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My gallery is size 15. I can hold 75 items, but right now, I only have 71. It's petpets. (I'm aiming for Painted petpets.) Right now, I have 24 painted petpets and 47 unpainted.

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la de da


I'm trying to RS in stamp. :laughingsmiley: I got some neat Mystery Island stuff, but nothing that great yet.


And gosh chocolate goes quickly! Stupid avatar. :grrr:



P.S. I have a hard time trying to decide what I want in my gallery. I love Mystery Island and Illusen, so I started collecting those things a long time ago. I haven't added to it in a while. I also tend to hoard green things, because I like the color. I've been selling some to get some NP.


I'm thinking about selling some things in my gallery to make NP. I'm thinking about making a tea-based gallery because I love tea, but I'm not sure. Plushies are neat too. I think they make a pretty gallery. :) I just sold a bunch of cheap ones though when I was trying to clear my SDB after packrat.





haha, just tried to haggle on an item for the avatar. :sad01_anim:

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I've been in the Post Office shop ALLLL day. I'm having fun. :laughingsmiley:


I've been trying to pretend the Chocolate avatar doesn't exist. I don't think I'll have much luck... I didn't last time. Maybe I need to try in the middle of the night, when less people are on.

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That's a good idea. The post office is kinda fun, because it restocks a lot and there are a lot of different stamps. Thanks for inspiring me to go there. I've been there, chocolate, and the magic shop recently - I tried for a Faerie Xweetok Morphing Potion! Those things go fast too, but chocolate is way more frustrating.

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I need to practice too. It's hard sometimes though, and like I mentioned earlier, I tend to get distracted easily. I've been listening to music though, so that helps. :)



Apparently a Holographic Coltzan's Shrine Stamp RSed in the attic today!!!







I haggled on a Healing Springs Stamp. Didn't get it though, even though there were seven. :sad01_anim: My computer is lagging like crazy. I think I need to restart.

Edited by IrishLiz
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The Healing Springs Stamp stocked last night. There were 10 for 634NP. I tried to get one, and they sold out. It's hard. But I think the stamps are a good place for me to start, because they stock often.

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I like restocking at the post office, since I like collecting stamps anyway. If I get something I don't already have, I add it to my album. If I already have it, I'll sell it.


While we're still vaguely on the topic of galleries, I have a Slorg gallery. It's slowly getting built up, but i don't spend a lot of time actively trying to complete it.

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That's why I've been doing too. Except I've been mostly going for the stamps I don't have. Though you bet I go for the Healing Springs Stamp, even though I have it. It's over a 20k profit. They've been stocking for 600-800NP. And the cheapest in shops I've seen, was 25k.


Awww. Your Slorg gallery is adorable. Is everything you have, in it? Or do you still have some in your SDB?


EDIT: Meghan, I have an NC Mall Slorg item that I've never used, nor will I. Would you mind if I sent that to you? I have a gift box in my SDB.

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I find it fun, because there's always something in stock, (Even if I have them all) and it restocks often. I always got frustrated when you refreshed in a shop, and it never had anything until it restocked.


EDIT: Anisha, I went through my SDB and sent you one of all my extras that you didn't already have. :)

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I dont have a gallery. Now I feel left out. :( I dont know if I should make one though because I am pretty bad at collecting.


Masaryk - Your slorg gallery is adorable!


Spritzie - Woah. Thats a lot of petpets! *runs to SDB* I will check if I have any petpets...


Liz - A Faerie Xweetok MP?! NO WAY! I want! *runs to Magic Shop*

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