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I only restock at the Igloo Garage Sale, and not often. I just sell junk I come across in dailies, my SDB, etc. But the Garage Sale is a good place to restock. If you avoid the items given out at the dailies, you'll generally make some sort of profit.

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i had to learn 4 HOURS to learn greek, and i still do not know it, i'm really desperate :(((

i couldn't earn money today because of that :(

stupid school

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You'll see, it'll all pay off. If you'll do great in school, you'l be able to get a good job and earn a lot of money :) What do you want to be?


To stay on topic, my funds are kinda ''resting'' these days, from same reasons. I do have 50 codestones in my SDB, but am still waiting for prices to rise. Manwhile still haen't got a proper name for my future Draik <_<

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Together with your 20 pbs ._.


How often do you play KQ! You have a whole lot of luck with it.


No, I sell PBs as I get them. I play 10 KQ games per day. I've been hoarding codestones for this whole week. Now just the patience .. I remember last winter when Eo Codestone was 10,000NP, now it's only 7000 :mellow:


Yesterday I bided on Pirate Draik Egg and almost got it for 8,5 mil. But no. Someone beat me to it. Again.

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No, I sell PBs as I get them. I play 10 KQ games per day. I've been hoarding codestones for this whole week. Now just the patience .. I remember last winter when Eo Codestone was 10,000NP, now it's only 7000 :mellow:


Yesterday I bided on Pirate Draik Egg and almost got it for 8,5 mil. But no. Someone beat me to it. Again.


well, i was reading an old editorial, and somebody asked them to help to stop the inflation, because the zed codestone was UB again 0_o

that's just...weird... isn't it?

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oh man, it would be fun if they would release a halloween plot/war right now, than everybody would start getting codestones and they're unable to get them the normal KQ way and they would totally freak out.

just saying ;)

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Yeah, they'll inflate 1 or 2 K, but that's it... I'm going to keep them 'till they're above the 10K

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I'm going to try to get in at least 10 games of KQ today. Maybe 20, so I can redeem some keys later.


I need all the help I can get for my Draik Fund. (Though I could get a Draik Egg now, if I would sell my Faerie PB, but for some reason, I don't want to.)

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400k away from 10 million hooray :laughingsmiley:


I totally decided to aim for some battledome weapons for now since we just never know when a war/plot might happen and I want my Beauty to be ready!


I haven't played keyquest in a long time...maybe around the weekends I can play with you fine folks so that you all can get more in those Draik Funds ^^

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just got a codestone from one of the keys :laughingsmiley: you can still get them ;)

and some background, it was a really cool background, YAY :D

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