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No, no, NO! They must NOT go up! I promised myself not to buy anything before I reach my first goal and that'll be exactly on 31. of December - my birthday - and as a gift on Neo I'm finally going to get two of my dream pets (Desert Draik & Faerie Peophin) :mellow: So NO! :sad01_anim: Please :sad02:

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Hm... so then I have to decide: splurge before Christmas or wait until after Christmas when the prices are normal again?


Personally, I'd buy before Christmas. There's no knowing what might happen after, though the prices will probably go back down.


No, no, NO! They must NOT go up! I promised myself not to buy anything before I reach my first goal and that'll be exactly on 31. of December - my birthday - and as a gift on Neo I'm finally going to get two of my dream pets (Desert Draik & Faerie Peophin) :mellow: So NO! :sad01_anim: Please :sad02:


You could always go ahead and buy the Draik Egg, and "hide" it in your SDB until you finish your goals, and hatch it on your birthday. :)

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But then I won't reach my 20 mil. goal :( I'll see. I think I'll hit 12 mil. today, so maybe I'll hit 20 mil. before my birthday .. + if we count that I'll be earning double during halloween holidays ..


Oh and nice to have you back Spritzie :)

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Thank you :)


You could just subtract what you spent on the Draik Egg. So if you spend 9 million, your goal will then be 11 million instead. You'll still save the same amount, you just won't have it all at the same time.

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That's true. I'll wait till holidays and then decide :) How is your fund going?


Oh and I changed my mind about the colour. Now I'm deciding between Chocolate (thank god I've been saving one FFQ) and Faerie. What do you think? I'm having customization problems though ..

Edited by LoveBee
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My fund is doing pretty well, considering they're down to about 8.5. I'm at about 6.7 pure, (and 33k so far today), about 800k/worth about 700k in the stock market. I have about 1.1 million to go.


Until Water, Faerie was my favorite Draik color. That was to be Aitvara's color. The color is super easy to customize. I'd planned to use my FFQ on a Chocolate Draik, but I decided it was too hard to customize. (Most of the perfect items for Chocolate Draiks are NC.)

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I decided I won't do much customizing. I prefer it simple - a pretty background is enough for me. I thik I'll go with Faerie, I just have to think about another name 8since the one I picked for Desert Draik won't suit the colour) ..

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My fund is doing pretty well, considering they're down to about 8.5. I'm at about 6.7 pure, (and 33k so far today), about 800k/worth about 700k in the stock market. I have about 1.1 million to go.


Until Water, Faerie was my favorite Draik color. That was to be Aitvara's color. The color is super easy to customize. I'd planned to use my FFQ on a Chocolate Draik, but I decided it was too hard to customize. (Most of the perfect items for Chocolate Draiks are NC.)


yeah, chocolate is a really cool colour, but it's hard to customise, you're totally right (and yeah, i'm using british spelling, 'cause i have to learn british english at school ;))

i love the faerie colour, i really want an UC faerie draik, but that'll never happen :(

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I may do Chocolate someday, if I have the NP and FFQ to spare, because there were a few customization items I really liked with it.


Me too. I'd love to have a UC Faerie Draik. That would be my ultimate dream pet.

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I'm not such a big fan of UC pets, but if I had to choose I'd be a Faerie Peophin. I think they're amazing..

And UC Faerie Draiks look nice too .. I wish getting UC pets was easier :mellow:

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Faerie is really the only UC Draik I like. Otherwise, there's only a few UC pets I like, like the Faerie Shoyru.


or a faerie pteri, an UC fairy pteri would be the best of the best of the best (along with the UC faerie draik)


ps: spritzie, check your shop ;)

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Right, that was the only reason I got my Draik earlier than planned. I was so gonna wait until I saw it for 11 million in the AUCTIONS! No one else leaped in so I went for it :laughingsmiley:


So usually once a while check the TP and auctions, even if you're not going to get it yet.

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Thank you! :D You need to restock your shop. :P


I agree Eevee! Don't even hesitate if you find a good deal. Because I was a bit slow, I had to pay 2 million more for Aitvara's Egg.


huh, what *checks shop*

nksehrtEJFHGSAKNISFEJAthfhdkghsdkj,gns, not again *sigh*

i need the pack rat, and i'm selling stuff, that means less stuff, packrat further away... *checks SDB*

950 items... *goes shopping at the shops of TDN members, i can resell everything, and i won't cost that much, i want the avvie !!!*

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It's too bad. I remember I sent out a lot of offers and NMs when I was buying mine, and I'd say I got replies of some sort, from maybe 1/4th of them.


aww, that sucks, but i guess that's what happens while buying something so expensive :/

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