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The Legend of Zelda


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Ooh,the one where you start off with a shield,go down to the beach,pwn some tentacle dudes and find a sword.


If you haven't figured it out by now,I have no idea what the title was...

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twighlight princess already came out....o_O


i really want the wii....

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Geez the only Zelda game i hve a something something a Link to the past..hehe and ifinishd it... that was a good game though :)

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Ooh,the one where you start off with a shield,go down to the beach,pwn some tentacle dudes and find a sword.


If you haven't figured it out by now,I have no idea what the title was...


Link's Awakening. I FINALLY finished it, I kept getting interrupted and deleted.

And Wind Waker, though long, looked cool and was so.

*sigh* I'll have to talk my brother into getting Twilight Princess [fanfare :woot: ] for me for GC, maybe as a Christmas present or something. I just blew a couple hundred on a new, *pink* DS lite. *and Nintendogs*

One of the guys in the dorm has a Wii and the game, sometimes he plays it and It. Is. Awesome.

wow, long post...

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:( Wind Waker is the only Zelda game that I don't currently own (for a system I actually have, that is). I want it, but I don't want to pay a lot for it, because I find the art style creepy rather than cute and I doubt I'll play it more than once...


My favorite Zelda game would be Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask for the N64. I don't think I could pick between them. :*

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