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Hello hello :) My name is Linda, and I just registered here. I recently returned to Neopets after a long break, and instantly got hooked again (I can't even remember why I left *lol*). I registrered on Neopets over 9 years ago, and it sure has changed a lot since then :)


Hmm what else... I'm 31 years old (eep! how did that happen? I could have sworn I was 21 yesterday...) and I'm from Norway. Oh yes, and I'm a 'crazy cat lady' according to everyone else. Just because I'm single and have 5 cats :P



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Welcome to the forums. :) I'm Spritzie. I came back last July after a couple year break, and I'm definitely re-addicted as well. I've been on almost daily since then. My account is 8 years now. (Your Plushie Kau is adorable. I love Kaus.)


What types of cats?


I have one cat. (Brown tabby.) Then there's always my sister's cat, Brown tabby as well. (He's in my signature)

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Welcome to the forums, Linda. I only have three cats (on my lookup). Birmans are really beautiful. One of my neighbours has one. I'd love to steal her, but that would be mean.

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Hi Linda

I have one cat....that's more than enough for two reasons.

One: She would probably severely injure any other cats, not to mention us, and

Two: My dad is allergic to most cats(and milk), but ours doesn't seem to bother him.

Have a goods time here, and be sure to check out my series in the forbidden letter game, and even post yourself

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The cats are Birmans :) My sister also has cats (one brown tabby, one blue tabby and a red tabby) so I guess it runs in the family ^_^


Those are beautiful. My husband and I want to get a Bengal someday. Or one of the other very exotic/wild looking cats.


It runs in my family too. My sister and I never had pets growing up. She got a cat while she was married. When she moved somewhere she couldn't have it, we took him in for 9 months. I got so attached, I begged my parents for one. And my parents adore him.


Welcome to the forums, Linda. I only have three cats (on my lookup). Birmans are really beautiful. One of my neighbours has one. I'd love to steal her, but that would be mean.


I always tell my sister every time I visit her, not to be alarmed if Rio is missing when I leave. :laughingsmiley: I miss him so much.

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