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Oh wow - they're around 400K at the moment on the TP. I'm pretty sure those used to be lower, at least when I got one.


Ugh! Why why why did I use that Scratchcard! :sad01_anim: Gah! I need another one!!!!!


Maybe I'll get lucky someday, and I'll get one and be able to sell it.


Are either of you guys going to be able to get a Faerie Petpet PB from Six Flags?


Me too. :)


Ugh, no I cant! I can only get the things lower than the Pinata. :angry: I missed so many days because I started way later and I missed a lot of days. :(


Divya, start it. I think you can get it. It's worth 134 flags a day. And there's 37 days left. That means if you had 0 flags, and started today, you would have 4958 by the end. So if you have at least 42 flags currently, you'll be able to get one, as long as you don't miss any days.


Thanks. :) I will let you know!


Her profile says that she is on a long hiatus. :/


She told us that her mom...or maybe she has been abducted by aliens who hacked her account and wrote that! Ahhhh! :D Or maybe she is having RL problems.


If it was the exam thing though, she wouldn't have put that she was taking a hiatus... especially a long one. :(


I hope Anisha's doing okay.


I haven't done Six Flags at all. I checked it out, but couldn't really figure out what to do. I wonder if my adblocker is blocking any of it.


Ad Blocker does block it. You basically run around, doing things, like visiting the Six Flags website, playing games, sending e-cards, feeding your pets. And you earn flags for each activity.


I do too.


Oh ok. Maybe I'll do it in Safari.


Hm, I should probably do my dailies today... I might wait until I get home. I have another break before I meet with my advisor again.


I'm getting kinda nervous about this whole TAing thing. <_<


I have started doing the flags again. The problem is that I keep forgetting!! :D


And Liz, TA?


I have reminders sent, in case I forget. I don't want to miss any. (That's the OCD part of me, I guess.)

Posted (edited)

Divya: Teaching assistant. (That's how I get paid this semester.) I have to teach two 3-hour college freshman labs a week. I've never taught before!


I had jury duty yesterday - I had to stay the whole day! I was in the very last group of people left at the end of selection, but I didn't get picked for the trial, so I got to go home. Long day. :P Way too much traffic.


uh, yeah so for totally unrelated real life stuff...


I have a training this morning but if I can I'm going to sit on the back with my laptop, so hopefully I'll be around on here. :yes: ;)





Spritzie - I got a chai tea latte yesterday morning on the way to jury duty. :)

Edited by IrishLiz

Yay! I'm jealous. I haven't had one... in a couple days. I love them.


I would have been disappointed, if I'd sat there all day, then I got sent home at the end.


It seemed kind of pointless. It was interesting hearing about other people's backgrounds though. I think it was a little better than sitting in the waiting room pointlessly all day, except those people probably got to go home earlier than me.


I have a lot to do next week, so it's nice not to have to serve (the trial is two days next week).


The chai definitely put me in a better mood yesterday morning. :)


Well I'm off for a bit. Talk to you soon, I hope. :)


Did you hear excuses of people trying to get out of it? Now that would have been amusing.


My husband does that. When I'm not feeling good, he snags me a chai from Starbucks, because it makes me feel better.


I totally forgot that you wrote this!


There were some good excuses - I got nervous because people were leaving like crazy. The ones that didn't speak English well left right away. There was a lady next to me that said that she would have an issue because of the Ten Commandments (even though we hadn't even looked at evidence yet).


There were also a lot of relatives of police officers, people with relatives in jail, people that worked within the court system, etc. that got to leave.


The prosecutor made a joke about CSI not being real and I was the only one that laughed at it. I wonder if that's why I got to go home...


:laughingsmiley: It makes me think of an episode of Becker, where he got called in for jury duty. He tried to get out of it, saying he was a doctor. Then he just tried to get excused other ways, non of which worked. Then he decides he would actually like to be on the jury, so when they're interviewing him, he tries harder. And he starts saying "I read this book.." and he immediately got excused.


haha. I like that show. My mom jokes that they don't want intelligent people on the jury.


If I were the prosecutor, I would. I would figure, if they get confused, they'll mix up the evidence. But that's just my general idea.


Yeah I'm not sure whether knowing about lab stuff/how labs work in general is good or not. I guess it's good for the prosecutor and bad for the defense?

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