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No problem! :D


Hee thanks! ^_^ I keep thinking about repainting her Pirate, but i just love her as a RB. I tried to trade her off, and just couldn't do it. Looks like Jet's gonna stay my female RB until TNT comes out with something I like more xD


Mmm yeah, I really like the Cloud Wings. I haven't seen the staff in action, but i'm more of a sword person anyway :laughingsmiley: i want that swordddddddd :wub_anim:


That would be awesome, but she RB just fits her so well. How much are Pirate PBs right now?


The Fire and Ice Wings are my favorite of the wings. The cloud wings are beyond gorgeous. And the staff looks so cute on a Faerie Draik. I need to mess with it some more.


If I play again, and I get the sword, I'll send it to you. :)


They're hovering in the high 4m - mid 5m range. Price hasn't really settled yet, but a lot are going unsold in auctions for upper 5m :O


The fire and ice wings are cute, but i have no idea how i would use them. I agree about the cloud wings though.


Ooh really?? That would be awesome, thank you so much!! :wub_anim: I love swords, and really regret trading off the dark valentine sword. But I did get Jet's wig out of it, so i guess it turned out okay.


Wow. I hadn't realized the price had dropped so much. Last I checked, they were around 9 million.


I love wings. I think they're one of my favorite wearables. (And BGs) They're just so pretty.


Definitely :D I might be getting another NC card as early as tonight, so I'll see if I get it. I have plenty of gift boxes. (I think I have 11.)


Yeah, the Wheel of Extortion gives them out, so the price has plummeted. I expect it to bottom out at 4M, but not for a while.


I'm usually not a fan of wings, but I love love love love love the nox Faerie wings. Didn't get any before they retired though, so i've been hoping to trade for them, but no luck :( The problem with most wings is that they're either positioned oddly or have an awful animation. I like the Faerieland Adventure wings, and those map wings, but not too many others. The cloud ones are nice and subtle though, so i like them :D


11??? o_O whoahhhh. I guess I'd have more if i didn't trade whenever i got boxes xD I'm not gonna let myself buy more NC until i get a job though :P


:laughingsmiley: It took me a second to figure out why the name of the wheel looked strange.


Now 4 million wouldn't be bad to spend before I paint her the last time. I might have to think about it and keep watch on the prices.


I love the Faerieland Adventure Wings. I'd LOVE to have those for Aitvara. They would be gorgeous. The map wings are gorgeous too.


I don't really trade. I've traded twice, otherwise, the only time I've used them otherwise was to send my husband stuff.


hahahahahaha I'm sorry, i took to calling it that after seeing it on the boards :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley:


Yeah, I think 4m is a lot more reasonable for a paintbrush than 9m or whatever it was before. I'm really glad TNT is doing this sort of thing, even though it's making all the hoarders on the TC whine that they're losing money. That's their fault for hoarding in the first place hahaha


Ughh i know right? They're so pretty, and the animation is *gasp* not obnoxious. Plus, they actually look like they fit pets properly, unlike a lot of wings, which are awkwardly off to the side


Ah, I usually trade for stuff because i always want the chance things. Sometimes it's just more cost-effective to buy something from the mall, and trade it for multiple wishes.


Well, it's pretty fitting. :laughingsmiley: I've stopped after I got the avatar. At least for now.


I just used DTI to put the Faerieland Adventure Wings on a Faerie Draik. They look gorgeous!


I'm always scared to try trading, in case the other person doesn't follow through. I traded once with a random person, and once with Eevee. But there are some items I really want that aren't available anymore, so I'll have to trade to get them. I need to get the Candy Cane Snowflake Wand for my future Chocolate Draik.


Trading is fairly safe; most people even on the NC boards are pretty trustworthy in my opinion. I try to make it a point of only trading with nice people anyway, so that probably helps. Even if someone has something I want, if they're rude about it, I probably won't trade with them just to avoid a headache :rolleyes_anim:


Looking back on DTI, the map wings are pretty slow...I think if I were to choose a pair of wings to trade for, I'd still pick the Yellow or Blue Brilliant Faerie Wings. I'm still miffed that those prizes retired before I could get NC <_<


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Those wings do look gorgeous with that customization!


I really did like those wings. I loved the green or yellow ones with the Brightvale Castle Dress.


Thank you! :D I think they're TNT's best wings.


Ahh I miss my castle dress - I traded it off for a bunch of things I wanted. It didn't quite fit any of my pets, but I love the color scheme.


Are there any more TDNers saving up for Draiks? It seems we're the only ones here now, and I'm no longer saving for a draik :laughingsmiley:


I wish I had one, but it looked nice when I tried it on Aitvara when she was painted Christmas. The coloring was perfect then.


By the time I got one, I had already painted Jet Royal, but I agree that it matches really nicely with the Christmas color.


I always felt it looked awkward on Draiks though, like there wasn't actually a body beneath the dress. Idk. I had a similar problem with Isca's Dress, which has a gorgeous design, but the seaweedy stuff at the bottom doesn't follow the contour of a Draik body at all. :sad01_anim:


Draiks look excellent in most dresses though. :D


Really? I thought it looked perfect on a Draik. I almost wish Aitvara would be, and stay, Christmas so I could get her that dress.


I agree with you about the Isca Dress. It just doesn't look quite right.


Idk, maybe I was just trying to convince myself so I didn't feel bad about trading it off :laughingsmiley:


I'm thinking about trying to get an Autumn Faerie Dress for Jet. I love the way it matches her wig.

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But then, I also need to go after the Autumn in Meridell BG, and I've been trying to get it for months :/ Another thing I missed when I couldn't get NC, still irritates me because nobody wants to trade theirs. :(


I'm saving for a draik! I'm currently only at 1m, but I was at 300k or so two weeks ago -- I started playing Habi. Any other ideas? I'm looking to morph fly_by_n1ght into one though I might come up with a cooler name, now that I've learned people hate underscores and numbers. Is that really a bad name??


I'm saving for a draik! I'm currently only at 1m, but I was at 300k or so two weeks ago -- I started playing Habi. Any other ideas? I'm looking to morph fly_by_n1ght into one though I might come up with a cooler name, now that I've learned people hate underscores and numbers. Is that really a bad name??


Hooray, another DL member! :D What shall we call you? it says Marshmallows on your lookup :laughingsmiley:


Habitarium is great. I'm level 50, myself. I started doing Food Club again, and invest 15k in stocks every day. Occasionally, I restock, but I'm not too good at it. Those are all my suggestions...although you could also do a 3k per game list - there are a bunch of those. :)


Sounds like a cool name to me! Underscores and numbers only really matter if you're looking to trade ;) Otherwise, pick what you like. Personally, underscores and uncapped names don't bother me, though numbers do. Some people like having numbers in their pet's names, like their birth year or something. It changes from person to person. If you like it, go for it! :D


Habitarium is a great way to make NP. I finally hit level 50 a couple weeks ago, though I'm not making a ton. I don't leave it running because my computers have been having issues. I just discard all my eggs, and I get 1500 NP each time I discard all of them.


Like Manta said, if you plan on trading, you might want to think of another name, but if it's just for you, then if you like it, keep it. Each person is different. For my pets, I prefer no underscores, numbers, and the first letter capitalized. (Or if it's 2 words, kinda of, then I capitalize both. Like my Shoyru SpritzieBlue and my Kougra, EmeraldMount.)


When I went to hatch my Draik, I spent probably 6 or 7 hours finding the perfect name.


I plan to leave mine running more often now that I've blocked all my storages. I'm back up to 6M after doing a Mutant Acara custom, and I'd love to hit 7M by the end of the month.


When I named Jetalle, I made a board on the PC :laughingsmiley: Got probably fifty ideas for names, but someone suggested Jetalle, and I was like "That's it!" Traders don't seem to like it though :rolleyes_anim:


I've blocked my storage, though I need to re-arrange them better. I haven't had a chance to try it out with the workers yet though. I'll probably do that this morning, after I finish my work stuff.


I was the same when I came across "Aitvaras" on a website, I searched it, and it was taken. I took the S off (and I LOVE it without the S, the S was weird to me) it was available. I got my Draik Egg that day, and was super secretive about the name I picked, but I was so afraid someone would take it before I could hatch her. (It took 2 days for me to be able to hatch her after I bought it.)


I love the name Jetalle! I think it's gorgeous! I don't get why traders wouldn't like it.


I love Aitvara without the S too :D


Hmm, idk. These days, traders don't like anything that's not an RN or an RW, even on a draik or a krawk :laughingsmiley: But that's their problem.


I'm excited; I won a Beautiful Columns Foreground at the Wishing Well! :D Habitarium is going well, and I'm back on track to earning NPs! Now I need to figure out what I'm gonna buy with it...Maybe another Draik or a Krawk xD


I wouldn't change her name for anything. :D It's perfect, which is exactly what I was going for.


That's just weird. As long as it looks good to me, I don't care if it's a real name ore word.


Krawk. Get a Krawk. :D Then you can have one of each.


PC is stupid *shrugs* They never make sense :laughingsmiley:


I would but I'm getting a Krawk on July 1st - I'm trading Clu. Should I save up for another one? xD


That's right. I forgot about that. (What color is it again? Grey?)


You know, I was actually thinking, maybe for my sea account, instead of a Maraquan Draik for my last pet (I have a Disco Koi, Camo Flotsam, and Camo Jetsam) I should get a Maraquan Krawk instead. Then I will eventually have 2 Draiks and a Krawk, instead of 3 Draiks.


What color would you go for if you got a second Draik? My plain was to have 3, Faerie, Maraquan, and Chocolate.


Yep, a grey Krawk :D


Ooh, you should totally get a Mara Krawk! :O I love the UC version, so i don't think i'd get one myself, but they have a great color scheme.


Hmm, if I was to get a second Draik? I dunno, I'm not really a fan of too many Draik colors. I'd rather save up for another Krawk, like a Royal Girl or something. Or maybe I could offer a Draik or Krawk custom in order to get a cool UC, though the last UC pet I really want is out of range from a custom :/ (UC tyrannian krawk, my last actual dream pet, once I get my Camo krawk)

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