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Draik Lair


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I noticed this Draik UFA on the Charter boards tonight. It really seems like the owner has very reasonable app requirements, if anyone is interested.


Adiele, the female RoyalBoy Draik (yes, you read that right)



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Probably true. I didn't want a Draik because they're more rare, I wanted one because they're amazing pets. I'd still want one if they were common, but it does seem kind of cool that they're more rare.

It's the same with me. I like pets because of the way they look, not their rarity.

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For a long time, I didn't want a Draik simply because they are a status symbol. But I like them too much to not have one. :wub_anim:

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For a long time, I didn't want a Draik simply because they are a status symbol. But I like them too much to not have one. :wub_anim:


I agree! I think they're one of the most nicely done pets. So much detail and work seems to have gone into them.

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Lol Masaryk at the female Royal Boy! I am wowed that that is even possible! :laughingsmiley:


I am not denying that I love Draiks (because I do) and think that they are the most awesome pet ever (which they are) but I know people who only get Draiks because are so rare. I think doing that is stupid. Use the np on a pet you like by painting it a nice color!

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Divya is right. Not only should you pick the species you want, but the colour has to be something you want as well.

EDIT: My 400th post :)

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I know Draiks and Krawks are status symbols but a lot of people earn hard neopoints to get them because they love them :)


I for one LOVE both species and if I didn't, I wouldn't be saving up so much for them :*


Krawk Morphing Potions have REALLY gone down in price and I REALLY want one now x3 I might just save up the whole 12 mil or whatever just to get one and then be poor just cause I'm starting to become impatient to morph already v.v

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Does anybody track the Draik egg inflation/deflation?

It could be easier to know when to buy a Draik egg.

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I only look at the prices for both randomly...and that's when I noticed the Krawk Morphing Potions going down :guiltysmiley:


I have around 7 mil right now...I need to really get all this college work done so I can earn nps hardcore >:0 I would get mad if they inflated again after I just got Uvertira :mellow:

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I got lucky with the Draik Eggs. Shortly before I got mine, they were at 15 million. When I was at about 11 million, they dropped and were around 12 m. So I knew I had to get one then, before the price jumped back up.

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Eevee - Even if they do inflate and you have the np, you will be able to enjoy your richness for a little while longer before you become poor! :laughingsmiley:


Spritzie - Really?! I didnt know that! Congrats on the lucky buy!

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I remember that guy who sold his for 10.5 mil or something. That was so sad when he sold it to someone else. <_<


Guys, I am thinking of picking a font color. What color should I pick?

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I have some bad news. I got scammed. :(

Someone sent me a fake Neogreeting e-mail from Neopets, and the link led to a fake login page. The scammer was also able to access my gmail account - he requested my PIN and changed the e-mail address of my main account.

I sent a ticket to TNT. I hope the account gets frozen before he can do too much damage, and I get my account back. At least he didn't touch my side account.

So check the e-mails from Neopets. If you see [email protected] or [email protected] as the sender don't click on the link!


Here's a link to the thread I started on the subject: The Neogreetings Scam

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I'm sorry about your account. I really hope you get it back. I have email Neogreetings turned off.


Keep us up to date with what happens. I hope you get it back soon.


Divya- That color is perfect.

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Spritzie, yay! It is my new color!


I am so sorry Sarafina! I am so careful with clicking links. I was almost scammed during the Tarla thing with people posting fake links on the boards. *shudders*

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