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Draik Lair


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I'm the same way. I don't even look at the auctions.


I would be so happy if I could get a Draik Egg for 7 million. Even 8-9 would be nice. I'm just hoping by the time I hit 10-12 million, the Pirate Draik Eggs will still be as cheap.

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Grrrr I finally know which petpet to get for Uvertira and so far, most of the people in the TP doesn't want to give it up because they got "attached" and the only other person hasn't been on for 5 days xD


7 million is really cheap wow :O Glad to hear that a lot of people will finally get Draiks at a cheaper price :3

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You picked a White Weewoo right? Are you trying to get painted or unpainted ones?


I'm just worried the Magical Krawk plushies, and the Draik Eggs are going to go up in price before I can get them. (Even though I could afford the Krawk plushie now, I want to get the Draik Egg first.)

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A natural Weewoo is brown, so I just want to get a White Weewoo without having to get a normal Weewoo and then a White Petpet Paint Brush since the brush will just cost me extra :(


There's only one White Weewoo and the person hasn't been on for a while so now I'm just playing the waiting game v.v


Well unless the dailies go away, I don't see why they would go back up again since they already dropped so low in price in about a month? I wouldn't worry too much Spritzie ^^ You have this in the bag!

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I was hoping maybe buying the petpet, then brush would be cheaper. For some reason, sometimes it is. :(


I hope so. I'm so excited to complete my sea account. I've been finding the urge to my one of the Krawk Plushies now.

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I know what you mean. Island lutari morhphing potions are like 4.5 mil now and its just so tempting to buy one because I have enough for that currently but I keep telling myself that the lab will do it for free someday :rolleyes_anim: Also, I'm SO close to a draik I can feel it!

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I think for the time being he's going to stay pirate. I enjoy the base and love the clothes so it's awesome that the egg is pirate because after I get the egg I will legitimately have like 1 np to my name :laughingsmiley: but it will totally be worth it.


haha, yes, I really do need blinders.

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Well I already have enough for a Pirate Draik Egg, but it would be unfair to leave Vilinka as she is (as a yellow nimmo :/) - she comes first! Actually the very first goal is 20 mil. in the bank.

By today I would have had 11 mil., but I've been to the Wheel of Extravagance every day :S


Oh and today I got the Discovered Treasure Chest from the Shore daily. I don't know if I should open it .. I could use the NPs from selling it, but it may have a MP inside :) (which I doubt, my first chest had that stupide pirate book for 1np inside). What do you think?

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I have seen many draiks UFA. :yes: You just have to apply with a decent application. It's not that hard actually.


Wheel of Extravagance is bogus. <_<


@LoveBee, You should open the Discovered Treasure Chest sometimes. Maybe you'll get something valuable. :)

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:woot: I JUST GOT A DRAIK! :woot: Oh man, this is so exciting. So I got him from our lovely TDN user, inkt, and I got him for 9.5 mil. Now I just have to find a name for him and then hatch away :woot: that smiley doesn't do justice to my elation at this happening.

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:woot: I would officially like to welcome my very own, brand new, draik Freyyr to the world :wub_anim:

Here he is



He's named after the Norse God Freyr, I had to add an extra y to get an available name but I'm really happy with it :woot:

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