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*re-opens DTI* I need to look again. I'd never noticed the eye color before. It's gorgeous. It's always bugged me that Aitvara's eyes are red/yellow. I can't wait until she's Faerie. I love the color of eyes for Faerie. (And Royal Girl, but I don't like how they look upwards.)

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The trick with stocks is to just be really patient, and to buy 1000 shares of one stock every day. A sell point of 60 is recommended because then you quadruple your initial investment of buying at 15. (paying 15k nps to get 60k) Eventually, you'll have a portfolio that's diversified and deep enough that sometimes you'll make millions of NPs a month! :D I can't wait till i get to that point lol xDDD


i really want to advertise but i need to memorize the amino acids for tomorrow...bleh :(

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Did you guys see? FFQ are possible from the new, quest, rebuilding Faerieland event. :D


If you guys got one, would you use it on your Draiks? (If you have one.)


I'd wait until I could get another Draik, and pick Chocolate. (Aitvara is just meant to be Faerie.)

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Yep! Shadaw posted a screen cap of someone (I'm not sure if it was his) getting one from it.


I wonder how quick we'd have to use it. Like if I got crazy lucky, and got another one. I wonder if it works the same way as it used to, meaning I'd need to paint one pet, before I could redeem the next one. (And I'm nowhere near a Draik for the Chocolate, or Maraquan (That pet is still a Koi.)

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I hope it works the same way...I've never gotten a FFQ and it would make my day to get my Island Krawk without having to get over 5 million lolz!


I guess we'll just have to wait until any of us gets the first DL FFQ from this event and hopefully there's a second Spritzie :laughingsmiley:

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I don't blame you! A random everyday chance of getting one...it's AMAZING!!!! I'll probably never get one if I don't during this event haha xD


I would REALLY want Island for my Krawk first...after that I guess my cybunny since I want her Island as well xD

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I'd paint your Krawk first too.


Same here. I've been on for nearly 9 years, and never gotten one. I do home I get one during this. Though it will be so hard, since I don't have the NP for a Draik right now and I can't paint Aitvara.

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If I got an FFQ from the event? Hm...I'd love to have a pirate draik, but Jet's staying RB. Maybe if when I trade Kia I will paint the Draik I get.


Or maybe I'd get a choco...or a plushie...I don't know. Most of my dreamies are royals and such...I'd rather get something more difficult to obtain with an FFQ :)

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I would go for a Coco Jubbie, but they arent too hard to trade for.


I think I would probably end up trading it on the boards for (hopefully!) a Draik or saving up for the Draik and painting it yumyum Chocolate!

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Yeah...I'm just not a big fan of choco draiks though xD Does an FFQ do robot? i'd consider a robot krawk :D

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The following colors are colors you cannot obtain through a FFQ: Ice, Magma, MSP, Robot, Royal, Sponge, Quiguki, and Usuki.


^ stated from thedailyneopets site on FFQs.


Island is the most expensive color I'll ever want so of course that's my first choice if I'm ever lucky enough to get a FFQ!

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*groans* Arghhh there are too many choices! Island Aisha, Chocolate Draik, Coconut Jubbie....


But like Spritzie, I am planning too far ahead! First I need the FFQ. :laughingsmiley:

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Aww. Well maybe FFQs will be easier to trade for...They used to be able to go for royal custom...I wonder if that's a reasonable value to look for.


Someone else offered me a pirate eyrie custom for Kia... :rolleyes_anim: Now Pirate is gonna be even more common with all these FFQs running around :P

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Divya, I was getting even further ahead, I was thinking if I got 2 FFQs. :laughingsmiley:


I'd definitely skip the Coconut Jubjub, you could probably trade for one easily. I'd go for a Chocolate Draik. (Easy for me to say though, since that's what I'd go for.)

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I'm probably trading for a Coco Jubbie in March...I'd be willing to adopt out :D or arrange a direct trade for the coco to go to you, Div :)


I've been wanting to downsize my pets anyway. :D

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I'm probably trading for a Coco Jubbie in March...I'd be willing to adopt out :D or arrange a direct trade for the coco to go to you, Div :)


I've been wanting to downsize my pets anyway. :D


That is so so so nice of you! I'd love to adopt, but I cant. :( My side wont be 4 months old and my main is full. Argh, blast this 4 pet only rule! :sad01_anim: I love Coco Jubbies.


And I think I will go for a Choco Draik if I get an FFQ. :)

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