Draiks have so many prettyful colors that it's hard to just decide on one.


That's the reason I have a lot of Cybunnies and Pteris in the family xD

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There's certain colors of Draiks that just pop out at me. If I were ever rich enough for yet another, I'd probably go with a Desert one, and then I'd be done. (You know, until the next amazing color was announced.)

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There's certain colors of Draiks that just pop out at me. If I were ever rich enough for yet another, I'd probably go with a Desert one, and then I'd be done. (You know, until the next amazing color was announced.)


You can do it Spritzie! Always remember Anjie! :laughingsmiley: I don't know why but whenever I visit all her cool Draiks/Krawks/UC pets, it just inspires me to keep on going!

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Her accounts are crazy! I can't believe all the gorgeous Draiks/Krawks with amazing names. I want her Faerie Draik, Desert Draik, and... all of them.


With patience, time, and more I'm sure you can :) You already got the first step, getting the first Draik, now we just gotta keep at it and it'll come in the future ^~^


It's good to motivate yourself and then to keep on earning :laughingsmiley:

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We can all motivate each other. :yes:


I've been drooling over this NC Mall item, that would be so gorgeous for Aitvara, when she's painted Faerie. But unfortunately, it's from the Stocking Stufftacular. I wish I knew someone who got it, and didn't want it. I'd so trade NC items.


Isn't it gorgeous?



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That would be perfect, Spritzie! It matches so well!!!


I really wanted a stocking, but I don't do NC unless I win it. I had some NC from the expellibox, but I didn't used it in time and they gave me an automatic item. :sad01_anim:

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We can all motivate each other. :yes:


I've been drooling over this NC Mall item, that would be so gorgeous for Aitvara, when she's painted Faerie. But unfortunately, it's from the Stocking Stufftacular. I wish I knew someone who got it, and didn't want it. I'd so trade NC items.


Isn't it gorgeous?




Wow the colors go SO well with the Faeire Draik! I dislike how a lot of the rare/cool items are from stuff like that...I rather it just be at the mall xD

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If I had been able to chose, after I saw them, I'd have totally done at least a couple. I've seen a few items that would be cute. But that one, so far, is the best I've seen. And I immediately think of Aitvara when I see it.


She's my Draik, she has to be the prettiest and smartest. :laughingsmiley:

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Haha, I don't know if I even want to know her user.. I bet I'd be totally jealous of her apparent desert draik.


Congrats on finishing finals Eev!!! *throws confetti* I've got ACTs next year. Not fun *shudder*


I agree, Spritzie.. Once I get a desert draik with an epic name and make it female if it hatches male, I'm hoping I won't get draik fever for a little while. I'd love one, I'd be happy with two, and I'd love three, but I still think I'd try my hardest to just be happy with one, tehe. Of course if I ever got rich enough to buy or adopt another... I'd obviously go for it :P


BTW: Spritzie, that wand is freaky perfect for faerie draiks! If I get a desert draik or Sytira the maraquan one, you guys need to help me decide how to customise xD

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@Spritzie: Awww, I bet she just adores her mama x3


@goldenlupe: EW! I hated the ACT with a passion Dx Those tests are so unnecessary in my opinion! But still, I'm sure you'll do just fine :laughingsmiley: and thank you! I can finally sleep without stressing out about schoolwork x3

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Haha!! We did ACT Explore this year, just last week.. It wasn't too bad (the like, "What activities would you en joy?" part..) but the actual test, BLAH!

Aw, thanks :D


lol, sleep is always a good thing xD




Customising question.. To follow with Spritzie's theme? xD


For a female desert draik.. Elegant Gold Necklace or Vintage Gold Necklace? And what do you think of the Sparkling Gold Tiara and Vintage Gold Earrings? Not necessarily all together lol








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Haha!! Nice! Hey, at least you've got a draik xD


Can you send those PB wearables via Neofriend/inventory or whatever? XD


Sadly no... :sad01_anim: it can only stay in your closet (I don't think we have the option to discard yet) but it stays in the closet...that's how some Desert Scorchio clothing got into my closet ever since I labbed one xD

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Sadly no... :sad01_anim: it can only stay in your closet (I don't think we have the option to discard yet) but it stays in the closet...that's how some Desert Scorchio clothing got into my closet ever since I labbed one xD


Darn xD


But hey, labbing works! That's another thing, I can make a junk pet and name it nicely enough to be able to adopt out, and it could be my lab rat.. Once I get the lab pieces that is, rofl.


I've gotten up to 40k today! from dailies, shop till, and I sold a bunch of stocks that had gotten like 24% increase ^_^ But I'm not diong stocks anymore I don't think, it takes too much time and is way too risky for my liking :P

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Same here ^^ even though I got too attached to one of my lab rats so only one is UFA anytime xD (Fire Ogrin now...)


For the Stock Market on my part, I invest 15k a day on there until I got the avatar (about 1 million nps invested in total for it) after that's done, I stop investing and just wait until my stocks increase by +300% and then sell them ^_^ if it isn't over that percentage, then it's stuck there until it does haha! With that I usually get over 100k from just one stock but of course a +300 may take a LONG time...but oh well x3 it's actually worth it in the long run.

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Same here ^^ even though I got too attached to one of my lab rats so only one is UFA anytime xD (Fire Ogrin now...)


For the Stock Market on my part, I invest 15k a day on there until I got the avatar (about 1 million nps invested in total for it) after that's done, I stop investing and just wait until my stocks increase by +300% and then sell them ^_^ if it isn't over that percentage, then it's stuck there until it does haha! With that I usually get over 100k from just one stock but of course a +300 may take a LONG time...but oh well x3 it's actually worth it in the long run.


haha, still though. You could maybe almost trade an ogrin or something. If you got lucky, you could get some sweet pets from labbers :P


Holy bejeebers.. 300%?!?!? that must've taken ages!

True, I'd just be worried it'd take too long and by the time I just needed to sell IT and I can afford a draik egg, it'd be money lost or something. Then i'd go all OCD on it, tehe.\


EDIT: Made 43k today.. It'll still take me almost a year to get to 12.5mil because I have 500k ish now :/

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Keep at it though! :laughingsmiley: When it comes to a dreamie, it's the experience of saving up for it that makes them more precious :3


43k is a lot for a day for me xD I usually just get around 20k-40k if I'm lucky through games and just wait for my shop til to reach 100k each time so I feel so much better about putting that much in the bank.

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That's why I painted Aitvar Camo. I wanted her painted, but I wanted something pretty and cheap, so I could repaint later. (Plus I want to paint for clothes.) I'll paint her Royal Girl, then Desert, then Faerie.


I keep finding things perfect for Faerie Draiks. Like her petpet is going to be a Faerie Ukali.

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Keep at it though! :laughingsmiley: When it comes to a dreamie, it's the experience of saving up for it that makes them more precious :3


43k is a lot for a day for me xD I usually just get around 20k-40k if I'm lucky through games and just wait for my shop til to reach 100k each time so I feel so much better about putting that much in the bank.


Replace dreamie with dream, that sounds so profound, Eev :D

Hehe, I rarely hit 40k. Would've been 30k if I hadn't sold the positive stocks I had.

Just did my math:

12,300,000 / 40,000 = 307 days.

And I should save that under my notes or something so I don't have to do the math so often!! xD But hopefully I'll have better days. Maybe we all could get together and take turns winning Key Quest... and just hitting all the NP squsres for a while!! tehe


That's why I painted Aitvar Camo. I wanted her painted, but I wanted something pretty and cheap, so I could repaint later. (Plus I want to paint for clothes.) I'll paint her Royal Girl, then Desert, then Faerie.


I keep finding things perfect for Faerie Draiks. Like her petpet is going to be a Faerie Ukali.


Haha, nice! I do like camo draiks, but I think I'll wait to just paint desert right away, unless I get a desert eg...

Nice!! Hey, preparation for the epic! not too bad!

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