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Geraptiku - Deserted Tomb


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That's definitely no treasure. A giant monster leaps out from the darkness and begins chasing you, all the while thinking about the best way to cook you for dinner. You should probably continue running.

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That's definitely no treasure. A giant monster leaps out from the darkness and begins chasing you, all the while thinking about the best way to cook you for dinner. You should probably continue running.

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That's definitely no treasure. A giant monster leaps out from the darkness and begins chasing you, all the while thinking about the best way to cook you for dinner. You should probably continue running.



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And, while you were thinking that and not paying attention, you set off another one. You watch as the arrows fly right at you, but luckily Aitvara was paying attention and pushes you out of the way just in time.


But while you're safe, Aitvara suffers a bit of damage and loses some HP.

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That's definitely no treasure. A giant monster leaps out from the darkness and begins chasing you, all the while thinking about the best way to cook you for dinner. You should probably continue running.


Edit: Yipee. Post #150. I am now eligible to apply for two more lending chains and increase my avatar count. :)

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You yell out in disappointment. This room is the treasure chamber you've been looking for but you discover that someone has gotten to the treasure before you. You could devote the rest of your life to finding this person and writing them a stern letter, but you have to get out of here first.

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And, while you were thinking that and not paying attention, you set off another one. You watch as the arrows fly right at you, but luckily Aitvara was paying attention and pushes you out of the way just in time.


But while you're safe, Aitvara suffers a bit of damage and loses some HP.

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That's definitely no treasure. A giant monster leaps out from the darkness and begins chasing you, all the while thinking about the best way to cook you for dinner. You should probably continue running.

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You yell out in disappointment. This room is the treasure chamber you've been looking for but you discover that someone has gotten to the treasure before you. You could devote the rest of your life to finding this person and writing them a stern letter, but you have to get out of here first.

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That's definitely no treasure. A giant monster leaps out from the darkness and begins chasing you, all the while thinking about the best way to cook you for dinner. You should probably continue running.



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You yell out in disappointment. This room is the treasure chamber you've been looking for but you discover that someone has gotten to the treasure before you. You could devote the rest of your life to finding this person and writing them a stern letter, but you have to get out of here first.

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And, while you were thinking that and not paying attention, you set off another one. You watch as the arrows fly right at you, but luckily Misdreavus22 was paying attention and pushes you out of the way just in time.

But while you're safe, Misdreavus22 suffers a bit of damage and loses some HP. :thumbsdown:

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That's definitely no treasure. A giant monster leaps out from the darkness and begins chasing you, all the while thinking about the best way to cook you for dinner. You should probably continue running.

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You've found it. You've found the treasure of the Lost City of Geraptiku. People you've met once will now be writing to you asking to borrow Neopoints. It's every Neopian's dream.


You search through the treasure and take back what you can carry.




You also stuff 1,002 Neopoints in your pockets!

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And, while you were thinking that and not paying attention, you set off another one. You watch as the arrows fly right at you, but luckily softyarya was paying attention and pushes you out of the way just in time.


But while you're safe, softyarya suffers a bit of damage and loses some HP.



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That's definitely no treasure. A giant monster leaps out from the darkness and begins chasing you, all the while thinking about the best way to cook you for dinner. You should probably continue running.


Got nothing per usual today... :(

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And, while you were thinking that and not paying attention, you set off another one. You watch as the arrows fly right at you, but luckily softyarya was paying attention and pushes you out of the way just in time.


But while you're safe, softyarya suffers a bit of damage and loses some HP.


Two days in a row? C'mon!

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You've found it. You've found the treasure of the Lost City of Geraptiku. People you've met once will now be writing to you asking to borrow Neopoints. It's every Neopian's dream.


You search through the treasure and take back what you can carry.




You also stuff 1,252 Neopoints in your pockets!

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You yell out in disappointment. This room is the treasure chamber you've been looking for but you discover that someone has gotten to the treasure before you. You could devote the rest of your life to finding this person and writing them a stern letter, but you have to get out of here first.

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That's definitely no treasure. A giant monster leaps out from the darkness and begins chasing you, all the while thinking about the best way to cook you for dinner. You should probably continue running.

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That's definitely no treasure. A giant monster leaps out from the darkness and begins chasing you, all the while thinking about the best way to cook you for dinner. You should probably continue running.



I want the avatar!!

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You yell out in disappointment. This room is the treasure chamber you've been looking for but you discover that someone has gotten to the treasure before you. You could devote the rest of your life to finding this person and writing them a stern letter, but you have to get out of here first.

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