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Because, the chance of getting them from the Apple Bobbing is slim. So I sell all of them. (I've easily made 150k off of them so far) So it covers the cost of buying them. Plus, even if I opened all of them, there would be no guarantee I'd get any/all.


He got a Speckled, I think. (He got the Split from the Fruit Machine, I think.)


I want to win a Desert or Faerie PB for Miss Aitvara.

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How important are they to you? (The achievements) And how much would you dip into it?


The way I would personally look at it is: You could always build your Draik Fund back up after the plot. But if you don't spend it, you won't be able to go back and get the achievements later, if you change your mind.

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I already went out and bought the equipment. I got advice from Dante.

! need to kill/draw 1 Zealot.


You can do it :D Drawing is easier than winning against the Zealot thankfully ^^



Btw everyone, I decided to keep Uvertira blue until I get my next expensive dreamie = KRAWK :* and Island one x3

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Btw everyone, I decided to keep Uvertira blue until I get my next expensive dreamie = KRAWK :* and Island one x3


I'm kind of doing the same thing. I'm keeping Aitvara Camo for quite some time, even after I have the NP for a Faerie PB, because I enjoy having her as my active and once I paint her Faerie, she'll no longer be my active.

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Sarafina, aw I am sorry that you missed that one Zealot! But you did really well!! I got all of the achievements (thankfully!) but I didnt kill as many as I could have. :(


Eevee - :laughingsmiley: Arent you pretty close to the cost of a Krawk? :O


Spritzie - I would love to win a Faerie or Desert PB too. I would probably sell it though, and then buy a cheaper PB for a dreamie. :laughingsmiley:

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I have no idea what I would do if I got an expensive PB. If it was Maraquan, I'd be tempted to keep it, since I'm eventually going to have a Maraquan Draik. I used to try to figure out what I would do if I managed to get a Draik Egg from the Attic. Whether I'd sell it, or use it.

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Even though I tend to hoard any Paint Brushes I get, I would probably sell most of the expensive ones. I'd definitely keep a Maraquan Paint Brush, if I got one, since a Maraquan Acara is one of my dream pets.

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Eevee - :laughingsmiley: Arent you pretty close to the cost of a Krawk? :O



Still millions away since I'm going to try and get millions more again before I buy ^^ I just don't like being poor D:


And man...if I ever get a rare pb like Maraquan or Pirate, I would sell it :) The only really expensive brush I want now is the Mystery Island one.

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Even though I tend to hoard any Paint Brushes I get, I would probably sell most of the expensive ones. I'd definitely keep a Maraquan Paint Brush, if I got one, since a Maraquan Acara is one of my dream pets.


You keep them? To paint eventually, or just to hold onto? I think I've only "won" 2. A Darigan Petpet PB, which I painted a petpet for my husband. And a Split PB from the Fruit Machine. All the others, I've bought.


Still millions away since I'm going to try and get millions more again before I buy ^^ I just don't like being poor D:


And man...if I ever get a rare pb like Maraquan or Pirate, I would sell it :) The only really expensive brush I want now is the Mystery Island one.


I hate being poor too. :( And I can't seem to stop spending for long now. :laughingsmiley: I got the 500k, then I went and bought a complete set of the Silhouette Backgrounds.


I didn't realize how expensive MI was until I wanted to paint a Koi. She ended up Disco.

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Am I the only unlucky person here? I've never won anything, only bought one paintbrush and still trying to save up for about a gazillion things.

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The only good paint brush I ever won was like 3 years ago and it was the Purple Paint Brush from the Fruit Machine x3


After that, the latest I won was from there again but the Christmas Paint Brush.


Why must the MI color be so expensive v.v I know with morphing potions it's cheaper but they haven't made a Krawk one yet!

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The only paint brush I have is Christmas from the Advent Calender.


What do you guys think of the name Ranshao for a Draik? Does it sound like a male or female name?


Ranshao (pronounced ran-shaw) is from Avatar the Last Airbender. Ran and Shao are (the last) two dragons.

Ran (燃, rán) means "burn" or "combustion" in Chinese. Shao (燒, shāo) means "to burn" or "to cook" as well as to "barbecue," and "fever". The characters can also be used together to mean "combustion", "flaming", or "kindle". (from Avatar Wiki)


The name Ranshao is taken on Neopets. What should I add to it?

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You could add a lucky number, or you could add something fire related to your pet's name like Fire or Burning...

Just a suggestion.

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Still millions away since I'm going to try and get millions more again before I buy ^^ I just don't like being poor D:


And man...if I ever get a rare pb like Maraquan or Pirate, I would sell it :) The only really expensive brush I want now is the Mystery Island one.


:laughingsmiley: And what is your "poor"? If it is 3 mil or above, that is considered my rich! LOL!


Me too. :) I would probably sell them and buy a bunch of cheaper PBs. :yes:


And Zakuro, dont feel unlucky! I havent won much either. Only from KQ.


And Sarafina, I love the name! Dont add a number or underscores because it makes them less valuable.

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:laughingsmiley: And what is your "poor"? If it is 3 mil or above, that is considered my rich! LOL!


And Sarafina, I love the name! Dont add a number or underscores because it makes them less valuable.


I think I have about 150k now. I had 500k a couple days ago, but I bought all the Silhouette Backgrounds and a Bag of Peanuts. :whistle:


And Sarafina, I agree. Even if you never plan to trade, you might decide later you don't like the underscores or numbers, so I'd try to avoid that. Try looking in different languages, using thesaurus.

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First name I like as well ^^


HOLY MOLY!!!!!! *gasps* did everyone see the news about the Lenny Conundrum? Only 2 people got it right! I got on my account and saw that I was ONE of the people =O I got 1 mil and the gold trophy I wanted x3


Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 376). You have won 1000000 NP!


Because you were in the first 250 to guess correctly, you also have been awarded a Faerie Techo Plushie Stamp, and receive a trophy and the Lenny Conundrum avatar!


Yours Sincerely,

The Neopets Team!

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