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I'm thinking of doing the 3 million custom anyway. And if I can get 100k a day... I could get 18 million in 4 months. I'd been at work for 2 hours today, and I had 25k. So I'm half way there, with 8 hours left of my shift.


8 hours left?! See, that is 100k a day!! 18 mil in no time! But you dont need 18 mil. The MP is 15 mil I thought...*runs to check*


Most Draik Eggs/MPs are around 15 million. I want at least 18, if not 20, so if I do buy one, I have 3-5 million still in my account.


Ohhhhh thats smart! I just looked it up on the TP and there is a Skunk Draik MP for 14.4 mil. Not bad, eh?


Woah! Awesome Draiks! You know, I am going to apply for one. *ones a Word Doc* Here I go...wish me luck!

Of course Divya, they are awesome. ^_^ Which one are you applying for? Make sure to read ALL the rules. Users are VERY picky sometimes. Tell me if you need help. :yes:


Hmmm I havent decided yet. I will probably go for one of the not as nice names because they will probably be less competitive. By only a little though. And thanks! I probably will be asking for help because I am new to this.


This thread wasn't showing up in the "New Content" for me today. :(


@Divya: You should try applying for one of the Draiks. I will also help you with your app, if I can. I don't know anything about making apps, but I'm really good at editing.


I can help edit too! I like editing much better than actually coming up with things. :)


I like coming up with stories, but I don't really like actually writing them. I absolutely hate typing.


I love typing. I'll just come up with random things to type... like a list of Petpets I want, or things like that. Any excuse to type. :laughingsmiley:


Psst. I think Anisha's going to get one of the Draik's she applied for. Her app was amazing.


Then, I think Spritzie, you should apply for a Draik. Your English is flawless, you love writing, and you are very experienced. What else? :laughingsmiley:


And thank you. ^_^ But still, I am kinda nervous. The deadline is 30th August. Many people could apply. Wish me luck guys!


Good luck. I'm confident you'll get it. I might look into applying for Draiks, if the Baby Draik falls through.


Thanks Masaryk and Liz! I will surely be coming to you!!


Anisha, you are going to get that Draik. Don't worry!!


I like it. I like that it's simple, but has everything. :) Good luck! I hope you get Stengato!


What do they look for in the site spotlight? I'm not sure about content, so I'll comment on the visuals.


I like the look of your petpage in general. It looks very clean and pretty. The only issue I had is that your background was a little tiring on my eyes (though it looks cool). I had a hard time reading through everything.


I really like the overall design though. :)


@Eevee - I think I liked it. I love how you make it real on your family section. It was very enjoyable. ^_^ I think you might win.


Comes to Layout, I agree with Liz. The background is not very friendly to eyes. Though it still looks good. :yes:


Hmmm...I guess I'm so used fractal art and those kind of layouts that it doesn't bug my eyes too much x3


I grew attached to it though...so I hope it doesn't bug the eyes of others too much D:


Thanks you two for your feedbacks!


Eevee - I love it! I love the stories on your family. Its really good! The only thing that I think you should add would be something more...maybe something original. I think the family stories are really good, but the wishlists are kinda popular with all of the entries. So maybe you should add...a poem or something!

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