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Draik Lair


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Huh, does the lab ray zap Draik? I was under the impression that it doesn't anymore, but I hope it still does! :D


Oh that reminds me that I should get on pet lending chains again! I haven't done those in a while and there are still a few I don't have (mostly Draik and Krawk, I think).


Would you like to get in on my Draik lending chain? :D I've got spots open for July and August :)


Here's Jet's look from yesterday! :)


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Awww! That's a cute look for her! The background really ties the clothes in with her color.


We don't know if it's possible for sure or not. It used to be, but there's been no reports of it in several years so it's thought that it's no longer possible. But I've never seen TNT say for sure, one way or the other.

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Isn't it cute? I never saw her character with long hair, but I rather like the effect. This photo album is gonna be so cool ^_^


Yeah, that's true. They seem to be rather dodgy on the subject. Maybe I'll get lucky and zap Hojoko Draik. Though, I'm rather pleased with the rate at which he's gaining stats, so I'm happy to stick with that :)

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The long hair is different, but it looks really nice. I can't wait to see it when it's done. It's going to be so cool seeing everyone's different ideas for her.


I would love it if it was possible, and I got one. Especially if it was on the right pet. I wouldn't be quite as happy if it happened to the pet on my lab account. But hey, another Draik, is another Draik.

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Yeah, it really will! I'll need to figure out how to make the layout...should be a fun challenge. I think I'm gonna try to make it in divs that you can "click" through to get to different pages of pictures. I'm not sure if it's possible though. I'm not very good at CSS


Haha true. If you don't like the pet you zap, you can always trade it anyway :P


I really want to finish off my permie pets, but that means I need to trade off a few. Ferrias doesn't do anything anymore, and neither does Kokoshiki, so I'd like to trade them. Not gonna lie, I kinda want a pet who'd be Vik's girlfriend, but I haven't found anyone who matches him xD My characters all have weird relationships anyway.

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I don't know anything about CSS, but it would be really cool if you could do that.


I don't have very good luck with the lab ray. The only incredible zap I've gotten is my Ice Hissi.


I really need to figure out my pets again. Things keep changing a bit. I know Liquiform will be Maraquan, most likely Draik, but every once in awhile, I think about maybe Maraquan Krawk.

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There's petpages that have different sections layered on top of one another in divs, and by clicking around, you get to the different ones.


Like this one:



Or maybe I could do a giant calendar table, and make tiny thumbnail images in each date expandable. That would be pretty cool, but not as difficult as a photo album with turning pages.


Or I could just recycle the code from my old Krawk app, and make it a book with pages that just scroll down. Weird, but workable.


Dude, you zapped an ice hissi? that's awesome! they're one of my favorite pets, though i've never had any luck trading for one, or coming up with a character idea.


I love maraquan krawks, but only the unconverted ones...Otherwise, they just look too weird to me. :P

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I love the calendar idea! That would be super cool. :D


Yeah I did. I lost one Hissi in the process. :laughingsmiley: And the 3rd one is currently Fire. I'm debating about zapping the Fire one again. Here's my Ice Hissi.


Draiks and Kougras are my favorite Maraquan pets. My husband thinks a Maraquan Draik fits the name Liquiform the best, so that I should stick with that plan of making her a Mara Draik.

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Thanks! :D Maybe I'll scrap my original idea and start coding the calendar instead then. It shouldn't be too difficult to get a rough draft :)


Ohh wow he's gorgeous!! *hugs him*

Let me know if you zap another one, lol xD I'd love to trade/adopt


My favorite converted Mara is the Shoyru. I have Idolyd on a side account; I adopted him over a year ago on a quick-adopt board. I think I should start working on his character again


Man I have so much work to do on my pets :laughingsmiley:

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I will. Like I said, I'm thinking of continuing to zap the Fire one, so maybe I'll get lucky. :D


I'm trying to just focus on my Draik Egg, for my FFQ. That's my priority right now, though you wouldn't know it by my spending. :whistle: I'm getting restless and really want to get my Chocolate Draik.

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Would you like to get in on my Draik lending chain? :D I've got spots open for July and August :)



Oh! Well yeah, actually, if that's ok. I'll try to dress Jet up as best I can... I don't have a whole lot in my closet since I don't buy NC. I just have to move one of my pets to a side, but I have enough transfers to do both.


Spritzie, I was wondering about the votes for that reason. There were a lot of good designs, so it seemed like it would be easy for the votes to be spread out.

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Yeah, I thought it might happen since we had so many great entries. I thought we'd get more non-DL votes though. But here soon, I'll put it back in my signature and start bugging people to vote. :P

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Looks like I got an Aisha Trans Potion in an RE today.


*tosses away*


Don't give me Potions while Setsuna is my main >_<


Edit - My friend Sky is way too sweet.. She knows I want a 2nd Draik and offers me 3x the price of what that Potion is usually worth. =3

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That's awesome! :D What color will your second Draik be?


My second one (if I ever get there) will be Chocolate. Then Maraquan for my 3rd.


I'm slowly building up. I've stopped spending, mostly, and I'm playing games now.

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It looks like prices have gone up. Most of the Draik Eggs on the TP don't have prices. Only two do, one Pirate Draik Egg and one Zombie, both for 20 million. o_O


For morphing potions, there's a Grey Draik MP for 20 million. (And a Plushie Draik MP for supposedly 350 million. I'm kind of doubting that one.)

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I have no idea. Are there any account purges going on?


If I remember right, previously, Zombie Draik Eggs weren't much for than the others. I really hope the basic ones are still around 15 million.

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Haven't really thought about colors yet... aiming for 15 million always preoccupies me, lol. If it's a male, then I'll hunt for the Draik Archer clothes.. and Royal Boy would probably go best with that. If it's a female, then i'm getting the Draik Sorceress clothes.. in which... I really can't pick a color yet!

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You can never have too many Draiks. :P I plan to have 3. I'm tempted to have 4, so I can paint one Maractite, but I'll resist so I can paint my Shoyru Maractite.


BTW, would you mind if I added Setsuna to the front DL page?

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