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Draik Lair


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That's awesome. :D That's probably what I'd do if I got one. Depending on the price of the actual plushie, I'd try to trade one for a Draik Egg. (I want to hatch my own for my Chocolate Draik so I can pick my name.)

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I hatched my first Draik, Aitvara, myself. I loved that since I was able to do it. (At the time, MPs were actually more expensive than the Eggs. I paid 12 million for her Egg.)


With my Chocolate Draik, I will have to have Egg or MP (though I hope to be able to get the egg) because I want her name to match her color.


If it deflated too much, and I got one, I'd use it on my Koi (Well, technically she's now a Lenny thanks to the lab) then paint it Maraquan. A Maraquan Krawk would be a nice addition to my sea account, though I'm currently planning to morph her into a Draik, then paint her Maraquan.

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I got it during the Faerie Quest event. In all my previous Neopets years, I never got a visit from her.


Thank you :D I need to get back to playing games like crazy. (Which I had planned on doing today, before the site went down.) I've been either neglecting games, or spending a fair amount of my saved NP.

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I played games like crazy Sunday while at work to build up my fund. I slacked today. I played for a bit, then I got pulled away.


What colors is everyone hoping to be released on Draik Day?


I'm kind of hoping for Transparent, though I won't be getting it. I'm semi-hoping for an amazing color, but I'm kind of not because Aitvara is meant to be Faerie, and I'll be upset if they release something so awesome, that I change my mind. But I am waiting to paint her Faerie until her birthday, a little bit less than a week after Draik Day.

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I think Swamp Gas was done really well. It's very detailed, though it's not one of the colors I like. (My husband loves it though.) He's actually rooting for a Transparent Draik. He loves that color.


I'm most highly hoping for a brand new color. Draiks seem to be available in most the unique colors. I wouldn't mind seeing 8-Bit though that will obviously be one I never get. (There's no way I'm zapping a Draik and that's the only way to get it.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gosh is Draik Lair really going silent?


I like the colors for Swamp Gas, but the fact that it's swamp gas kinda grosses me out. :sick01:


I thought you guys would be all excited, talking about the Maractite MP!

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Sigh, I dropped a bunch of change for the new treasure map. about 450-500k total, as I got 2 pieces from the daily and spent from 60k-75k on the rest by bidding early in the TP :) I hope it's worth it over time, I bet it will be as it does have a daily that not as many people will be able to access.... *hopes*


But that took a chunk of change from my Draik fund.

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Now that Water has been released, I'm really, really, really hoping for Water to be released for Draiks. :D I think they'll be amazing.


I got a map piece today. I'll probably hold onto them, then put it together.

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That probably would have been a good idea. They're deflating too. I got another one and it only sold for 50k whereas yesterday I was buying them for 60k at the very least. now 60k is like the max you can sell it for.


I don't think they'll be coming out quite as frequently soon though, and then they'll go WAY up in price. Maybe I should stock up on a bunch at a low price. I wonder what a good low price would be to start buying them at... lol. then again maybe they'll go so down in price that it won't matter and that would be really lame. I hope they remain a decently hard to get map otherwise what's the point everyone will have the same daily and all the stuff from it will be junk.




I want a draik T.T

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Draik Day is here. :D (Well, tomorrow, but the news is out.)


Water was released for Draiks. As was Jelly:




Water is GORGEOUS!


And the outfits are cool. Eevee, the male outfit is really nice.


Check out the other Draik Day stuff HERE.

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You know, I like the water but really I was hoping for more. I don't really know how to explain but I was kind of dreaming more of swirly water and so much bubbly water like on the tip of the tail and the hair. Nice overall. Now I just need a draik still :rolleyes_anim: I'm still at 8 and egg prices are still almost double that :sad01_anim:

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