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I officially have enough for a Pirate Draik Egg and Faerie Morphing Potion but I would be left with 389NP :mellow: Depressing ..


EDIT: I almost got an Egg for 8.400 000NP and this one person just ...arrrrrghhh :grrr: Came in last MINUTE!

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Wow! That would have been a really good price. Are the Pirate Eggs roughly around 9 million right now?


I heard there are more trades/auctions that sell them for 8,5/9 mill. Yay:)


Ps: today the shore gave me a chest, i opened it, does anybody enat some black potato crisps?

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That's good. I love seeing the prices lower. If prices stay at 10 million, it will be about... 44 weeks before I can get my Maraquan Draik and Camo Krawk.


It would be like: a million years to get a draik egg for me^_^

so long live deflating prices:)


Going to bed now *yawn*

See ya later guys

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I'm going to be aiming for about 375k a week. My figures were based on 10 million for the Pirate Draik Egg, 6 million for the Magical Pirate Krawk Plushie, 100k for the Camo PB, and I think 8 million for the Maraquan PB. o_O

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Almost sniped Pirate PB for 600 000NP :( One bidder was faster ..


Spritzie I can only say good luck. My goal is 700 000NP/week and I'll have 20 mil. by New Year (exactly) .. you need 25 mil. x_x I don't think you'll pay 10 mil. for the Egg, they're going for 8 mil. on auctions and TP prices are 9.5 :)

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Thanks :D I'm trying to factor in for higher prices, just in case. I'm figuring about 85k a day, 3 days a week when I'm at work for 12 hours. (Though this week, I've gotten 100k each day.) And 40-50k on my half work day, then 25k a day for the last 3 days.

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If you're good at auction snipping them seem to be going just under 9. I'd say as a majority most are still just around 9. 8.5 ones are still not the norm but they will probably still continue to drop.


PS Spritzie, I have a camo paint brush if you want to buy it later. :king:

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The auction house hates me and I plan to avoid it at all costs. :( I'll probably do what I did last time and agree on a price with someone from the TP, and have them put it in a NF only auction for me.

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Complicated :evo: I just do 100 000NP/day, if I don't I make up in the weekends. So far it was okay, but now school is getting 'serious' and the tests are coming .. we'll see :)


I just calculated I need 2.200 000NP for IinDigoo and Vilinka, the rest is my draik fund. So 20 mil. - 2.2 mil = 17.8 mil. If I get an Egg for 8 mil. *hopes* and pb for 2.8 mil. I'm left with 7 millions.

Hmm. Not so bad :)


EDIT: I wonder if they'll ever stop giving Draik Eggs from the shore/anchor management ... :mellow:

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I have a harder time getting online and focusing on games when I'm off of work, so I have to make my 12 hour work days my main NP day.


I'll probably wait until I'm a couple million past the Draik Egg, and then get one. Then build up until I'm a couple million past the Krawk plushie, then get one. Then work on the PBs later.

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So far today: 80k. :D And I've been online for about 30 minutes. I sold my Greater Healing Scroll this morning.


That's awesome! I searched Water Draik, since I figure there's less of those than my other pets, and it just pulled up a blank Water Draik.

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I've been playing a bunch today. I like collecting a bunch of keys first then cashing them all in at once so I don't know what I've got yet but here's to hoping something good. I might try to wait until the halloween prizes come out though. Probably not though because I'm sure I'll get too curious to wait :rolleyes_anim:

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If you can wait until this evening, I'll play at least one game and turn in the key and let you know. :)


I'm hoping for lots of Codestones to train Aitvara since she can't be my active for faerie quest rewards. She's so close to 100 HP now. She just needs 9 more HP.

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