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Fossils and Kikos Capitalize on the Day


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Disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily).


<p>The crowd has erupted into cheers here at the colosseum in Altador! Some people are more disappointed than others, and we have some people crying in happiness! I’m Link, here to cover it all live for your number one Altador Cup source, TDN! Let’s start with today’s headlining news, the Fossils.


Going into today, the Fossils have been ridiculed by critics for their lack of Yooyuball skills, and again they were to face what seemed to be a sure loss for the Fossils courtesy of the Natives. The Natives have been a feared force in the Altador Cup, performing amazing victories over top teams like the Marauders. Today belonged to the Fossils though, as they managed a clean sweep of today’s activities. I caught up with Loryche afterwards and I have her here live. Tell me, what do you think made today different?




“Well, I think we’ve improved a lot since the beginning of the cup. I mean, whenever it started we barely had any practice with Elbin. It’s a bit late, but I think we’re like a big family now, and it’s like we know what everyone is thinking on the field. It doesn’t hurt at all either that the critics doubted us. That gave us the element of surprise.” That was very well put. It seems like you really stay in touch with the media. What would you say to anyone who is still skeptical about your team?


“I don’t think that they are right, but I’m not going to complain about it. I have enough pride in myself and my team to admit that we aren’t the best team in the cup, but skill isn’t everything. With good leadership and teamwork we can accomplish anything, which was proven here today.”


Thank you Loryche. Tyrannia wasn’t the only team that capitalized today after they were underestimated. The Kikos managed to pull a win today against the Mermaids, shocking almost everyone but the Kikos. Maraqua was able to salvage Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown, as well as a draw in Slushie Slinger, but that doesn’t matter when you lose in the all-important Yooyuball. I tried to get an interview with a mermaid, but most gave a disappointing refusal. One commented, “Today was supposed to be an easy win…”


<img src=”https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/teams/2008/kikolake_0.gif” style="float:left;margin:5px">The Kikos managed to move up into the fourth tier with only a couple of matches left to go. They passed up Altador, who were unfortunately swept by the Marauders of the Lost Desert, whom the Kikos lost to not that long ago either. Even though today was disappointing for Altador, the Marauders are celebrating like there is no tomorrow. With the sweep, they managed to pass up the Minions for the first place spot.


The Minions had no comment on the drop into second place, but they seemed a bit excited about the results today. They managed to claim Yooyuball, Slushie Slinger, and a draw in Make Some Noise against the Chillers. I think that the look in the Minions’ eyes says it all though. They seem to have a grudge against the Marauders. I wouldn’t blame them if they did. They have fought over rankings for most of this year’s cup.


Moving from citadels and mountains, we’re headed to the Moons’ match today against the Knights of Meridell. Even though both teams looked to be performing at their best today, it was obvious that the Moons came out victorious today, only letting the Knights get a glimmer of victory with a draw in Shootout Showdown. “The King will not be pleased to hear the news. He skipped dinner today to come watch us play until dusk. I can only imagine how grumpy he will be.” said a Knight who wished to stay anonymous in fear of Skarl.


Moving to their cross kingdom rivals, the Wizards did not manage to do much better than the Knights. The Pirates got a decisive win in all games but Slushie Slinger with the Wizards, where they drew. This continues along with Brightvale’s slow decline in the rankings and the Pirates’ struggle to the top.


<img src=”https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/head_shots/rooisland_3.gif” style=”float:right;margin:5px”>From Pirates, now to Ninjas, we find that the Ninjas have failed again to live up to the hype that they got before the cup even started. The small town heroes of Roo Island got a sweep against the Ninjas today. This solidifies the Roos’ fourth place spot and drops the Ninjas down to eleventh place. A passing Roo comments, “Hopefully since the Knights lost, we have a guaranteed spot in fourth.”


The Robots also managed to see a lot of success today. The Robots managed a sweep against Moltara, but the Magmas didn’t seem too disappointed in the results. One fan said, “As long as we try our best, we know that we did all that we could to win. Virtupets really deserved the win because our best wasn’t good enough. We had fun though!”


Last but not least were the Faeries and the Zombies. The Zombies managed to win today, with wins in Yooyuball and Shootout Showdown, but the Faeries were the real victors today, doing much better than expected with two draws against a Zombie team who swept the top Marauders only a few days ago. With the performance the Faeries managed better than most of the teams below them, and stayed firm in the fourth tier.


That’s it for today! The second round is almost over, but that doesn’t mean the action has died down! We have exciting matchups tomorrow that include the Ninjas and Zombies, the Minions and Roos, the Knights and Marauders, and the Faeries and Fossils. Until next time, I’m Link. Make sure to stick with TDN, your number one source for everything neopets!</p>

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I can kiss first tier goodbye. Why didn't I stay with Meridell!? Why!?





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I can kiss first tier goodbye. Why didn't I stay with Meridell!? Why!?


I'm going to DC regardless next year. Layton, here I come!


I am so sorry. Best case senario, we come 5th and they 6th etc :D


Looks like I'm stuck with Maraqua for another year. ACVI, here we come!!!!!!!!!

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Good job to the four teams that sweeped yesterday! Also, I can't believe there are only two days left of the DRR. The finals are just around the corner, eee! LD and DC better remain first and second (hopefully respectively) so that we don't play each other in the semifinals. I want to save that for the uber-finals!

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