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i just restocked like crazy at the book shop, buying every single book i could get (it was a real bloody fight there :guiltysmiley: ) and i managed to get some books for cheap prizes :-D

i'm a happy girl :laughingsmiley:

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I really don't like restocking .. it'd time consuming and stressful :S And I'm just to slow haha :P I went to the Extravagance wheel too today ang got 50 000NP. At least something.

Now I'm going back to cleaning my SDB out :)

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Have you tried restocking at the Igloo Garage Sale? That's tons easier. That's the only place I really restock at. I know Eevee gets really good profits from there. Mine are fairly good. You just have to know what to avoid.

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I like books. But I never sell them :D Sometimes I'm just so tired of everything (like now) and just don't really feel like rectosking, playing games, KQ, anything .. man a Magical Krawk Plushie would be a nice addition to my fund :mellow:

All the sudden I'm in a baaaad mood .. bah, I'm going to look at some Draiks to cheer me up a bit *forces herself to smile* ---> :)

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Eevee always does well with bakery type items. I generally aim for stamps, background, some interesting food. Some toys are good. It doesn't take long to get a general idea.


i should try that too, hmmm :yes:

ps: i bought 9 items from your shop (really cheap, maybe for 500 np), i had some spare money after RS'ing and i wanted to do something back, even if it's really small compared to you. It helps me to achieve the pack rat, and i can eat/play (with) it :-D

happy me

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:ohno: Woops, forgot it was 1/2 price day. I really should restock some stuff today. While I have 0np I've been trying for the soup faerie avatar but no dice yet. I guess I have to go make some np so I can spend it all to restock :rolleyes_anim:

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I always forget about my shop. I'll check my till in the morning, and find nothing. Then I'm not surprised when I go to my shop later and find 90% of the items in there, without prices. :laughingsmiley:


That's exactly what I do! haha. I was just pricing items because I realized that almost nothing is priced in my shop. I got shop wizard banned though.


Oh and my NP are kinda like my life-savings... I just don't spend a whole lot, at least I don't buy multi-million-dollar items.


I totally forgot it was half-price day too! gosh, and I've been home all day. Though, I'm home sick, so I slept about half the day.

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Homework...stinks...a...lot xD


You would be surprised on how much bakery items can really sell for. Especially cupcakes, cakes, muffins, and more!


Like I tell people, just avoid the daily items they sell and everything else should get you at least SOME kind of profit :)


Plus practice makes perfect so try the Igloo Garage Sale when you have nothing else going on. Doesn't take too long to get 10 items a day if you have around an hour or two to spend...which doesn't work out for me on weekdays <_<

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Yeah I barely have time to get on neo either... I have homework this week and a midterm that I'm not looking forward to.


I almost got all of my shop priced (just 10 items left) and I got shop wizard banned! eep!

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yeah, 3000+ to my draik fund, yay... i doubted anybody would EVER buy the shell kiko, i hope your pets like it :laughingsmiley:

ps: i've got 2000 from the shore for the 2d time, i think i actually like that shore :laughingsmiley:


** Whistles aimlessly***


You need to restock your shop... it seems to be empty

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I'm now trying to price the items as I place them in there. Where I forget, is when I place items in there from my dailies, then I find them later.


I love the Igloo Garage Sale. I'm going daily again, though I'm generally there all day. (I play games in between, so it takes longer to get 10 items.)

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** Whistles aimlessly***


You need to restock your shop... it seems to be empty




*hurrying to my shop*

OMG, you're so right, there's nothing left!!!


just earned 29,510 neopoints, cha-ching :laughingsmiley:

thnx everybody :-D


*hurrying to the main shops to restock*

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*hurrying to my shop*

OMG, you're so right, there's nothing left!!!


just earned 29,510 neopoints, cha-ching :laughingsmiley:

thnx everybody :-D


*hurrying to the main shops to restock*



**Peaks at the shop**


Thalandra: DUBLOONS!!!


your out of dubloons, I'm sure that Kyrii should be a pirate, her obsession with hoarding dubloon is getting out of control

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**Peaks at the shop**


Thalandra: DUBLOONS!!!


your out of dubloons, I'm sure that Kyrii should be a pirate, her obsession with hoarding dubloon is getting out of control


Haha, well, i suppose water kyrii is gorgeous, and they're both related to water (pirate:ships, ocean, traveling over water, etc...)

I've got more dubloons, so i'm going to restock, tomorrow, it's bed time

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