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Draik Lair


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I've been entering her in the customization contests fairly regularly, but nothing so far. (I entered right after I painted her Water.) With the beauty contest, I fail at art. Though I should try.


I think Desert Draiks are amazing. I vote for leaving him, unless you want the RB clothes.

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I'd love to see her as a Notable Pet. I'd love to put screen shots of that on her pet page.


I might give it a try. I don't know if Draiks fall into a category that I'm fairly decent with when it comes to art.


You definitely should. :yes:

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Even if you miss it, a lot of kind Neopians actually screenie every Notable Pet and neomail the owners if they wanna keep it ^^ That's the only reason I found out that my Xwee and Pteri made it lolz!


It's good to try whenever you feel and have the chance ^^ Besides all the advertising involved, you meet some nice people, learn more art tricks, and maybe earn a trophy JUST for that pet :3


(Just might leave him Desert)

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You'll fer sure have my vote Spritzie :3


EDIT: OMG!!!! I finally got my CC trophy (2nd place) and for my random prize, I actually got the Mystery Island Paint Brush! :O


I've been saving up for a while just to get one and here I get one finally :'3 I'm going to paint my Krawk sometime today but I'm just so happy that I squealed when I got on x'D




True Final Dream Pet - Completed!

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  • 2 weeks later...

She looks great Eevee! :D


DTI now has the Elegant Draik slippers and necklace up. (Still waiting on the earrings.) I tried them on Aitvara as Water, and they look really pretty on her. I hope the prices go down sometime soon.

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I do have a Draik, Aitvara. I only have one currently.


Ohhh, I love Draiks, I want one but the eggs are so expensive. I am continously trying to save for one, but other items keep claiming my money lol.

What color is your Draik?

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I paid 12 million for her egg just over a year ago. (I bought it Sept 13, hatched her on the 15th.)


She's Water:



She's in her birthday dress.


Yikes. This is exactly why I am yet to have an egg. Just from your price, I am 6 million short ughhh. Darn my excessive spending lol.


But oh my goodness, she is gorgeous seriously. Draiks are so beautiful in like any color.

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I played games like crazy, and sold everything I came across for months and months to save for her. I refused to spend NP on anything. After I finally hatched her, I couldn't stop spending. Now, I go back and forth. I save, then spend, then save.


Thank you :D Water is now my favorite color for Draiks.

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I played games like crazy, and sold everything I came across for months and months to save for her. I refused to spend NP on anything. After I finally hatched her, I couldn't stop spending. Now, I go back and forth. I save, then spend, then save.


Thank you :D Water is now my favorite color for Draiks.


I mayhave to get back into playign games. I have been on a bit of hiatus from games (other than working on game guides themselves) so ehh.

I think I may have to diligently work up to saving like crazy with no spending to finally get the Draik I want. Which in all will be extremely expensive seeing as I want either a Pirate, Mutant, Royal, or Maraquan Draik.

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The cost of Pirate PBs have come down a lot. I think they're roughly around 3 million. Royal PBs are nice and cheap too. (Compared with Maraquan, and all of the new ones like Transparent, Woodland, Water.)


My second Draik is going to be Maraquan, though I'll need a MP this time, because I already have the pet I want for it.

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The cost of Pirate PBs have come down a lot. I think they're roughly around 3 million. Royal PBs are nice and cheap too. (Compared with Maraquan, and all of the new ones like Transparent, Woodland, Water.)


My second Draik is going to be Maraquan, though I'll need a MP this time, because I already have the pet I want for it.


Oh, I see. Well I was going to just try and get a Pirate Draik Egg which are going for about 13 million on the TP right now. So I am about 7 million away from that goal. Royal PBs are nice and cheap though.

Maraquan Draiks are so gorgeous, which is why I want one. But your Water Draik tempts me in a new direction lol

Do Draiks come in Transparent? I love the color for some reason, but I really want a Transparent Mynci. :)

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Wow. I didn't realize Draik Egg prices has come down. (Though now that I think about it, it makes since for the price of the Pirate ones to be dropping.)


Maraquan Draiks are probably one of my top favorite Draik colors. It will fit in perfectly on my sea account. (I currently have a Camo Flotsam, Camo Jetsam, and Disco Koi.)


A Transparent Draik hasn't been released yet. I can't wait to see what it will look like, but it will probably be a long while before they release it.

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Wow. I didn't realize Draik Egg prices has come down. (Though now that I think about it, it makes since for the price of the Pirate ones to be dropping.)


Maraquan Draiks are probably one of my top favorite Draik colors. It will fit in perfectly on my sea account. (I currently have a Camo Flotsam, Camo Jetsam, and Disco Koi.)


A Transparent Draik hasn't been released yet. I can't wait to see what it will look like, but it will probably be a long while before they release it.


Depends on the egg I guess. There is only one person asking for 15 million for a pirate Draik Egg, the rest are about 13 million. Why does it make sense for the Pirate Egg prices to be dropping? Because the brush prices are dropping?


And yes Maraquan is great on Draiks, but then again, Draiks pull off almost every color splendidly. And aww I like the theme you have going on with that account. That's pretty awesome. :)


And hmm, TNT should really look into doing a Transparent Draik. I am curious as to how it would look. Not a lot of pets come in that color currently.

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Pirate Draik Eggs are currently given out at the new Forgotten Shore daily, so that's hopefully putting more into the economy, making them cheaper.


Thanks :D It's my favorite side account. If I got a Magical Pirate Krawk plushie, I'd be tempted to go for a Maraquan Krawk instead though.

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Pirate Draik Eggs are currently given out at the new Forgotten Shore daily, so that's hopefully putting more into the economy, making them cheaper.


Thanks :D It's my favorite side account. If I got a Magical Pirate Krawk plushie, I'd be tempted to go for a Maraquan Krawk instead though.


Why haven't I gotten an egg for the Forgotten Shore *mumbles with discontent* Lol.

Maraquan Krawks are lovely as well though. :)

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I'm thinking the same thing. :laughingsmiley: I'm pretty much been getting nothing, and once in awhile, 2k NP.


With my pet's name, nothing could really beat a Maraquan Draik. I also would love to have a Maraquan Kougra, but it doesn't fit like a Draik does.

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