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As the title suggests, I am hosting a MysteryPic Competition (MPC) myself. It will not be as hard as TNT's, 'cause I don't have the time and patience to do so, and I DO want some of you guys to guess correctly (or answer, if you are not guessing).


Most important,


1. I, prioryofsion128, will be the only one posting pictures for this competition. I won't make someone else suffer from this job.

2. Each round lasts for 2 days.

3. At the start of the round, I will post along a hint. A hint to where to find the picture/what the picture is about.

4. All pictures are from extracted from neopets.com, and they won't be secret-or-hard-to-reach places or items. They are so common that every one can do so.

5. You may work together, but do so in your MSNs, YMs, PMs, etc. Not in this topic. I don't care.

6. Each participant may only have 3 guesses per round. I WILL COUNT. I'll increase the number when I find difficulty in finding someone to get it correct

7. I'll release a hint 1 day after the round is posted, which will lead you one step closer towards the answer.

8. I won't release the extra hint IF no one guesses after I post the picture.

9. This competition will last for about 2~3 weeks, I'll see to the number of participants and their will.

10. The time used will be NST (Neopian Standard Time), which will be fair to all.

11. You have to answer the full name, just like in Neopets, I won't be exact, but you have to be able to point out where the picture is taken from.

12. I will post the original picture with a box around the area I have posted once the round has ended so that it will be fair.

13. For the first signed-up to give the correct answer, I'll award him 2 points. For the first runner up, I'll award him 1 point. Points will be accumulated. Prizes seen below.

14. Non signed-ups can also play, but will not be able to receive any scores or prizes, even if they acheive first or second.

15. When a round is ended, I'll post up the results for every one.

16. I have the final decision. (Relax, I won't be harsh, nor I will purposely judge wrongly.)

17. Please PM me if you find any rules I have missed that might result in gray areas.



1. If the picture shown is from an item, the FIRST to get the correct answer will win that item.

2. If the picture shown is not from an item, the FIRST to get the correct answer will win a random item from me (It won't be worth too little.)

3. The user with the highest cumulative score will win a special prize from me, most probably, a paintbrush.



Please sign up with this given form.


TDN Username:
Neopets Username:


It is about 9:30 am NST 29 Nov when this is posted, and sign-ups will be available for 24 hours, until 7:00 am NST 30 Nov. Please join!


Current Signed-ups:



Ratiki the Raddish God

The Penguin Queen









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TDN Username:Ratiki the Raddish God

Neopets Username: fimmina10


TDN Username: animetriplicate

Neopets Username: animetriplicate


TDN username: Mini-chan

Neopets username: kyokyokun


is the TDN username the one ya'll see?


Hey guys and gals, I am very impressed.


Please note that I have shortened the time for sign-up 'cause I HAVE to sleep earlier. ^^ Grasp your chance!


Sign-ups are now closed. Let's get it started!


Round 1 Begins!



Hint 1: OZaI

Ends at: 7:45 am NST 2/12


I'll reveal another hint at about 7:45 am NST 1/12 (please read the rules carefully). OFF YOU GO!


Hmmm... Is it a pile of dung?

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