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Spritzie, I am the exact same! I would be freaking out with 12 mil out of the bank. I was scared with 200k out of the bank! :rolleyes_anim:


OMG I just finished one group task!!!! Thank you so much my amazing team! Thank you amazing Krawk Container!!!!!!!!! :wub_anim: I DID IT!


I was the most scared after I got the Draik Egg. I was worried something would happen before I could get it somewhere safe.


I've successfully finished Suppressing and Stabilizing. I can't get the hang of Guiding or Containing.

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I can understand why people would be afraid to get so much neopoints out in the opening, I only carry with me 7k for the Garage Sale and everything else I deposit ^_^


Earlier today I FINALLY got that Jack of All Trades mission accomplished! I love suppression and stabilization xD

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I am so afraid to try for that achievement. I thought it was an accomplishment to complete one task! Let alone four. :sad01_anim:


I am also having difficulty with the BD. I just want to be an Annihilator and Tormentor!

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I am going to try and get that achievement. It looks difficult, but I can do this!! *is determined*


Me too. I need just one good weapon to beat the two that are too strong for me.

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I'm willing to help you out. I'll be getting back from the last of my morning stuff in probably 45 minutes. (I stop before I go to the other building, so I can get my Black Worm.)


After I get back, Kaliyania (The Ruki) should be out of training, so I can get her Burrow, then I shall attempt those last 4 again. I'm a bit concerned though. I don't think she'll be able to get the strongest two with her stats.


I think I'll be making Aitvara my BD pet, after this is all over.

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Thanks! Maybe we can get a whole team together. :yes:


Ugh, they are so strong! For the Annihilator, I stood the first blast because I had Burrow, but then I died on the second attack because it was able to do 140 HP damage!


:O That is going to be one amazing pet. Smart, GORGEOUS, and now BD?! Woah! :wub_anim:


EDIT: ARGH! 12 meters away and the Container messed up. :(

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I do best with the Suppressing and Stabilizing.


If you didn't make it past the Annihilator, I don't stand a chance. I think I have like 30 less HP than you.


She would be awesome for a BD pet. I'd love to have a pretty Faerie Draik be an amazing BD pet.

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I do best with Stabilizing and Guiding. That was fun. I am just getting the hang of Suppressing.


Ugh, those are horrible. Good luck!


*nods* It would be so cool! A girly pretty pet that is able to crush the enemy!

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*nods* It would be so cool! A girly pretty pet that is able to crush the enemy!


Exactly my thoughts. It will be really fun too, once I paint her Royal. But that's further off again. This BD stuff is getting tiring and expensive. I guess we should all be glad when it's over.

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Exactly my thoughts. It will be really fun too, once I paint her Royal. But that's further off again. This BD stuff is getting tiring and expensive. I guess we should all be glad when it's over.


I agree. This BDing should just finish. I think the whole plot should just finish. I hope that you will get returns for your np in the prizes!

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I actually was able to make back what I spent yesterday, on Healing Potions. But, I still need to make up for the weapons I bought. So I'm way off for the Royal PB now. And I'm slowing going to start training Aitvara. She will become my awesome BD Draik.

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Great job! Make it back, little by little. :)


It is perfectly fine about the Royal thing because hopefully the prizes will be expensive items! ;)


*mentally ads "train Aitvara" to Spritzie's list of things to buy*

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I suggest waiting till the plot is over so that the prices of the codestones can go down. They are so inflated right now! x_x


Same here. If they gave out a Faerie PB, I would definitely keep it and use it but there are many other prizes I would sell.

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My Ruki needs an Eo Codestone for training, but I decided to wait, because they're 12-13k right now. That's just too much. Unless I just find one somewhere.


If I got a Faerie PB, I'd have to stop myself from using it on Aitvara before I got her some clothes from other Draik colors.

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x_x Now that is way expensive for a codestone! Argh, if only you could play KQ!


:laughingsmiley: I would probably use it on softyarya because it would totally make her match with her petpet and it would make her a girly BD pet! :laughingsmiley:

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I'm so ready for this whole plot to end! xD Codestones are seriously inflated and hopefully will deflate after this whole thing is over with so that I can toughen up my BD pet again.


Those three new enemies keep defeating Beauty like every less than three turns v.v


Maybe someday Aitvara would like a practice match with Beauty whenever she feels ready ^_^

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I hope it wont take long. I know many people will just be sick of the BD, including me.


I just checked softyarya's stats and they are so messed up. HP is 110, strength 64, but defence and movement are mid 20s? o_O

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I would hate to think of what you'd have to do to train her. With my Ruki, she has to be level 29 to increase HP. And level 44 to train anything else.


I need to figure out what Aitvara's stats should be, and what Faerie Abilities she should get.

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That is what I hate about training a pet that already has messed up stats. I would train softyarya...but it just wont work! <_<


She should definitely get the advised ones from TDN's BP! Those are soooo helpful. I really need to cough up the np to get one of the good healer ones.

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You can try getting ALL the faerie abilities! :D a lot of the cooler ones you won't get until you get all the others in the same category and keep getting a higher level like Diamond Dust for example.


I heard increasing the levels don't really make much difference...so just getting all the best ones are plenty enough for me ^^

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