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i'm going to buy more bargain stocks, and all of other companies, to stay safe :laughingsmiley:

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hmpf, my stocks are falling <_< but i bought some new stocks: SSS *hopes they'll make mommy proud*

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yeah, that's true :/, i'll buy some more shares of another company :/

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Thanks Spritzie for buying the plushie! :) Today I'm so late, cause I fell asleep on the couch for HOURS o_O Have to play some KQ, I'm waaaay behind schedule with saving (and I do hate being behind :))

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:D It's adorable! I'm going to give it to my husband this afternoon.


I'm way behind with earning today. I got slammed here at work, so I just now sat down to play games. (and I get off work in 20 minutes)

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I got to play for about an hour, before my morning stuff started, so I'm at about 40k.


I have such a headache now, I'm going to Starbucks for an iced tea and some Neopets after I get off work. I want to get at least 75-100k today.

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Thanks :D If nothing else, it will be nice to get out, and focus on some Neopets. And hopefully get some KQ played. I want to get my Draik Egg as soon as I can.


I wonder if they're still around 8-8.2 million. (Not that it'd change much from yesterday, but I have 8.1 not counting today's earnings so far.)

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I know how you feel, I had a headache too. But then I drank one whole bottle of water and I'm good now. I don't drink enough :/ Only a bottle a day (0.5l), so make sure you drink a lot of fluids (not like me :))


Only 8 more days and then I'll play Neopets 24/7 :D Joking, but I do intend to really focus on getting some neopoints .. except if we'll have snow. Cause then I'll lie in the snow aaaaalll day long :)


So Spritzie, how much extra neopoints do you want to have before buying a Draik Egg? And yes, there is one on TP for 8 mil. :)

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I wonder if they're still around 8-8.2 million. (Not that it'd change much from yesterday, but I have 8.1 not counting today's earnings so far.)


If you want one right now here's one on the tp ending in 30 minutes for 7,999,998 and if you bid you more than likely will win since the increment in 4 mil so no one will bid after you.


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you can handle it lovebee, just stay calm, everything will be all right, you can get them for less, stay calm *tries to calm ya*

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I'm weak. I bidded, but on the one for 7,8 mil. .. Now I don't even want it .. :sad01_anim:


Maybe some'll be stupid enough to bid 11 mil.? No? Oh well .. :sad02: There goes my 8 mil. ..

I'm going to bed now. To mourn.

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what was it? it says the autction ID is invalid, so i guess you won?

but what was it?!

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It's another auction - it's still on, but I think no one'll pay 11.6 mil for the Egg, so I guess it's mine. I'm happy now, actually :) I calculated that if I earn 150k every day I'll have 15 mil. by New Year, so that's not so bad, right? :)

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why wouldn't you be happy with an egg for 8 mil, that's great!!!

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