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Draik Lair


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And now I know all four of your accounts Spritzie! :laughingsmiley:


But those ideas are amazing. When I make a side (if I ever do!) then I will probably theme it something.

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:evil: Lol!


I will probably make one when I have only dreamies on my main. Then I wont need the Lab Ray and so I will have to make another account for my Lab Ray. :laughingsmiley: So, its gonna be a while before I get my side.

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Divya, make your side sooner, rather than later! Otherwise, you will regret it when you have to wait 4 months to adopt/transfer painted pets. I know I'm currently in that position. I had made two new side accounts for "work," and now I'm regretting that I have two accounts that can't accept painted pets. *coughcough*Chocolate Aisha*coughcough* :P

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Lol Masaryk! :laughingsmiley:


I dont want to wait too long. I will make one right now! Or as soon as either of you replies. What should my theme be? NAME HELP IS NEEDED!

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Problem! Both of my email accounts have the maximum amount of pets because my sister made a gajillion accounts. :(


I dont think I will make one. *sighs* One account is hard enough for me!

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She doesnt have an email. :rolleyes_anim: I have two email accounts, but I dont know the password to one account because my sister now uses it without my parents knowing. My other email account is full with a bunch of accounts I made when I was younger to try and get those reward thingies. :*

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I do want one so badly. I though I wish it could change the species of your pet, not just the color. I'd love to have it just change a pet into a Chocolate Draik, without having to have a Draik first.

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True. But then people wouldn't have to slave away for months/years for 12-15 million NP. :laughingsmiley: I think it took me about 5 months to make 8 million but you know I did nothing else on Neopets but play games for my entire work shifts.

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Probably true. I didn't want a Draik because they're more rare, I wanted one because they're amazing pets. I'd still want one if they were common, but it does seem kind of cool that they're more rare.

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