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Wow. Unfortunately, I no longer have 10 million. I used a bit to re-paint Aitvara Royal after Boochi, and the new wheel and stuff. I'm short of that now, but that seems like a good sign that prices are heading down.

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Seriously? :ohno: I only have 6.3M :(


Oh well, I'll keep earning towards my Krawk/Draik whatever I decide to get xD Maybe I'll just save up for an unlimited custom :laughingsmiley:

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Wow. Unfortunately, I no longer have 10 million. I used a bit to re-paint Aitvara Royal after Boochi, and the new wheel and stuff. I'm short of that now, but that seems like a good sign that prices are heading down.



I don't know if it's been asked in here, but is there a reason they're all so high right now? Typical inflation or what?

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Well, the reason morphing potions and trans potions were so high is because people have been using them on RNs/RWs from the purge. And that drove the prices of eggs up, since the MPs and TPs were too high in price, so people bought the eggs instead.


I was hoping that TNT would balance the price out with more auctions, but it seems to have been mostly ineffective <_<


BTW, look at Jet's new wig! Check out the animation!



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Thank you! :D I think I'm going to make it her permanent wig, and make something like this her new permanent customization:



Fits her personality much better, and I won't have to keep buying dresses for her :yes: This'll be a good update to her story, too. Runaway Lady dyes, cuts and straightens her hair. Who would recognize the Lady Jetalle now? ^_^

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I love that! That fits her absolutely perfectly! How close are you to having what you need for it?


I usually leave Aitvara in the same thing for quite awhile, until I find something I like better. (Like she wore the Regal Altador Dress up until the dress was released in Wonderclaw.)

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Thanks! ^_^ I have everything except for the Rugged Work Shirt and Vest, which is a buyable. :D


Yeah, I do that a lot too, but I always have a permanent customization in the back of my mind, and that permie custom is the basis for the pet's design.

Now I'm starting to work on that design for my side account pets, which have been sort of left by the wayside. :laughingsmiley:


I'm thinking about maybe saving up to morph/paint some of those pets. I love Recazi's name, but I'm not a huge Korbat fan. :guiltysmiley:

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*Arises from the dead*


Haha long time no see everyone! My little laptop that I usually use to get on here doesn't wanna work so it's finally getting fixed up so now I'm finally back but with the other laptop ^^


How has everyone been? I love Jetalle and Aitvara's new customizations! :laughingsmiley:

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Welcome back Eevee! Are you sure you didn't just disappear to play YYB? ;)


Thank you! I can't wait to get her painted Faerie. That's what will finish her customization. (Luciana is doing a drawing of her in the dress, the Cloud Wand which I'll try for or trade for, and a cloud BG, painted Faerie.) Well, I do need the cloud wand, but then it's done.

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Hey Eevee! Long time no see! :D

Thanks! I managed to trade for Autumn in Meridell this morning, and I'm SO happy! Been wanting it for ages! ^_^


Spritzie, which wand are you looking for? :O

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It looks gorgeous on her Manta! I'm glad you finally got it. :D


The Cloud Wand from the Wonderclaw game. That was one of the 3 items I really wanted, but didn't end up with.

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Thank youuuuu! I'm happy too. I was so miffed when it retired - that was when I was at school and couldn't find NC anywhere. I think what I'll do this summer is buy a little extra NC to spend over the fall, so I won't miss any more awesome items. I love the NC fall stuff :wub_anim:

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The 4th bday caps should be coming out soon, so I anticipate some epic re-releases (They re-released Radiant last year! My favorite bg ever, that i'm never gonna get :laughingsmiley: ) I need to get more NC too, since I'm out of boxes, and nobody's interested in trading me caps for my junk :P


Yay!! :D She looks great!! ^_^ You know what would be cool, if you made a Fire style customization to match Aitvara's Ice style :O

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They release things on the NC Bday? I definitely need to get more NC this week.


That would be a great idea! I need to play around with some ideas and see what I currently have.

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Yeah, every year they give out a Birthday Box Cap for 200nc and a regular 250nc cap that gives out EPIC re rereleases, and usually a weird LE :laughingsmiley: I'm not sure I'm going to gamble on them myself, because i have terrible luck, but we'll see. If I try to open caps looking for Radiant, I'll probably open more capsules than the BG is worth :rolleyes_anim:


The way she looks right now, is like she's facing someone on the Fire side. I would totally do the matching customization, but i don't have the Fire and Ice BG :laughingsmiley: Or indeed, many of the fire items. I'm debating about trading a 10pk for some items i want, but there are so many things i want on other accounts at the moment, I have to stop focusing on my main :sad01_anim: The Autumn in Meridell thing I made an exception for, since I had so much trouble getting people to part with it.


We need more draik lair members...I'm gonna make a siggy and link it :yes:

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I just ADORE that dress on your Draiks! I thought it looked alright on Krawks too but I have the WORST of luck getting anything that's random but I sure would love to get that dress ^^ Any advice for the wonderclaw without me spending so much? I just want that dress for Atzicitlali x3


And yeah...the AC really got me busy haha! Especially since my team is doing worst this year and I'm actually contributing more than the past years =/


Just you all wait! Mystery Island will get that cup one of these years!

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The stormy cloud dress? I would totally trade it to you for a GB cap, since I'm out of boxes :P I have terrible luck with all these chance games, so i generally play once for fun, and then trade for the items I want :D





Now i need to figure out if i want to spend my Krawk fund on a pirate pb for Tamat...I think i'm gonna keep saving for now :P Maybe I'll get a P3 for Vik's Weewoo

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OMG would you really? =D


GB cap is...one of those capsules correct? I still only have the polka dot capsule if that counts ^^; *still a NC newbie*


I know the feeling Manta...luck games just dislike me for some reason =/ Btw, awwww your Krawky is so cute x3 I would definitely keep saving up since the AC prize shop will be coming soon and who knows what prizes will be in there :laughingsmiley:


@queensorchadragon: With the AC still going about, I don't blame anyone for not making nps to be honest xD Just keep doing your thing and all the advice others have given for awesome np earning ^^ If you don't care too much for the gender, you can always go for the egg since usually those are cheaper.


UPDATE: Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Skeith - King Hagan' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


FINALLY!!!!! Goodness, he finally gave me that blasted avatar! xD

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OMG would you really? =D


GB cap is...one of those capsules correct? I still only have the polka dot capsule if that counts ^^; *still a NC newbie*


Yeah, definitely! It's gorgeous, but i'm not using it :D Just send the cap to toadsdontexist. I'll open it and use the box to send it to you, just let me know which account you want it on! :D Polka dot is fine :)


This dress, right? mall_claw_dress_cloud.gif


Thank youuuu! I'm already obsessed with him, hahaha :wub_anim:


haha i've been having trouble saving too, though i'm up to 7.2M now after getting the P3 for his weewoo :D


Whoah, congrats on the King Hagan av!! :O

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Yeah that's the dress :laughingsmiley: I just love how it looked when I previewed it on my Krawk plus it kinda goes with her name "Rain Star" in Aztec xD


Please send it to "flyingeevee" since my Krawk is on that account ^^


Man..I still haven't reached the 4 million mark again thanks to the cup xD AC=no restocking :(

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Ooh, that's such a cool name!! I sent the dress over - hope she likes it! :yes:


Let me know if you want anything else i have on my wishlist/tradelist - i'll gladly give you my stuff if you can help me get boxes ^_^


At least you're playing the AC haha, i've been such a slacker!! xDDD

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