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I'm just wondering if anyone has found another site to keep track of the items collected for the SDB pack rat avatar. The Jellneo site that did it isn't right now.


I started collecting stuff on my own a little while ago without the help of a list, and I just kept on sorting through my SDB whenever my number of items didn't match my total number of items in there. It was a little tedious at the beginning but now just to make sure I always check before I put something in there to make sure I don't have duplicates. It's kind of a process but it's just natural now, it doesn't really take that much extra time to keep track. I find it's good to keep another page open with your SDB so when you go to buy things you can search to see if you already have it.


Now I'm just over 500 items and I started to get some things off the Jellyneo list, since I started to get kind of stuck for ideas. But a lot of things on that list are actually pretty expensive (about 300NP) but I'm trying to spend under 10NP for items.


A good place to go for 10 free things per day is the Money Tree in Neopia Central (just make sure you're a fast clicker ;)) and after that scour some shops for cheap items. Key Quest and the dailies are good places to get free items too.


That's very true. I pretty much keep every item I find unless its worth a bunch of neopoints that i can sell it for. I'll check out the money tree. Thanks for the advice.


I pretty much keep every item I find unless its worth a bunch of neopoints that i can sell it for.

I'm doing the same :laughingsmiley: except I still occasionally mourn over all the items that went through my hands before I even knew this avatar existed. I definitely would have had it by now if I collected from the start :sad02: haha oh well. Best of luck with it!


I'm doing the same :laughingsmiley: except I still occasionally mourn over all the items that went through my hands before I even knew this avatar existed. I definitely would have had it by now if I collected from the start :sad02: haha oh well. Best of luck with it!


I know, me too! It sucks. I just found out about it yesterday. After selling a bunch of stuff I had held onto in my safety deposit box from advent calenders in 2005.


I didn't use a list when I was going for the avatar but one thing that helped me was buying 10 items a day at the Igloo Garage Sale. There stuff if usually pretty cheap and once you've gotten the avatar you can make a pretty nice profit off of the stuff that you bought there.


After selling a bunch of stuff I had held onto in my safety deposit box from advent calenders in 2005.

:laughingsmiley: Oh no that must be infuriating! I'm so sorry... I only started like 5 months ago so it's not that bad for me.


... one thing that helped me was buying 10 items a day at the Igloo Garage Sale. There stuff if usually pretty cheap and once you've gotten the avatar you can make a pretty nice profit off of the stuff that you bought there.

Whenever I go there, the place is empty and they've got nothing for sale! Are there designated times I should go? That would double my free/cheap items intake for the day :rolleyes_anim:


Whenever I go there, the place is empty and they've got nothing for sale! Are there designated times I should go? That would double my free/cheap items intake for the day :rolleyes_anim:


It supposedly restocks 8 times an hour. I stalk there when I'm at work. I can make great profits. I recently bought a few times for under 200np, that sold for over 15-20k.


I just keep it open in a tab, and refresh here and there. A lot of days at work, I hit my 10 item limit before my shift is up.


Yeah, I have found it's always empty too. I guess the restock times are random. Boooo.


Yeah, I have found it's always empty too. I guess the restock times are random. Boooo.


And you have to be aware, sometimes, it restocks, right after it had previous restocked. That drives me crazy. I refresh, there's not a whole lot left, so I grab something semi-cool. And when I refresh 2 seconds later, it's filled with much nicer stuff... but by then, it's too late. When my waiting period to buy again is up, everything is gone. That's why I wait for better stuff now. And I've done really well with it. (I already have the Pack Rat avatar, so I do it strictly for profit now.)


When I got with a few hundred, I printed the list from the site mentioned (since it was going to be taken down) and went from there. Someone might still have the list on their computer. I also spent a little more on items I knew I'd want to keep. Instead of spending 30np on something I'd just try to sell later, I spent 200np or a bit more, on something I would have wanted anyways.


Instead of spending 30np on something I'd just try to sell later, I spent 200np or a bit more, on something I would have wanted anyways.

I like this idea. I just don't have the time to be stalking the garage sale unfortunately -__-;;


I wish I could because it sounds like you get some awesome stuff. Do you ever find anything like a paintbrush or some really cool neggs?


I haven't seen PBs, though I have seen PB plushies. There's a lot of plushies. I've gotten cool ones, like Starry Kau, Desert Kyrii, Disco Techo, Pirate Jetsam, White Cybunny, etc. There's occasionally petpets. Stamps. Lots of fun stuff. You just have to time it right. Since I'm online at work, I'm able to.


I'm not sure whether I've seen Neggs or not.

I just keep it open in a tab, and refresh here and there. A lot of days at work, I hit my 10 item limit before my shift is up.


I always keep a tab open with it as well and just keep checking it every once in a while.


And Hannah, whenever we play keyquest and it's your turn to roll, I check the garage sale haha. I sometimes get items during that time as well so it works out quite well. :D


I always keep a tab open with it as well and just keep checking it every once in a while.


And Hannah, whenever we play keyquest and it's your turn to roll, I check the garage sale haha. I sometimes get items during that time as well so it works out quite well. :D

Hahahah :laughingsmiley: good call. I'll have to try that out next time we play :P


Yeah, I've just got the Pack Rat avvy.

I just put in all the items I got from anything in there, I also when buying like something I wanted checked to see if there was anything cheap in there that I hadn't got and then bought that etc, bit of a scan a long you know. And also, the garage sale worked wonders too. I tended to get a lot of books from there or cards because I knew I didn't have any and you know that later when you sell them all you'll make a good profit. :)


I don't know if you guys do it or not, but the Underwater Fishing is a good place to get junk. (Though if you're checking shops for cheap stuff, you probably already have most of the stuff from there.) There's also the Petpet park daily prize. It often gives the same prizes. (There's 5 or so books, a few toys, and food.) If you do that daily, as well, that will add to it.


So I've been stalking the garage sale today, and I've already found a few items to stash in my SDB for cheap...


I make sure to do a quick check on the Shop Wiz to see how much item normally sells for to make sure it'll be profitable once I go to sell it. I got:


Pocket Calendar for 333NP, sells for about 3,000NP-7,500NP

Pickled Eel for 73NP, sells for 650-800NP

Light Faerie Pen for about 35NP, sells for 240NP-300NP


This is awesome! I get random stuff that I'm likely to not find anywhere else, for cheap, that I can definitely make NP off of later. Thanks for getting me acquainted with this place Spritzie ^_^


I haven't seen PBs, though I have seen PB plushies. There's a lot of plushies. I've gotten cool ones, like Starry Kau, Desert Kyrii, Disco Techo, Pirate Jetsam, White Cybunny, etc. There's occasionally petpets. Stamps. Lots of fun stuff. You just have to time it right. Since I'm online at work, I'm able to.


I'm not sure whether I've seen Neggs or not.


I just got a Bri Codestone at the garage sale! :D


EDIT: It was 400-something NP. (I didn't exactly check because I wanted to grab it ASAP.


I just got a Bri Codestone at the garage sale! :D


EDIT: It was 400-something NP. (I didn't exactly check because I wanted to grab it ASAP.


There's not really time to check prices before you buy, unless it's like a furniture item, like the blue sofa, basic purple table, stuff like that. They usually stock over 15 of those. I just try to use my judgement on what I think would be worth it.


Codestones are always good. I think at the cheapest, they sell for around 3k.


Haha, i think this conversation got a bit off-topic. I was asking if anyone had any ways to keep track of how much they have. I see these counters in peoples names saying how close they are to the avatar. But it is helpful to here there suggestions too :D


Are you wanting ways to keep track of how much you have? Or what items you already have? What I would do, if you want to keep track of what you already have, is do a search, perhaps on Google, for just a list. A site might have one. It might not be a checklist that you can actually mark off, like the TDN avatar list, but you could print it, then mark them off yourself. That's what I did.


That could work. The problem is I just have a few things that are more than one in number, and so I can't just look at my SDB count to see if I have doubles accidentally.


There's 2 totals at the top, when you open your SDB. One says Items. (For example, mine says 895) then there's Qty. (Mine is 1,336) That means I have 895 different items in my SDB, but with having duplicates, I have a total of 1,336 items total in there.


Does that help?


Oh no no, I get how to figure out how much I really have. It's just that when I accidentally put a double in, i want to know so I can take it out. So was wondering if there was a thing that would just tell me the item was already in there before I put it in without realizing it's already there.

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