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Yeah, Dreams can be crazy scarty or anything, I mainly have really weird crazy dreams, had 2 this week


1. Couple of months ago, i hosted a BBQ (Real life) and my friends found a hollow spot in my garden, so i had a dream one day i just dug up my garden and found a time machine, i stepped inside, then woke up. very crazy indeed.


My second is the craziest i think


2. Peaceful day, everything went normal, but then a giant robotic penguin with rockets, guns etc on it, me and my friends was just camping waiting till the next day so we could attack, but then i died and woke up.


So they are my craziest 2 Dreams, so this board is just shriong the miost craziest dreams you have had, immature or normal, doesn't matter, just share your own

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wow that is quite crazy...

well i dunno if mines were crazy but ive had

plenty of dreams xD

like ive always had ones where i dream im gettin up and goin to school..but then when i actually wake up im like...wait...wasnt i at school? xD

ive had ones where im in anime....weird...xD

ive had nightmares where i actually felt for instance this one wit a vampire..i felt like it bit me...

OOOO my weirdest/craziest one BY FAR was when i was wit my class and we were in like a park or something on a trip and then i went to some cave thing and then there were like SWARMS OF COCKROACHES and i didnt see the queen cockroach and they all started to bite my right leg, and the SCARY PART was when my leg actually twitched in REAL LIFE and i woke up...xD

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I had a dream that my P.E. coach locked me in the gym. So I had to walk out the back door. Next thing I know, I'm at some random campsite with my parents and our RV. Our neighbor gives us a baby horse and I name it Missy.

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A looooong time ago I had a dream where I was being chased by raptors in my school. Like a Jurassic Park kinda of a thing. I think I woke up screaming bloody murder.


Another time I was dreaming about having to go to the bathroom really bad in a friends house - in my dream friends house. And I could not find the toilet at all. Just as I was about to just about to give up, I painfully woke up when I ran into the hallway wall.


Although about maybe a year ago, I stopped having dreams that I could remember in the morning.


But if you want to talk about weird dreams, my once babysitter had a weird dream. She told us that when she was little she had this dream about Barney chasing her around the neighborhood of make-believe and was scared of Barney ever since. (We later tested that out with a Barney puppet and made her cry - I still feel terrible :()


Edit: I was a terrible little brat as a kid.

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Once, I dreamed about me studying at some institute with my friends and well all of the sudden the sky went dark and it started to rain. I heard some rumbling and me and my friends went outside and we saw a T-Rex chasing people o_O. Then we saw a whole bunch of other dinosaurs. The problem with my dreams is that they feel SO real that I can feel when I get hurt so you know... I wake up very scared when that happens.

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For about four years I had one really scary recurring dream... then all of a sudden it just stopped happening. It was unusually long and detailed for a dream, and just about every night it was the same thing, or I'd see a little more or a little less than the previous time, or maybe see something from a different angle. I'm hoping to eventually write it into some sort of story. ^_^

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Omg i had a dream where my whole family was murdered by a masked man right, and i was under the bed, and then the scene changed and i saw a dinosaur in the city :S . That happens to me alot.. my dreams switch everytime [on the same night]. :mellow:

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The ultimately weirdest dream I had was after I watched 'The Black Cauldron'.

I was seeing it like a movie, so A new species of crocodile called the 'Boggart' had taken over the world. There was a resistance movement against them and they were all talking animals. Somehow I talked to the leader, a hog called Admiral Hogwash, and he sent assassains to kill some of the Boggarts. Then the boggarts tracked Plinky, a fox to a log-bridge over a waterfall, he broke the bridge and took all the boggarts with him. Then..... I woke up.


Pretty creepy and weird, huh?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't remember any dreams recently (I know I've had them though), but had a really neat one I wrote down. I had just arrived at a boarding school I was going to be attending and the whole place was given over to evil. It was really old, made of stone and there were intricate carvings everywhere. A couple other students and I found each other and we were looking at the carvings looking for any indication that good was ever there (hope to recover the place for good). We found one that looked hopeful. While we got carried away with what we were finding we were found by the guards and told to leave the area we were in. We left but soon one of the guards came and took away one of the two students and then another came and took the other. I realized I'd be next and so left and changed my appearance (hat, coat, backpack, etc.) and then went and checked into the dormatory. There was more to it than that, but it was rather fascinating and intricate (symbols, clues, etc.). You've got to wonder how our minds come up with this stuff. :)

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Another Weird dream I had was set in London and my primary school, Dinosaurs had been cloned again and they were chasing everyone, and then I got into my school Gym and a T rex chased us. Then Big writing in front of me said , "LEVEL ONE COMPLETE. DINOSAURS RELEASED- SAUROPODS, GIANT SAUROPODS, AND GIANT CARNIVORES."


But that isn't as weird as the next one,

It was set in London, I was in my primary school english class, there were dinosaurs everywwhere even inside the classroom.


Another one was when I dreamt I got eaten by Godzilla and ended up talking to my best friend asking the best way out, which meant having mud and spikes stuck on you. Then the simpson's house floated away on the sea.

The last one was craziest. :P

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