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excitement: 500 np

slime: 100 np

knowledge: Did you know...

monotony: Is still spinning A lottery ticket ^_^


Excitement: 500 np and no avatar

Slime: 250 np

Monotony: in progress and I didnt see my last prize because I accidentaly shut down my computer! :sad01_anim: Silly me.


The Wheel of Monotony


You got a lottery ticket! This item does not appear in your inventory. What has happened is you are automatically put into the next lottery drawing. If you win, you'll be neomailed!


This prize was awarded to magnificent_leo for a wheel spin on Thursday, July 8th, 2010 11:05:59 am NST.


This was awarded over 4 hours ago.


Knowledge: Wisdom


Mediocrity: Congratulations!!! You win a Petpet: Searex. Cool! :laughingsmiley:

Knowledge: Free spin, and then... another free spin! It's a sign. I'll stop and keep my 500NPs, thank you very much.

Slime: 225 NPs

Excitement: nothing, because it's being renovated! ARGH! I hope we get a Faerie to stand there while the wheel spins, like the new Knowledge wheel. It's really pretty, but does anyone else find that it lags a bit? I'm on my not-so-great computer though, so it might just be me :rolleyes_anim:

Monotony: Still spinning, after like an hour o_O UGH. Can anyone re-post that link where it lets you see what your prize would be if you were to collect it when it stops?


Slime: 500 NP

Excitement: Broken

Misfortune: 90 np

Monotony: in progress...


Gah, this broken wheels thing is annoying me. I want my Excitement avvie!


Slime: 150 NP

Excitement: Broken

Misfortune: Pant Devil comes and steals my Conservancy Newsletter


I have started spinning Misfortune because I realized that I dont have the avvie! :rolleyes_anim:


Slime: 175 NP

Excitement: 297 NP (the NEW wheel!!)

Misfortune: Von Kougra Plushie


No Excitement avvie but it was cool spinning the new wheel!


Mediocrity: Broken

Slime: 200 NP

Excitement: 500 NP

Knowledge: Knowledge


I can't wait to get 20k on the Wheel of Excitement. That will be awesome.


Slime: 250 NP

Excitement: 500 NP

Misfortune: The Pant Devil appears and steals your Lenny Crosswords! :(


Slime: 500 NP

Excitement: 2500 NP

Misfortune: 100 NP


No Excitement avvie. :sad01_anim:


Misfortune: Sloth Faerie Plushie

Excitement: Healed my pet

Slime: 250 NP


No Excitement avatar. :(


Slime: 600 NP

Excitement: 313 NP

Mediocrity: Broken

Knowledge: Knowledge


I'm just glad the ? on the Wheel of Excitement is worth more now.


Knowledge: advice from the Ixi

Monotony: Wheel of Monotony T-Shirt (I always land on the paper lol!)


Waiting for Mediocrity to upgrade, not trying the other wheels anymore since I already have their avatars.


Slime: 200 NP

Excitement: 500 NP

Knowledge: Sroom Fruit

Mediocrity: Broken


I've never seen a Sroom Fruit before.


Slime: 150 NP

Excitement: Chickaroo :sad02: My poor softyarya.

Misfortune: AVATAR!!!! YAYYYYYY!


But I didnt get the Excitement avvie.

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