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I was thinking on Desert first for the wearables and maybe keeping him like that until I feel like repainting him to Royal ^^


Trust me, I kinda did buy one thing just so I can buy SOMETHING!! (Disco Shoyru Morphing Potion) It's hard to just save and save...until you see the daily interest you get for it all =O


When I bought my Draik Egg, I was getting about 2100 NP in bank interest a day. I really enjoyed that. Now I'm getting around 120 NP. o_O


I've thought about doing that. Painting Aitvara all the other Draik colors with clothes, before I finally paint her Faerie. I'd love the have the Royal Girl and Desert clothes.


EDIT: Divya, Livvy and I were going to start playing KQ together for the Codestones to train our pets, but I couldn't get KQ to work on my work computer.

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Spritzie, the super cool thing about doing that would be that you could dress Aitvara up in different color clothes and then take a screenie of it and keep it forever! :laughingsmiley:


EDIT: Spritzie, awww! Codestones are so valuable now. :(

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Spritzie, ahhh I see. :) I think I will go play some KQ now in hopes of getting more codestones. :laughingsmiley:


Eevee, I love love love the Desert clothes. The hat is so cute! But Royals are my absolute favorite. ^_^ And :O , I hadnt even thought of that! What is your daily interest?


*checks* right now it's at 6,192 ^^


Usually I try to deposit 20k everyday, restock and sell my all the things I want and only withdraw my shop til whenever it reaches 100k and then just keep doing dailies! Two days ago I got a Gold Job Coupon and that's how I got to my goal way faster :*

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*checks* right now it's at 6,192 ^^


Usually I try to deposit 20k everyday, restock and sell my all the things I want and only withdraw my shop til whenever it reaches 100k and then just keep doing dailies! Two days ago I got a Gold Job Coupon and that's how I got to my goal way faster :*




Whenever it reaches 100k?! What on Earth do you sell?! :laughingsmiley: No need to be ashamed of your Gold Coupon! I mean, that is the point of it! To sell it and make bazillions of nps! xD

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Whenever it reaches 100k?! What on Earth do you sell?! :laughingsmiley: No need to be ashamed of your Gold Coupon! I mean, that is the point of it! To sell it and make bazillions of nps! xD


I sell anything from books, plushies, wearables, etc...anything from the Igloo Garage Sale since that's the only place that guarantees profit (as long as you don't get daily items) but that place is awesome! =O One time I got a new background that was released on the launch day of the news and sold that for a lot! Just practice, buy, and it only takes a few days to get 100k on the shop til :)

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Usually I try to deposit 20k everyday, restock and sell my all the things I want and only withdraw my shop til whenever it reaches 100k and then just keep doing dailies! Two days ago I got a Gold Job Coupon and that's how I got to my goal way faster :*


When I was saving, I tried to deposit at least 50k, if not 75k. Most days, it was in the 60-70k range. Some days, if I sold big stuff, it'd be between 100-200k.


Whenever it reaches 100k?! What on Earth do you sell?! :laughingsmiley:


That was my exact question. I only sell random stuff in my shop.


I sell anything from books, plushies, wearables, etc...anything from the Igloo Garage Sale since that's the only place that guarantees profit (as long as you don't get daily items) but that place is awesome! =O One time I got a new background that was released on the launch day of the news and sold that for a lot! Just practice, buy, and it only takes a few days to get 100k on the shop til :)


I haven't done the Garage Sale in forever I need to. I made some really great profits there.

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I sell anything from books, plushies, wearables, etc...anything from the Igloo Garage Sale since that's the only place that guarantees profit (as long as you don't get daily items) but that place is awesome! =O One time I got a new background that was released on the launch day of the news and sold that for a lot! Just practice, buy, and it only takes a few days to get 100k on the shop til :)



When I was saving, I tried to deposit at least 50k, if not 75k. Most days, it was in the 60-70k range. Some days, if I sold big stuff, it'd be between 100-200k.




That was my exact question. I only sell random stuff in my shop.




I haven't done the Garage Sale in forever I need to. I made some really great profits there.


Looks like I am going to have to try this Igloo Garage Sale! And woah Spritzie! That is a lot a day!

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I did better when the game ratios were in my favor, or when there were those good sponsor games, like the Capri Sun games. I lost 12k a day, when they removed those. I lost 3k a day from the Popsicle game. 6k from the Six Flags games.


With the Garage Sale, I usually made 1k off of every item, and sometimes, I'd pay under 100 NP, and be able to sell it for over 9k.

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And I remember that you made TONS when we had the 8 scores a day thing! :O


Wow! I will go and buy stuff for my SDB! :)


Btw, I won a codestone from KQ just now! :laughingsmiley:


EDIT: Eevee, aw! The normal shops dont have things at good deals anyway.

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And I remember that you made TONS when we had the 8 scores a day thing! :O


Wow! I will go and buy stuff for my SDB! :)


Btw, I won a codestone from KQ just now! :laughingsmiley:


EDIT: Eevee, aw! The normal shops dont have things at good deals anyway.


I MISS that 8 scores a day thing! Sure it made everything inflate but I earned my millions back after that whole loss event >.>


Practice the Garage Sale and soon you'll be getting rare backgrounds or even the Usuki bags =O *got two ever*


My laptop likes to turn off when I play KQ...so I haven't played in long while without getting blamed that I "quit" the game v.v

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Seriously Spritzie woah =O


I'm not really good with restocking at the normal shops...that's why getting my daily 10 items from the Garage Sale is a good stopping point for me while I play more games or logout to do some real life work :( haha xD


I don't even try to restock from regular stores. I just couldn't do it. I loved the Garage Sale, but I ended up playing games more. But then again, I play at work, where I work 12 hour days, and only have about 2 hours of active work.


And I remember that you made TONS when we had the 8 scores a day thing! :O


I made what like, 2 million in 2 weeks? :laughingsmiley: That was awesome. I wish they'd do that again.

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*sighs* Yeah, I know. But still. They should! :laughingsmiley:


I withdrew 10k np to spend so instead of refreshing, I went and bought stuff for my Pack Rat! I bought 32 more items (all less than 50 np!) and now I am at 963 items!!! :O

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Not every minute of course, but sometimes it would restock one minute and the next around those seconds!


I just like to refresh every minute around those seconds to be extra sure since you never know when it'll restock and you wanna be ready to get the best items before everyone else goes for it xD

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Igloo Garage Sale must be pretty competitive. I am not very good at rsing so...


It's a good beginner's place since I can't restock either too well xD


That's why I said to practice ^^ soon after doing so you'll be getting a lot of the best items on there :3

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