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Draik Lair


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Congrats! I only managed to get to about 123k so far and now it's time to leave work. But I plan to get back online as soon as I can and start playing games. I need to make today super productive. My Draik Fund hit 6.5 million last night. :D

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Congrats! I only managed to get to about 123k so far and now it's time to leave work. But I plan to get back online as soon as I can and start playing games. I need to make today super productive. My Draik Fund hit 6.5 million last night. :D


I'm jealous, i need to do my homework and such... It's not fair...:(

But well done, 6,5 mill is a good milestone:)

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Congrats Spritzie! :) Must inform you that prices are dropping ! I spotted on TP that the newest lowest (lol) asking price is 8.5 mil. :) So yay for us!


@lisauntie: I have lots of homework too. But I always manage to play KQ and do the homework/study if I'm lucky the other player is eaither slow or we don't have many Mini Games. Today during the Berry Blast whenever I hit a berry I had to remember a verb in Latin and say it's basic forms :) It worked !

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Today during the Berry Blast whenever I hit a berry I had to remember a verb in Latin and say it's basic forms :) It worked !

Haha, thats a good plan. Key quest has been flukey today. SO many players keep freezing or whatnot so the game ends :sad01_anim: I have to stop for a while, it's getting too frustrating -_-

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Congrats Spritzie! :) Must inform you that prices are dropping ! I spotted on TP that the newest lowest (lol) asking price is 8.5 mil. :) So yay for us!


@lisauntie: I have lots of homework too. But I always manage to play KQ and do the homework/study if I'm lucky the other player is eaither slow or we don't have many Mini Games. Today during the Berry Blast whenever I hit a berry I had to remember a verb in Latin and say it's basic forms :) It worked !


Yeah, my mother steals my laptop 'till i finished homework, and after that, i have to:

1)chat with (english/handsome=D) friends

2) tweet

3) new status update on facebook

4) hyves(a dutch facebook-like thing)

5) do dailies

6) eat


8) repeat 1 'till 4

9) sleep


It's hard to find time to play KQ

And i sleep very badly, so i'm really tired... I have to sleep more, i haven't got any time to play KQ the next weeks...

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I'm jealous, i need to do my homework and such... It's not fair...:(

But well done, 6,5 mill is a good milestone:)


I'd be higher if I hadn't wasted like, 1.5 million trying for the Kelp avatar a couple weeks ago. <_<


Congrats Spritzie! :) Must inform you that prices are dropping ! I spotted on TP that the newest lowest (lol) asking price is 8.5 mil. :) So yay for us!


Awesome! Though if I hadn't wasted my NP on that avatar (that I didn't even get) I'd be able to get a Draik Egg right now. :(

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Done with homework and then took a 3 hour nap. I feel awesome! :P


Might just get on neo for dailies and then the Habi running so that I can study for my Statistics test tomorrow D:


Wow they getting that cheap? I know a lot of people that will finally get a Draik before the end of this year ^^

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@ lisauntie: Well I avoid most of these things (except eating and showering) since I'm not on FB/Twitter (actually had to google it to write it correctly :D) .. I just thing this things are time consuming and stupid. No offence!


And I finally sold those stupid backgrounds and earned myself 170 000NP. That means I don't have to do anything for two days :P


EDIT: Blew 75 000NPs at the Wheel of Extravagance .. great.

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@ lisauntie: Well I avoid most of these things (except eating and showering) since I'm not on FB/Twitter (actually had to google it to write it correctly :D) .. I just thing this things are time consuming and stupid. No offence!


And I finally sold those stupid backgrounds and earned myself 170 000NP. That means I don't have to do anything for two days :P


EDIT: Blew 75 000NPs at the Wheel of Extravagance .. great.


well, i know a boy, and he's like... ummm, english, cool, funny, great, good company (you know where i'm going to aren't ya?), and the only way i can talk to him is FB... and i love the games on FB, and i share homework by FB, and what not... it's fun...

but yeah, it actually IS time consuming, really much time...

and well, i got addicted to twitter by a friend of me *pointing at the evil dutch girl who i know, that really is my second part, the two evil dutch girls =D* and i can't stop:-D

just finished some really hard homework, i had to make a paper, an english one, written in dutch (but i have to pretend being english), and it has to be about world war 1, it was hard to find pictures and information.

but it's almost autumn holiday in the netherlands, i'll be playing all day, all night (hahahahaha, johhny, la gente esta muy loca, what the ghostkerchief)


but i want my draik, grrrr

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I know what you mean. Only two more years and off to university and I'll get rid of most of stupid classes. But one thing I hate the most, are 2 hour long test in maths <_< Like 3 pages isn't enough noooo .. there has to be 6 :grrr:


And lisauntie, it's worse when you can afford a Draik, but yet still cannot get it ;)


Bog ne daj da bi crknu televizor, bog ne daj! :whistle:


EDIT: Just got Ghost PB from KQ.. this is getting strange . :mellow:

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I know what you mean. Only two more years and off to university and I'll get rid of most of stupid classes. But one thing I hate the most, are 2 hour long test in maths <_< Like 3 pages isn't enough noooo .. there has to be 6 :grrr:


And lisauntie, it's worse when you can afford a Draik, but yet still cannot get it ;)


Bog ne daj da bi crknu televizor, bog ne daj! :whistle:


EDIT: Just got Ghost PB from KQ.. this is getting strange . :mellow:


that's soooo cool, i wanna have a ghost PB


but what's happening to the draik lair?!?!?!

i wanna talk 'bout draiks.

i've seen some really awesome draiks, gonna play some games of KQ, then sell any PB's i win (i hope)

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Yay they really ARE dropping! :)


I HAVE A CHANCE NOW! Although I'm not really a super draik fan, I think they are the most beautiful species that Neopets has created in different colours. :)


My aim is to, after exams, play KQ and about earn (daily) 20,000 from games, so I can get one in about two months. My main aims are currently the nox shield, and a draik. And a woodland grundo! :D


Anyway. A draik, painted pirate, by December or January. Maybe in time for Christmas! :woot:


Here's to dropping prices!

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I wish you luck lisauntie! :)

All I can say about Draiks right now is that most TP prices for Pirate Draik Eggs are 9 mil.


thnx, i'll need it.

but: is it possible to get halloween PB's and other expensive PB's?

that would make my quest much easier :D

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@lisauntie: nope, except if they'll put it as one of the Halloween themed prized (which I doubt). You can get: Striped, Speckled, Snow, Ghost, Cookie, Glowing, Tyrannian, Cloud (I think that's all). I got one today too (Glowing) and I must say my Draik/Customization fund is looking nice, 11.8mil/20mil so far :)


Where's Spritzie? Haven't seen her around the site these last days ..

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@lisauntie: nope, except if they'll put it as one of the Halloween themed prized (which I doubt). You can get: Striped, Speckled, Snow, Ghost, Cookie, Glowing, Tyrannian, Cloud (I think that's all). I got one today too (Glowing) and I must say my Draik/Customization fund is looking nice, 11.8mil/20mil so far :)


Where's Spritzie? Haven't seen her around the site these last days ..


awwww, too bad... but i love the other PB's as well :-D and others with money too ;)


and yeah, where is spritzie..?


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It's great to see prices continually dropping. The top few prices on the Pirate Draik Eggs is currently 8.5 million. :D


Where's Spritzie? Haven't seen her around the site these last days ..


I haven't been online the past few days. I've been off of work since Wednesday afternoon, and I haven't had much time to get on. But I will be back at work tomorrow morning. And backing to working on my Draik Fund. :D


and yeah, where is spritzie..?



:laughingsmiley: I've been everywhere, but online. Lots of stuff going on this weekend.

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Omigosh I don't even know... I like Draiks, but I haven't been fantasizing about them. I do like pirate Draiks, so I might keep it. I think I would have to buy a Maraquan PB first, for Naoghas, but with Draik prices so low, it would be tempting to buy one around Christmas. I'm at 13 now, so I would have some extra padding. It's a lot to think about!


The question is... will they keep dropping or will something crazy happen to bring them up again?!? You never know!


I guess I'll have to start seriously looking at Draik colors and such!

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I'm hoping they'll continue dropping, but I think it will probably get to a certain point and stop. As soon as I'm able to, I'll be buying one. I could almost get one now, if nearly all my stocks weren't way in the negatives.

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