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:laughingsmiley: I don't know... I can't really see her in something like that. Though I could trade for that NC Cobrall something set they had. I have the wig on a side account. And the dress is pretty.

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I'll have to see what that Cobrall SP would look like on her when she's painted Faerie. I'll be leaving work soon, so I'll have to do that when I get home.


I just can't wait to paint her Faerie, so I can start customizing her for that. I made 82k today, so I'm back on my way to the Desert PB. But the Faerie PB is sitting in my SDB taunting me.

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It's when you basically paint your pet the first time for the clothes then paint them a second time. Since you keep the clothes from the first first paint, you can then put them on your pet that has the second paint.


For example, if you paint your draik first desert, then faerie, you would be able to have a faerie draik that could be wearing the desert headress/sandles/whatever else from that paint set since your paint clothes would automatically get transferred into your closet when you used the second paintbrush.

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The wig is...interesting. :laughingsmiley: The dress is absolutely lovely though.




I gotta go to bed so I'm going offline too. G'night! :D


The wig is strange. But I love the dress and the arm cuff. She'd need something on her head though... I might have to consider those two items for her.

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New.Coding.Filters=death. I literally just finished coding my UL yesterday. And now it looks like poop. Curse you CGers that make TNT change the code filters!!! *shakes fist*

I wish they didn't change it suddenly.

I had to remove half the coding from my UL D:

I don't feel like looking for a new one either...


Anyway, what is up with your avatar? I can't tell what it is.

I mean, I know it's a person dancing but what is it from or why is moving that way o.o;

...If you don't mind me asking haha.

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I just fixed mine. :D Thank goodness. After what seemed like millions of hours on the Help Chat. But so worth it. :D


Haha. It's a screenshot from the Legend of Zelda: WindWaker. There's this wierd dude that all he does is dance the entire game. WindWaker is my favorite Gcube game. :P

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I just fixed mine. :D Thank goodness. After what seemed like millions of hours on the Help Chat. But so worth it. :D


Haha. It's a screenshot from the Legend of Zelda: WindWaker. There's this wierd dude that all he does is dance the entire game. WindWaker is my favorite Gcube game. :P





I forgot about that so hard x'D


I'm dying laughing right now because I remember my brother playing it a while ago, and I thought it was the funniest thing ever.

Isn't his name Tott and he teaches you a song, or something?

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I forgot about that so hard x'D


I'm dying laughing right now because I remember my brother playing it a while ago, and I thought it was the funniest thing ever.

Isn't his name Tott and he teaches you a song, or something?


hahahaaaaaa. Yepppp. Tott. He teaches you one of the wind melodies. The one that changes night to day. That is a great game. And it makes a great avvie too!

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Woohoo!! :D Look guys! :)



Hopefully I'll find a great trade and I'll have draik #2 on March 1st!! :D

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Thanks Spritzie! :D I hope so...I'm trying to train her up a little more as i've been told by several Draik owners that they would've traded if her stats were a little higher. I was hoping that the combination of stats + MSP would help in her favor, but apparently the fact that she's MSP just gives a small boost to the fact that her HSD is only 337.


Right now i have her training level, but i have no idea if that's the right thing to do. xD

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Woohoo!! :D Look guys! :)



Hopefully I'll find a great trade and I'll have draik #2 on March 1st!! :D


Omg Congratulations! That is amazing! You will definitely be getting a Draik with that pet!


Training up is going to take a while.... :O


What's HSD? I've never heard the term.


I am not exactly sure what HSD stands for, but I know it means combined Strength, Defence, and Health. Basically, if you add up those three stats and you have your HSD!


Ex: Pet has 100 HP, 50 Strength, and 25 Defence. Their HSD is 175. :yes:

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Ohhhh okay. That makes sense I guess.


I'm almost back up to 2 million. Kinda. I've only gotten 33k so far today, but I'm up to roughly 1.8 million. :D Desert PB, here I come. :laughingsmiley: I hope to have Aitvara painted Desert by... Valentine's Day. I think that's a good amount of time.

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HSD is helpful to people searching for BD pets. It makes it easier to compare. :yes:


Oohh la la! So close! Congratulations Spritzie! I have gotten myself back up to 1.65 mil. I seem to be going slower with all the new stuff I am working on. My Draik is floating away........

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I've been playing a lot more games than I used to. I've added in new ones, so I'm generally averaging 80k a day. I'm only at 35k so far today, but a lot of work stuff has been going on. Hopefully I'll catch up at home this afternoon. I want to make sure she can get painted Desert by the 14th.

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