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Plain and Simple White Trousers



Plain and Simple White Shirt



Those are so cute; I've been eyeing them for Vik since they came out. But they're non-retiring, so hopefully i'll get them out of a box cap or something :eh:


Congrats on 5 years, Eevee!! :D


I keep wanting to try restocking, to speed up my earnings, but my internet connection likes to spazz when i'm trying to buy things <_< I've been buying little things from the Igloo Garage Sale though, which isn't so hard to restock at :)

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Thank you Liz!


No she's not. I haven't been able to bring myself to paint her yet. She looks so cute painted Desert and I had only painted her Desert on Wednesday. I think I might leave her for a little longer.

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Guys, check out Jet's look today! :D



This is what the lendee wrote for her description:

Put the wand down I said. You don't know how to use it I said.


"Oh I've seen Harry Potter, how hard could it be?"


My living room is going to smell like cheese for at least a week and-is that smoke? HEY! LEAVE MY CAT ALONE! HE'S FINE THE COLOR HE IS!

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Hahaha isn't it great? :D I'm so happy I decided to do this lend. Dunno how you guys deal with the ALP though, I've gotten enough of a headache from trying to deal with this :laughingsmiley:

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hahaha so you do! :D I wish I had a word shower for myself, though I believe those are NC, correct?


I'm excited to see how Jet turns out tomorrow :yes:

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Oh darn, they're retired then. :P Hmm, I think that if you submit a complete NP gallery, it doesn't really matter if you have NC items in there. That would be a pain :worried:


I'm really excited to see how Jet looks today! :D

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Hahaha, I have some of the same decorations on my Minerva and they look fantastic! Jet =3.


She looks adorable! I love Royal Jubjubs.


hahaha so you do! :D I wish I had a word shower for myself, though I believe those are NC, correct?


I'm excited to see how Jet turns out tomorrow :yes:


I can't wait to see her next one! :D Post it as soon as you see it. :D


I have the word shower...

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Today's lendee received Jet and the avatar, but hasn't dressed her up yet :worried:


Oh well. Have you guys seen the new Superpack? The wings are so freaking cute but I don't know if I'd ever use them. My NC wishlist is too long as is :laughingsmiley:

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Awww. That's no fun :( That should be a rule for being lent Jet, that she has to get dressed up.


I saw it and tried it on Aitvara, and immediately removed it. The wings move way too quickly.

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I stuck it in the post as a guideline, but I'm not sure if everyone read the whole post. Maybe the lendee doesn't have a huge closet, or something. It's not a big deal, but a little disappointing :P


hahaha yeah Aitvara's way too chill for those wings. I don't really have any super-hyper pets that the wings would work for. Except maybe Schiden, but he can't wear wings anyway, and I'm not converting him so he can prance about like a Lady Blurg :laughingsmiley:

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I think it's such an awesome idea. Maybe I need to borrow her for a day sometime, just so she can raid my closet. :P I think my pets would share.


Just looking at the wings gives me a headache. I was really hoping for something cool being released, but I guess I do have that summer dress to get Aitvara when I get more NC.

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Haha you definitely can if you want to - there's a week of July spots left, and most of August too :D


Lol yeah now that you say it, I can see it xDD Man that's freakin fast. Ooh yeah, the summer dress is really cute!! ^_^ I think my priority NC wishlist is that Wish on a Star BG, and the Plain and Simple shirt and trousers (I suspect they'll retire at the end of the summer, though I hope they won't) The birthday BG is really cute, but it's not priority :P Man, I wish I didn't waste my NC on 4 of those birthday capsules. I've got nothing to show for the but bows and other cap junk <_< Such a waste. I feel ripped off. I know there's people who opened 100 caps and got no good re-releases

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If I can free up a spot, maybe we can work something out for August. :D


They are super fast. Though the whole SP did look sorta cute on her.


I hate random things, like trying to get the Dark V-Day sword. I would have been better off trading for it in the first place. The dress is really the only thing I currently want.

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Sounds fine to me, just let me know! :D


Haha yeah. I actually really like the rest of the SP, though I can't see a place where I'd ever use the BG. The wig is really cute


UGH i knowwwwww, I'm so irritated that I traded off my sword, and I didn't even get a good trade for it. Stupid nc values. *kicks self*

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I will! I'll have to do some plotting for some ideas. :D I might have to check out DTI later today.


I'm not big on wigs, I don't know why. The only one I have, and use is the Snow Queen one from the SP. If I bought them separately, I wouldn't have gotten the wig.


I finally put it on a pet. It's on my Lenny/lab pet right now.

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Really? i love wigs. They help me imagine my pets in their more human form. except Vik, because I don't think they'll ever make a wig close enough to his hair for me to use it xD


Yay Liquiform! :D Lookin' good!


BTW, GBCs are in the mall! So if any of you guys want something off my trade list, i can send it to you if you send me a GB cap! (i have no boxes myself)

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I just think the hair looks strange. But I think a lot of it depends on the pet/color. Some wigs look ridiculous on some pets, and really cool on others. Like the AC wig, it looks gorgeous on your Kacheek, but it was horrible on Aitvara.


:D I'm hoping Liquiform will get a better change. It'd be nice if the lab ray would save me 12 million, and if it's even possible, zap it Draik. (She's my future Maraquan Draik for my sea account.)

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Oh that reminds me that I should get on pet lending chains again! I haven't done those in a while and there are still a few I don't have (mostly Draik and Krawk, I think).


Hey whatever happened with the Draik customization voting?

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We really need more votes before we can get any kind of results. The votes so far, are so spread out, there's no clear winners. I need to put the link to voting back in my signature now that site events have settled down a bit more.

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