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Lab Map Question

Lights and Buzz

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Alright, so I never really understood the Lab Map/Lab Ray. What does it do? How do you get the pieces (can you buy them, trade for them, etc)? How much does each piece go for? How much would it be all together?

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Lab Ray can randomly change your Pet Species, Colour, level, Strength, Defense, Movemnt and can be used once per day.


Each Piece cost between 50k and 100k (7 pieces are about 50-60k 2 are 90k)


Or you can buy the whole thing for about 600k


If you are looking to paint your pet a certain colour though, go for the paintbrush, but a lab ray is a useful thing, i think that it cannot paint plushie, royal and maybe other colours,


But you can get some lab only colours like chocolate

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Having to aces the lab ray is a good thing! I like it alot and i dunno what i would do without it! Of coarse i got this the first year when i started playing neopets..........whoa and thats a long time o_O

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Having to aces the lab ray is a good thing! I like it alot and i dunno what i would do without it! Of coarse i got this the first year when i started playing neopets..........whoa and thats a long time o_O


How much did it cost back then? I want to use it to get an ice Xweetok, but I don't like spending a lot. I'll go on a spending spree when I get the Adam avatar.

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Try and only post in a topic if the last post was less than 14 days ago =) In this case, it wasn't. Only post if it's something significant to add.


Oh, and most of the stuff is covered Lab Ray article on the site (http://www.thedailyneopets.com/articles/secret-laboratory/) - that's why it's there, so please use it ;)


Topic closed, it seems the questions have been answered.

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