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I saw it with the news, with the forums were down. But then I got so distracted with the prize shop.


I think they did an amazing job. I love how it's stomach, and the insides of it's wings and ears have the very pale design to it. It's very detailed. I think it's the perfect Draik color for my sea account.

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I am. I decided to go ahead with Faerie. I'll probably buy my husband's PB, then use my prize points for other things.


I am going to make my Draik on my sea account, Maractite, instead of Maraquan though.

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Ahh, I am in love with most of the clothing/wearables from the plot but I am trying so hard to wait to see which one to buy with my actual points because I know that the prices will be dropping in a few days, or at least that's what I'm hoping but I keep wanting to play around on openneo with the new clothes but there are so few pets with the new stuff so far. Xandras Cunning Disguise, the glasses, I want to see so badly on more pets, it's only on a krawk right now.


Edit: Ahh! just refreshed and there are so many more now! Even a draik and a lutari! Definitely have to get those glasses somehow.

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Hey all! Been sooo long since I was last here but thank goodness I did to see the prize shop!!!!!!


I had like 110,000 points so I already bought all the books and that stamp and now have around 98k left ^_^ I don't know what I want to get now!


*excited* x3


Yay for Spritzie! Faerie got way cheaper now even back when I bought mine years ago for 2 million!


EDIT: ZOMG!!! Maractite Draiks are out! *late* sooo pretty...I believe in the end, Uvertira shall be Maractite x3

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I can't wait! I still need to decide whether to paint her Royal and Desert before Faerie for the clothes, or if I should just paint her Faerie, and wait until I have another Draik to do the other colors for clothes.


Eevee! Did you see the Maractite Draik they released today?

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Yes I did Spritzie! I ADORE it...hopefully after life settles around here (been actually too busy for neo D: ) so hopefully I'll keep on earning before then ^^


I think I might wait it out for the rest of my prizes...I have 98k more and there's no other faerie pets I want and the prices REALLY deflated D:

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I might get a couple things when I get home, but for now, I'm waiting. But I'm hoping to buy my husband's Faerie PB for Aitvara, then use my points for other stuff. I know I'm getting the BG and petpet. I wish they'd had a Faerie Petpet PB as well, so I could paint Aitvara's Ukali at the same time.

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Does anyone else think the maractite brush looks like the disney movie "Atlantis" ?




do pb prices go back up after plots? i bought one and put it in my sdb with the intent on waiting until prices go back up


/edit edit


i cant decide between koi, lutari and draik...i want all three but only have two slots and i still want a lab rat.

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I've never seen Atlantis, but it seems to match that kind of theme. It looks like Avatar a bit.


I need to go try things on a Faerie Draik now that I know she's within reach.


But I still need to decided what to do about paint. I could paint her Royal, then paint her Faerie. Then when I get my next Draik, I can paint it Desert for the clothes.

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Me too. That's why I think I'll wait. Or at least do Royal first. I'm at 1.9 million as of tonight. So I could get the Royal PB now.


Aren't Desert PBs around 2 million? I could get that in a month, probably, depending on my dedication, and have her painted Faerie by March.

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Really now? Last I saw there were 3 million...then again I haven't been on as much nowadays...I just do dailies and then back to life D:


I'm still only at 1.6 million! You know I haven't done much if it's still in that area lolz xD Guess I'll wait and see what will happen x3

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I can't remember the price. I need to check. They're on the TP for about 2.2 million. You know, all I'd need is 300k and I could go with Desert first, while I work my way back up to buy a Royal. Then I can paint her Faerie right after that.

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I thought I'd be slaving away with games for ages. But now, if nothing else, I can buy it from the husband. And I think I'll go with Desert when I get the NP. Then Royal, then immediately Faerie.


Then the Faerie PP PB for her Ukali.

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Good night Eevee. :D


Well, I don't, at this point. Right now, I have only 1.9 million. But 300k from now, I can get a Desert PB. Then I'll play games like crazy again until I have the 1.7 m for the Royal. Then I'll paint her Faerie with the brush I get as a prize. It takes tons longer than just painting her Faerie, but I want the PB clothes items for when she's Faerie.

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Dang Spritz. You've got so much motivation. Maybe I'll just trade up to Draiks with my purge names *hopefully*. Though I'm sure it feels much better to actually earn it. :P


Not to be random, but I'm eating yogurt with a spoon that is really deep and I'm getting frustrated. :whistle:

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Dang Spritz. You've got so much motivation. Maybe I'll just trade up to Draiks with my purge names *hopefully*. Though I'm sure it feels much better to actually earn it. :P


Not to be random, but I'm eating yogurt with a spoon that is really deep and I'm getting frustrated. :whistle:


I know right? (about Spritzie's motivation) That is what I am doing, kinda. I am going more with pets than with np. I am saving, but I just spent a ton so it has brought me down. I hope to get a Draik through trading up. :yes:



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I have a lot of goals, so that helps keep me focused. (Though when I have too many, it can get frustrating too.) But I think about how great it felt to finally hatch Aitvara, so that motivates me as well.

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