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I can't get Sophie's Stew (I got 140 points yesterday!) or freaky factory... I'll have to try today's.


I'm excited to have a bit of a holiday and play neopets again... yay! I'm supposed to grade and write a lab final, but that can wait until tomorrow at least. For now, games! :)

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*groans* Ghost Bopper is difficult. I will wait till I can use my desktop though. Then it should be easier.


Awww! I'm sorry Liz! (about the games). Let me know if you get today's. :)

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I got out my mouse, and a lot of the games are easier that way (I play on my laptop, so I usually use a trackpad). Sometimes I have to restart my browser because it doesn't always register my keyboard, so I have to do that and try Ghost Bopper again.


Can you get prizes from previous days or does it only work that day? I forget.



Nevermind... I finished yesterday's and now I just have to finish the 15 qualifying games to get today's. yay!

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I got out my mouse, and a lot of the games are easier that way (I play on my laptop, so I usually use a trackpad). Sometimes I have to restart my browser because it doesn't always register my keyboard, so I have to do that and try Ghost Bopper again.


Can you get prizes from previous days or does it only work that day? I forget.



Nevermind... I finished yesterday's and now I just have to finish the 15 qualifying games to get today's. yay!


Ugh, me too. My dad wouldnt let me use his desktop so I had to do it today.


You can get the prizes, but you wont get as a high of a trophy for finishing them on another day. I think.



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I just got MJB while watching TV in the background... sometimes being slightly distracted helps, I think. At least, when I wasn't focused on what score to get, I did a little better. It took me a while though. Who knows if I could ever get the avatar!

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Hey all, I don't mean to be a party pooper, but please keep all GMC chat in the GMC topics. ^_^ That way, all your draik chat and plans can be read without all the off-topic conversation. :) Thanks, and great group!


Ahhh! We are so sorry! But you know, GMC does link back to Draiks! It really does! I have made at least 50k np from the GMC for my Draik fund! ;)

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Ah, but I'm actually not planning on getting a Draik, so then I don't really belong here. By that measure, we're off topic A LOT. I think we have the tendency to be a bit like a neopets-related HOP. :laughingsmiley:


(1000th post!)

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Ah, but I'm actually not planning on getting a Draik, so then I don't really belong here. By that measure, we're off topic A LOT. I think we have the tendency to be a bit like a neopets-related HOP. :laughingsmiley:


(1000th post!)


Yeah, but you do discuss them. :laughingsmiley:


Congratulations on the 1k posts!! ^^


*sighs* TNT hasnt been adding to the Holiday shop. I am disappointed. I wanted something Snow related to go with Spritzie's soon-to-be Royal Girl Draik. The Purple (from the RG) and the white (from the snow) would look so good!

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2 weeks till end of school term :)

Which means that there's more time to devote to saving up for a Draik :laughingsmiley:

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2 weeks till end of school term :)

Which means that there's more time to devote to saving up for a Draik :laughingsmiley:


Yay! How's your progress so far? I hear Draik Eggs are in the 10-12 million range. I paid 12 million.

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2 weeks till end of school term :)

Which means that there's more time to devote to saving up for a Draik :laughingsmiley:


Lucky you! My winter break is in a month. :P


Yay! How's your progress so far? I hear Draik Eggs are in the 10-12 million range. I paid 12 million.


*checks TP* A lot of the basics can be haggled down to 10 mil (AHHHH!!) and I saw an Island Draik Egg for only 13 mil! :O

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*checks TP* A lot of the basics can be haggled down to 10 mil (AHHHH!!) and I saw an Island Draik Egg for only 13 mil! :O


For some reason, I'm not a fan of Island Draik's. They just look funny to me. Maybe it's the grass skirt.

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For some reason, I'm not a fan of Island Draik's. They just look funny to me. Maybe it's the grass skirt.


I completely agree. The coloring is kind of strange too. But still! They are only 1 mil more and Island PBs are a lot more than that. It would be good to buy them and save the clothes (grass skirt! :laughingsmiley: ) for cross-painting.

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If I was going to get a "painted" Draik Egg, I would have gone for Desert. That would have been worth it, if I could have waited. That's the only other color of Draik Egg I like. I actually am not a huge fan of the Ice Draik.

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If I was going to get a "painted" Draik Egg, I would have gone for Desert. That would have been worth it, if I could have waited. That's the only other color of Draik Egg I like. I actually am not a huge fan of the Ice Draik.


I agree. The Desert ones probably have probably gone down since they were released in the Attic. :yes:

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Do you know if they release Draik Eggs on Draik Day? I wonder when they do that. That would make sense.


I wish Draik Day was coming up soon. Maybe they would release a Maractite Draik if it was. I want one so bad.

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Do you know if they release Draik Eggs on Draik Day? I wonder when they do that. That would make sense.


I wish Draik Day was coming up soon. Maybe they would release a Maractite Draik if it was. I want one so bad.


I was thinking on that too! If the Maractite color comes for Draiks soon, I might try to save up on that after getting the other colors for clothing ^_^ For some reason I can see "Maractite" and "Composer" going together for Uvertira =D

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I'm thinking once I morph Liquiform into a Draik, I might paint her Maractite, even if it's just until I save up for a Maraquan PB.


I do find it amusing I'm already planning what Draik to paint Maractite when Usuls are the only ones available. Sadly, it could be years before Draiks are released in Maractite.

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Dont paint her Maractite! Paint her Maraquan, it is perfect.


Make another Draik for Maractite! :laughingsmiley:


*sighs* I know. If only TNT would release the right pets with the right colors.

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