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Draik Lair


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:laughingsmiley: I'm crazy. I had just planned on getting one Draik. But after I got Aitvara, I loved having her, and saw so many colors I loved.


I know. That's my reaction too. I feel crazier looking at that, then the 3 Draik MPs (or Eggs) But I love the Maractite Draik. And Maractite is the only color I could really see on my new Lutari. And well, Spritzieblue (my blue Shoyru) has been unpainted for nearly 9 years, and I decided she deserves a nice color. Livvy and I decided Maractite will be perfect for her.

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They did just come out. And I did get mine from the lab ray. (I've been getting totally useless zaps on my Koi the last few months. It was zapped Invisible, then months later, white, gold, then invisible again.) As soon as I zapped my Chomby, I got 2 species changes in a couple days. (The last one being a green Lutari.) I'd never know I'd wanted one, but now that I have it, I can't wait to paint it and such.

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Good luck with your goals. :) You never know with the lab ray. I do actually hear the Lutaris are decently common from there.


What plans do you have for your Draik once you hatch it? Do you want male or female? What color? Any thoughts on a petpet?

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I wanted mine to be female. I just really prefer female pets, for the most of the Neopet species. And I'm obsessive picking out petpets. It's tons of fun for me.


I love Maractite Draiks! They're gorgeous. Same with Desert.


Do you have any of the lab map pieces currently? I think it would set you back anywhere from 800k-1 million to get a full set. (I paid 1 million for mine.) I would say it would depend on how quickly you want your Draik, or how quickly you earn. The lab ray would give you something fun to do, while you work towards your Draik. But then again, you can only zap 1 pet, once a day, so it might not be worth spending the NP on until you have your Draik.

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The TP is a lot harder, when you aren't buying full sets. But some pieces are available to buy from stores on the Shop Wizard, so if you plan to buy them piece by piece, I'd recommend getting the cheaper pieces there.


The TP, just make sure you know what all the pieces look like that you need (in case someone mis-labels one or something.) And know what they're worth, so you can only offer on ones in the right price range. You could always try NMing the person selling, to haggle for a better price. (Unless they tell you not to.)

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Need 3 more..the three most expensive in there..i think im addicted.




still in the 2 mil mark, spent about 800k..i kind of want to die a little on the inside but ill survive, plues i have a feeling once faerie pb's go back up ill be a happy camper.

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Happy Late Birthday Manta!


Guess who is sick and cannot talk xD Oh well, hope I get better in time for classes on Monday but other than real life news, I ACTUALLY had time to play on neopets today! I managed to get 200k in just about two days thankfully ^^


Dream Pet Goals


1. Re-earn 10 million nps (just so I don't feel as poor now lolz!)

2. Paint Atzicitlali (Krawk) Island

3. Paint Uvertira (Draik) Desert

4. Paint Uvertira Royal

5. Paint Uvertira Maractite

6. Paint Faith (Cybunny) Island

7. Decide a color for Zoa (Aisha)


Great to have goals to get you going again! Even if it takes a long while, it's what keeps us coming back ^_^ Most of these goals are for my krawk and draik though haha xD

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Kinda wanna dress Jet up like this:




But Alytria's wearing the wig, dress, and fg. I haven't been able to trade for the BG yet, and I'm annoyed that I keep putting Jet in dresses when she belongs in fighting clothes :P


Hopefully i can trade for another girl draik and dress her up all cutesy and stuff :x

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I dressed her (Aitvara) up fairly girly for the contest for one of the categories, but another is not so girly. :)


Any idea how long the contest is going to run now? I have at least the minimum number of entries, but I want to see how much time I would have to work on more.

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I can't wait to see. :D


At this point, we don't have an end date in mind, though we won't keep it open forever. We haven't gotten any more entries yet. So you have time to work on more. I finished mine last week, but I'm going to be adding more to mine as well.


I just hope we get some more interest soon, that way, we can set an end date.

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Happy Late Birthday Manta!


Guess who is sick and cannot talk xD Oh well, hope I get better in time for classes on Monday but other than real life news, I ACTUALLY had time to play on neopets today! I managed to get 200k in just about two days thankfully ^^


Dream Pet Goals


1. Re-earn 10 million nps (just so I don't feel as poor now lolz!)

2. Paint Atzicitlali (Krawk) Island

3. Paint Uvertira (Draik) Desert

4. Paint Uvertira Royal

5. Paint Uvertira Maractite

6. Paint Faith (Cybunny) Island

7. Decide a color for Zoa (Aisha)


Great to have goals to get you going again! Even if it takes a long while, it's what keeps us coming back ^_^ Most of these goals are for my krawk and draik though haha xD


Those are lovely goals. I cant believe Uvertira is going to end Maractite! That is going to be SO cool! :O And GET BETTER SOOONNNNN!!


Kinda wanna dress Jet up like this:




But Alytria's wearing the wig, dress, and fg. I haven't been able to trade for the BG yet, and I'm annoyed that I keep putting Jet in dresses when she belongs in fighting clothes :P


Hopefully i can trade for another girl draik and dress her up all cutesy and stuff :x


That is such a nice outfit. And Jet is a fighter?! That is SO perfect for one of the outfits I made for her! The one I made is I think my favorite one out of all! :wub_anim: But it's a secret. :evil:

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Congrats Laura!


I was about 60k away from a Desert PB for Aitvara, but I spent about 600k. (But it was worth it, because I was able to get my husband one of his dream pets.) So now I'm back to games today, to make it up as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the game ratio changes weren't quite as nice to me this month. I think this is the hardest month I've had recently. Usually, I gain about as many games as I lose, but this month, I lost more.

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Spritzie, congrats on the Mara(quan) Grarrl! :D Next step...DRAIK NUMBER TWO!


And the game ratios were harsh on me too. :( Back to trying to learn some new games! :P


And I have officially finished my Contest entries! Well, except for some fine touches...

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Thankfully the game ratios are way better than last month on my part! I actually earned 60k just through games yesterday :O


I still can't talk without it sounding like terrible wheezing haha xD


Thanks Divya! Hopefully after hitting the 10 million mark again, buying will be easier xD

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Well, Draik number 2 comes after the Desert and Royal PBs for Aitvara. :P


I've made about 40k from games so far today.


I can't wait to see all the entries for the contest. It's going to be awesome. :D

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