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Howdy, folks. Some pretty groovy news, we have for you.


After some major donations, we've hit the 1.6mil mark - enough for a very much sought after FQD (for the Queen Fyora avatar, by the way).


The doll will be available for lending as soon as we buy it. :)


Thanks very much for all of your contributions - they are greatly appreciated.


We'll inform everybody of our next target as soon as we think one up. :)




The lookup will be updated when the FQD is in our hands. We'll also update here. So be the first to know when we get it by refreshing like mad at our lookup for the next... I don't know... week or so. Just to be sure. :P

So wat's the expected collateral gonna be?

Well, considering the item costs 1.6mill, it will start at that. That's the usual scenario, anyway. Of course, there are ways you can gain our trust... :P


It looks like all the donations finally got somewhere.


Might take a little longer, due to our offer being rejected in favour of someone elses. Don't worry, we're trying again and again until we get it...


Spare? What do you mean, to buy the FQD? Well, it costs around 1.6mill to get that, so around that.


However, thanks to some amazingly fantastic people, we've got an extra 400K to play with. ^_^


I read the box on the Neopets page....dude, any sort of table or chart we can refer to?


posts are a sign of trustworthieness! WOOT!


Congratz on the goal! I promise to get more stuff to you guys.


The exact way you can get the lowest collateral possible.


Look, we're getting off topic here, guys.


Indeed we are.


I've entered the FQD into the Available Items board, but it's just there for safe-keeping.

Please note that it isn't available until further notice.


Heh. That's just a bit of news from people that donated from that point. We've got you on our own private list. :)


In other news...

We've got it!

The Faerie Queen Doll arrived at approximately 2pm NST onto Jerrypteri's account and is now avaliable for lending! Hoorah!




@_@ Sparkly...very precious item...don't lose it!


YAY congrats to all of the future FQD avatar holders! someone remind me to donate later today when i get on neoets

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