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wireless connection help


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so, my wireless router has failed. It was working fine for quite a while, but now all of a sudden it stopped working. Now I have to use my crappy living room computer. Any help?

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First of all, I need to know the name of your wireless router and also your settings for it. There have been instances in the past where settings have been wiped thanks to updates. I also need to know the computer brand. Then we'll go from there.

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Indeed, router brand and model are pretty much essential for any meaningful troubleshooting, so provide us with those and we can get started. ;)


We'll also probably need a little more information on the nature of the problem. What do you mean by 'stopped working'? Does the router no longer turn on? Or can you no longer establish a wireless link to it? Or can you connect to it, but not get a working internet connection through it?

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actually, I just rebooted the router and now it works fine, so yay! :P

keep topic open just in case there are future difficulties

Ah routers, they're such fickle machines at time. I was actually wondering whether to ask if yours had been struck by lighting. xD

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I feel awful when it comes to routers. When I got my first router, I bought the replacement plan at Staples... So, when updates or anything else causes the router to not work properly, I just bring it in and get a new one instead of fooling around with it! I feel so lazy, lol!

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