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I was wodering what other people are addicted to. I am addicted to music, photography, film, internet, myself, Halo multiplayer CTF, comedy, and potato chips. That's all I can think of for now. By the way, it's 1:19 AM where I live right now and it's a school night and I can't sleep. :oneeyed02: :sleeping_02: :sleeping_03anim: (: :tired: No more smilies, now...

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Let's see... I'm addicted to the internet, making graphics, dark chocolate, sugar (haha), music, and... the internet. yeah... I love the internet, I spend at least 1/12 of my day on it when I'm busy, and 1/6 when I'm not.

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I'm addicted to Skittles Sours,these really nice things which they don't sell in jumbo bags anymore, Frank brand ginger beer and the FF series.


Aaaand,just for the sake of it,TDN!

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Im addicted to:


1) OMG .. ICE CAPPICINOO like *drool*

2)MUSIx like cant live without that

3) Computerrr

4) ICE CAPPICINIOOOOO again..*drools*

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AAAAhhhhhh, too many puns there Metroid.


I would like to add something to my list:

-TV i'm addicted to the TV.....i've got my computer right next to it, so I can be on both at the same time!

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You are the wierdest person I know....I think (but I only know people on my computer, becuase I never get up!


Well, keep it up, its always fun just to read your posts!

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I'm addicted to

1) Neopets

2) anime and manga

3) internet


5) soda

and 6) my cats


Yeah. That's about it. Oh, and annoying others. Namely fourms members. :P

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5)Staying Alive

6)Tormenting others

7)Trying to stop eating turkish food

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*rolls eyes* I chose to get the Christmas Pokeball and kept Mew up. Not beacuse I don't like Celebi, but beacuse green went better on that side and Mew is a little stronder.

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Hmmm... I guess Im addicted to :

1- Neopets

2- TDN

3- Reading

4- Sleeping

5- Candy and Chocolate

6- And, lastly, heroin! JK

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Addiction is a bit of a strong word. I think 'like a lot' would have suited this better. I suppose the list below is really just things I'd like to cut back on:


1. Coffee - yeah, I'm admitting it. <_<

2. Neopets - I'm spending too much time bumming around.


So, really, it's a small list. :)

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I'm addicted to a lot!


1) My girlfriend

2) Beer (not a real addiction. I drink a little at family parties)


4) Snow

aww, our little Mikey's growing up and in love
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